Sunday, July 31, 2022

Chaos is more common in societies than we ever thought.


Chaos and order. They are the presence of the individuals of the groups. When we look at wild animals, and especially herd animals like buffaloes at first we see that all buffaloes are in a form. That seems random. They are grazing and enjoying their life. The fact is that in that herd the direction of the animals is ordered. They are all looking in a certain direction. 

And when they see some predator they give a warning sign. Then the herd starts to get the order. When buffalo sees a predator it must decide does it run or fight. If some lone cat is treating the herd the buffalo might want to fight. But a herd of big cats is too much. When those animals are getting a "warning danger" signal. They start to get certain orders. 

We are seeing that when something like lions is threatening the herd those animals are starting to run by following a certain order. That order is made to protect those big vegetarian animals. But it's also a sign for other predators and preys that lions are hunting. During that hunt, lions must leave their puppies unattended. And the eagles and some other predators like hyenas can steal those puppies. 

That's why lions want to end their hunt soon as possible. Every moment when lions are hunting their puppies is in danger. This is the reason why animals are screaming when they are under attack. The purpose of the scream is to call another predator to hunt that attacking predator. And turn its attention away from the prey. 

Same way lions are starting to follow certain choreography when they are searching for their prey. But no group is under attack all the time. When lions get what they want rest of the group can go for free. The free time means that buffaloes can also rest. During that time the buffalo herds are grazing. They are, of course, attended. But those animals are doing their things. 

That is the normal way to act in nature. When lions and other beasts are eating their prey the other, grass-eating animals have their free time. Of course, buffaloes are not the only grass-eating animals. And they are living in groups. Someday the lions will get other animals like gnus. Or they will select some other buffalo groups. If some animal group is often under attack there will become weak and old individuals to some other group or population. 

And then predators sooner or later choose easy targets. We must remember that predators are not hunting for pleasure. They hunt for a living. Without prey also predators will die. Buffaloes are dangerous also for their predators. If their horns will hit a predator that can cause dangerous injuries. So that's why predators are searching for weak and ill individuals.

To find out those weak individuals. The predators are following certain choreograph before they attack. But when an attack is done. The rest of the prey herd can rest for a while.  During that time those animals are not in order. They eat grass and enjoy their life. Until they will get a signal about danger. 

In an ecosystem, chaos is more common than people think. The herd animals seem very organized. But those animals are spending lots of their time in the unorganized form. So the ecosystem or society is organizing when they need that ability. The herd animals like lions, wolves, gnus, and buffaloes can organize their group when they need that ability. But those animals have also their own free time. During that time they are, taking care of their fur, and resting.

The space colonies are always extreme projects.

When we are trying to model things like some colonies far away from civilization we must realize that those colonies are extreme projects. Extreme projects require extreme people, who want to put everything into those projects. 

Only extreme people can handle things in extreme conditions. The colonies far away from the civilizations like cities are, of course, extreme projects. But those colonies are located on Earth. And those people can sail away from those colonies if something goes wrong. 

If something goes on the moon the rescue craft will come to the base after a couple of days. And that thing is that those couple of days might feel very long. There are planned hypothetical moon cities. Even if the gravitation on the moon is very weak those colonists can use so-called sumo suits for keeping their muscles in condition. So those heavy clothes can compensate for the weak gravitation. 

But when we are thinking about things like Mars stations the conditions are even more extreme. If something happens far away from Earth. There is nobody who can come to help. Even if something very bad happens the crew must wait until the next launching window for return. And the worst things are social problems. 

Maybe those problems are not with the first crews. Those people who are living in the first Mars and moon bases are very well selected. But if some nations want to exploit especially Mars and the asteroid belt that requires larger scale infrastructure. If explorations extend to Saturn and even Neptune and Kuiper belt that requires people who want to spend almost their entire life far away from the home. 

Maybe the future looks like this. 

When the mining industry turns larger.  That requires more people. The size of the bases is increasing. And sooner or later the first people will be born in space colonies. Earth is a distant and strange place for people who sees the blue planet only on the computer screen. 

And that means the size of bases will increase. So when the need for a workforce increases that means. Selectors must decrease the requirements of those people. And if the population of Mars increases to 100 000 or even a million people. There are always people who have some problems. And there is a possibility even of rebellion.

Can dark matter form black holes?

Theoretically, dark matter could create black holes. But that thing requires that the dark matter exists in the form of particles. And another thing that the form of black holes from dark matter requires is that dark matter exists. 

Confirmation that some black hole is formed from the dark matter requires that the black hole is not formed in the collision of neutron stars. So there must not be a neutron star collision at the point, where the black hole is formed. 

Or there are no supernova remnants around it. So that kind of black hole should form from emptiness. And a black hole can pull all supernova remnants inside it. 

There is also the possibility. That a supermassive black hole forms straight from the interplanetary nebula. In that case, that very massive nebula collapses because there is forming a gravitational center, and then it can form a black hole. 

In the same way, a black hole that forms from a neutron star collision should leave some kind of remnant of that event. But that black hole can pull those remnants inside it very fast. So there is no confirmed case where dark matter is suspected to form a black hole. The forming of the black hole from dark matter requires that there is some kind of glimpse that starts to pull dark matter around it. But that kind of black hole seems born from nothingness. So there is no confirmed case that dark matter forms black holes. 

Black holes are the most powerful and intensive objects in the universe. There is the possibility that dark matter can form black holes. And the singularity material where space and time are together is the third state of matter. But that matter can exist only in the black holes, where the gravitation pulls even light inside it. 

The fact is that gravitation is the only known interaction between visible and dark matter. There are galaxies there is no dark matter at all. And that makes the dark matter mystery more complicated than it should. The galaxies are giant transition disks around supermassive black holes. 

The born of a galaxy requires that the centripetal force will not rip the material disk around its center into pieces. So the mass of the center of the galaxy should be higher than the centripetal force that pulls objects away from it.  And of course, we can think that the dark matter dropped into the black hole that forms the galaxy. 

But in intensive gravitation, the material turns to a form that we can call a singularity. In singularity, the time and material are together. So that means the material that the dark and visible materials can form the same material. But that material exists only in the black holes. That material could have an ability to interact with both material forms dark and visible materials. 

The fact is that the form of dark matter is interesting. There is no other known interaction between dark and visible material than gravitation. So the theories about the black holes that are forming of dark matter are theories. The thing is that. We don't know can dark matter form any kind of black hole. There are theories that dark matter can be the virtual particles that are forming when gravitational waves are impacted together. 

Those impacts will rise the power of gravitational waves because gravitation is wave motion. And wave motion should always behave similar way. But there is one very interesting vision about the form of the gravitational waves. And that is if those gravitational waves are strong enough, they could form a black hole. But that thing requires extremely powerful gravitational waves.

Could time move backward if the universe's ultimate fate a big crunch?

"In our conventional experience, time always runs forward, and always does so at the same rate: one second per second. But if there's a link between entropy and time, and we could reverse the thermodynamic arrow of time, could all of that change" (BigThink/Will time run backward if the Universe collapses?)

The fact is that there are two versions of the time. The first version of time is the result of cosmic inflation. Cosmic inflation means that the space concerning wave motion and material, like particles, expands. That means the distance between particles expands. 

Big Bang released all energy, wave motion, and particles into the universe.  When the space turns larger, the distance of particles expands. And the quantum fields are turning weak. The universe is like a bubble in the middle of nothing. And that "nothing" pull the universe larger. 

In that case, time is visible in the vaporization of the material. Or otherways saying vaporization means that particles are turning to wave motion. There is a 2/3 possibility that the ultimate fate of the universe is that all particles to wave motion. And that means the universe continues its expansion forever. 

But there is a 1/3 possibility that the ultimate fate of the universe is the big crunch. That requires that the universe is spherical. And during the big crunch, the wave motion and distance of the particles turn thicker. During Big Crunch. The energy flow must turn backward. That means there must form some kind of thing like a hyper massive black hole or some kind of supervoid that starts to pull the universe back in. 

The process can go like this. At the first in the universe forms the area like Boötes void. Then some kind of galaxy was left in that void. After that, the void will collapse. And the collapsing void pushes that galaxy into one giant black hole. Maybe that kind of monster could stop the expansion of the universe. 

The energy level of the universe is turning higher. And that thing can cause. That material or particles would get back wave motion that it loses during cosmic inflation. This means the material itself turns younger. 

The time is the reaction when material turns to wave motion.  So the time is linear energy flow away from the Big Bang. Because the universe expands the quantum fields are turning weaker. Expansion of the universe causes all material or particles are sending wave motion. 

Whenever some particle sends wave motion it loses a little bit of its mass. And that energy flow continues until the energy level between the particle and space around it is the same. And that thing is not possible. Until all particles are turned to wave motion. 

But another explanation for the time is the linear series of things that are happening. We can turn material younger by pumping energy into it. Or actually, we can slow the aging of particles by pumping energy into them. 

The second version of time is the things that we are seeing. If we are dropping glass that class will be broken. But can things happen backward that we are seeing that glass jumps up from the floor? And then the glass will return to its form. That thing is a mystery. Time is connected with the vaporization of the material. 

But that version of the time doesn't seem to affect things that we see. Or of course, we have the thing called time dilation. Time dilation makes it possible that time moves backward, but does that affect the glass that is dropped from the table? Would that glass jump back to the table and back to one piece? This is a nice thing. But the fact is that we don't know if that case is possible. 

Time dilation means that time moves slower on objects that are in the energy fields or are stressed with energy radiation. In that case, the time dilation means that the particles will get an extra energy load. And they are turning brighter. So we can interact with them longer time than with lower energy particles. 

But if we want to think about the Big Crunch the time will dilate, because the energy level in the universe is rising. But if we want to turn time backward we must travel inside the black hole where gravitation will cause an effect where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. 

At the speed of light, the time dilation causes that time stops. The reason for that is that the wave motion cannot escape from the object. But the case that time moves backward requires that the object crosses the speed of light.


Saturday, July 30, 2022

Social withdrawal is one of the things that is causing discussions.

When we see persons who are social withdrawal. We must ask one very important question. Are those people alone, because of their own will, or are they kicked out from the team? If the person is somehow different, that thing can cause other people to want to close them out from their group. 

That thing can cause very big trauma for people who are trying to be social. If the only answer for the person who tries to come to talk with other people is silence or some "get lost" that thing can cause that person would not even want to talk with other people. The reason for social withdrawal can be that person gets bad feedback during the first years in school. 

Social withdrawal is one example of the things like complicated psychiatric diseases like autism and schizophrenia. There is a genetic disorder behind those things. And the fact is that autism and schizophrenia are the most complicated psychiatrical disorders in the world. There is the possibility that an autist would not say a thing in the day, but the same person can play some symphony after hearing it once. Or otherwise, an artist can draw a perfect copy of the things by seeing them only once. 

People like Albert Einstein claimed to have Asperger's syndrome. Which is one version of autism.  Schizophrenia is even more problematic than autism. There are remarkable people like John Nash and J. Robert Oppenheimer that had schizophrenia.

Also the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, Andrei Sakharov had schizophrenia. But there is suspicion that the KGB made that diagnosis for political reasons. Schizophrenic people can see things differently. But that diagnosis is also used for delivering people to work camps in the Soviet Union. 

The thing that causes social withdrawal in the cases when a person has schizophrenia is that those people are stigmatized as dangerous. In the cases of mental disorders, people are connecting those things with school shootings and other kinds of criminal behavior. The media makes sure that people know if some serial killer has some kind of mental disorder and that thing causes social isolation. 

The fact is that the autistic person's ability to communicate with other people is limited. Social contacts stress them because they must use more energy for being social.  And that thing causes problems with social contacts, and those people need also positive feedback for their attempts to make social relationships. 

Maybe medicals can also help, but social contacts are not replaced by using some chemicals. But what would you do if all answers that you get, when you try to discuss with other people are some kind of "get lost"? Would you want to make contact with other people after those things?

Rosenberg's innovative 3D printed space habitat gives an interesting-looking solution for technology and architecture.

"The Rosenberg Space Habitat is as an experimental lab for students designed to fit in a SpaceX Starship. (Image credit: Institut auf dem Rosenberg)"( 3D-printed space habitat prototype designed to fit inside SpaceX Starship lands in Switzerland)

This "space habitat" is located in Switzerland. And it's made to fit in the Space X Starship. That kind of space habitat can be a good simulation for making new structures for space flights.  If the Space X "Starship" is equipped with a greenhouse, that thing will increase its ability to operate in space. 

And then another thing is that the 3D printer technology is more multi-use than use regular technology. The 3D printers can also use for creating spare parts for machines. And those printers can also create new parts for the Starship if a meteorite impact damages it. 3D printing technology is a more flexible and powerful technology for spacecraft and space colonies. 

There is the possibility that things like ground vehicles can create by using 3D printers. And that brings a new type of vision to the mind of people. The 3D printed habitats can also use in remote areas. In those systems, the quadcopters that are equipped with the 3D printer systems can drop from cargo planes. And those 3D printers can create laboratories and sleeping barracks far away in the jungles. 

The problems in remote areas are similar to problems in space. There is no extra space in the complex or spacecraft. And if some spare parts are needed more than is calculated there is no way to order new spare parts. The system can recycle all materials in those areas. The broken parts can melt by using microwave systems and reused in the 3D printers. 

Those habits can use as laboratories far away from city areas. And if the printing technology is fast enough that kind of system can use to create hospitals in catastrophic areas. The ability to make 3D printed structures very fast is making a revolution in technology. In things like architecture, the 3D-printer systems are more flexible tools than ever before. 


Innovative "nano-robot" created entirely from DNA can explore biological processes.


Using DNA to build a “nano-robot” to explore microscopic cell processes up close. ( “Nano-Robot” Built Entirely From DNA To Explore Microscopic Biological Processes)

The new innovative nanorobot made entirely from DNA is one of the most innovative systems in the world. The DNA molecules are useful elements for nanomachines. Those nanorobots are used to observe biogenetic processes. 

But the same technology that is used to create the DNA-based structures can use for making artificial DNA and DNA-based biotechnology. The fact is this. DNA offers a very good tool for data transport over long distances. 

And the artificial bacteria can use as a biochemical qubit. The idea is that the DNA controls the bacteria that filaments are giving electric shocks or electric impulses. This bacteria or living USB stick can swim to the sensor. And then it can download data that is stored in the DNA to the computers and otherwise. When the computer needs to store data in the biological data storage it creates the artificial DNA and pumps it to that cell. 

There is the possibility that this kind of artificial bacteria can create neurotransmitters. Those neurotransmitters make it possible to drive information to the new half-organic microchips. In half-organic microchip is a living neuron that transmits data to the non-organic microchip or quantum computers. 

The bacteria can turn into a DNA-controlled miniature robot. And if researchers can make synthetic plasmids they can turn bacteria the multi-use tool. 

The use of bacteria as nanomachines could require that reseachers destroy their ability to create descendants terminating their heritable genetic material. So those bacteria would have only the DNA plasmids. 

When we are thinking about abilities. That artificial DNA can give to nanotechnology and biomedical research. The DNA plasmids are the brains of the bacteria. And by manipulating those DNA plasmids the researchers can make the bacteria that can work as miniature robots. They can use it to create new nanomachines if the required movement series can program in those DNA plasmids. 

Another thing is that the bacteria that fecundity is destroyed can use as tools for destroying tumors and other bacteria. The bacteria can program to attack other bacteria or cancer cells. And when its mission is done the programmed code in the plasmids can order bacteria to destroy themselves.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Quantum cryptography makes it possible to create unbreakable codes.


Things like BlowFish and TwoFish encryption are been begin to the development of quantum cryptology. The virtual model of quantum encryption uses the series of prime numbers along with some other numbers. For the multiplication of the ASCII codes. 

Those prime numbers can be so-called quantum prime numbers, and they can be decimal numbers that are involving thousands of numbers. So the creation of those numbers is difficult. But quantum computers changed the game. They can create those quantum prime numbers in a very short period. 

Quantum cryptology is like the use of imaginary numbers to create an encryption algorithm. But in the real quantum encryption process, the encryption key is stored in a physical form called a qubit. The qubits are physical components, and the hackers cannot get data from them without destroying those qubits. 

The thing that makes the quantum system very secure. Qubits can be photons, electrons, protons, quarks, or some ions. The information will load to qubit and the breaker must know, what is the thing that forms qubit? If the qubit is made by using protons the system cannot open data if it uses electrons or photons as qubits. The decoding key can be stored as an example in the Einsteinium ions and then the receiving system can get the decoding key from the quantum USB memory. 

In real cryptology, nobody sends the decoding key by using radio transmission. Same way as in binary systems. In quantum systems, the system can store decoding algorithms in quantum USB. Which is the thermos bottle where qubits are stored. And then the courier will connect that quantum USB to the system. 

There is made research for securing data transmissions by using ultra-radioactive isotopes. The highly radioactive isotope that exists for only a couple of seconds can use as crystals in oscillation circuits. When massage has left. Warming of the circuit destroys those crystals. 

If the decoding key is stored in the short-living radioactive ions those systems can be unbreakable. And the reason for that is the receiving system must know what kind of qubits is used for storing the encryption key.

Even if atoms or ions cannot use to transmit data in the quantum processors they can use to store the encryption keys. If the receiving system needs to open a message it requires the information on what kind of qubit the transmitting system used. 

Those quantum communication systems might have thermos bottles where the qubits that are storing qubits that are involving the decoding algorithms. The system must know what is the bottle. And where are certain qubits? And the transmitting system can say that the "decoding algorithm is in bottle 4". 

The algorithm can be stored in the short-living radioactive ions or atoms. And when it's downloaded to the system. The high temperature makes that ion vanish because of radioactive breakup. The system must not know what kind of qubit the data is stored. And short-living radioactive isotopes can be stored at zero kelvin temperature. 

The quantum encryption system can involve multiple internal systems. And the reason why it can use highly radioactive isotopes in ultra-secured data transmissions is that those isotopes are dangerous to handle. And that's why nobody can steal them. In some visions, the quantum systems could use antimatter as the qubits. When the system used that qubit, it will destroy it immediately.

The question about the health of Putin

There are lots of discussions about the health of Vladimir Putin. The image above is taken from the Finnish media. You can see two bruises on both sides of the nose just between the nose and eye. There seems to be some kind of pothole in the middle of those bruises. 

Another remarkable thing is that Putin seems too young like his skin would be elongated. The blood vessels are visible. And skin seems to be like paper. So is there some kind of plastic surgery behind those skin anomalies? But the bruises are a different thing. 

They can tell that Putin has some blood cancer. Normally bruises are along with fatigue marks of blood cancer. Or another thing that can cause this thing is liver cancer. If Putin used too much alcohol that thing can cause cirrhosis.

And if the drinking doesn't end that thing causes cancer or gangrene in the liver. The liver cleans the entire blood, and if there is cancer it will spread all over the body very soon. 

And that makes liver cancer so deadly. Even if cancer can be destroyed from the liver that cancer type sends the epithelium tissue all around the body. The epithelium consists of living cancer cells. And they can cause metastasis all around the body. So does Putin have cancer? That thing is a mystery. 

And even if Putin has cancer, that doesn't mean that nobody dares to tell that thing to Putin himself. Another thing is that maybe Putin started the war in Ukraine because he wanted that people are not talking about his successor of Putin. And maybe Putin wanted to turn people's attention away from his health. Maybe there is the infight going on in Russia. If that thing is true, the war will be a good place for hiding executions. All victims can claim being killed in the war. 


Stealth is the race of domination.

Image 1:) Su-35 during exercise

The Russian military claims that its Su-35 jets are sweeping out Ukrainian S-300 system missiles. There is no concrete evidence that this thing is done, but Su-35 is one of the most powerful jet fighters in the world. The Ukrainian war makes it possible that western researchers can get Russian fighters in their hands. 

And maybe Ukrainians are allowed to get the best Western weapons if they give access to the Russian jet fighters that are shot down or captured. One of the reasons why the Russians would not want to jam the GPS is claimed that Russians use that system themselves. But the problem with that scenario is that Western operators will know the position of every single Russian fighter. 

What researchers can get from that debris? They can get serial numbers of the GPS that is connected to the cockpit of the Su-35. That serial number can connect with credit cards. That used to buy that system. And another thing that trash can tell Western operators is where the microchips of that aircraft are made. And that material can make it possible to create acoustic weapons that break the core of the microchips. 

The speed of those GPS systems or their carrier platforms tells if that system is installed in the jet fighter. Russians can use some kind of plasma systems like low-yield nuclear warheads for covering the entire operational areas. But the problem is that plasma jams also Russian own Glonass system. If there is some kind of jamming system that makes this jamming operation the jammer is a good target for the anti-radiation missiles. 

Image 2:) J-20 Stealth fighter

Image 3:) KF-21 Stealth fighter

Those missiles can aim at the jammer systems as well they are homing to other radio transmitters. The use of jammers requires that the system knows the frequencies, that should be jammed. If those frequencies are not known the jammer is useless. The data security of the GPS is important for keeping those systems safe. And there is a possibility that the civilian GPS and GPS that are delivered to Ukraine use different frequencies than some civilian systems that are free to buy. 

Images 4 A and B. 

Up: J-31

Below:  F-35 

The race between the interceptors and counter interceptors is always going on. And things like stealth fighters and multi-role stealth systems are making that race more intensive than ever before. The fact is that stealth interceptors are the most powerful and at the same time more vulnerable than any aircraft before. If the material or stealth capacity is broken. That means a stealth fighter is a good target for missiles. 

There is the possibility that the enemy hides its ability to shoot down stealth fighters. And there is also the possibility that some stealth solutions are ineffective against other stealth systems. The Chinese analysts are trashing the new KF-21 fighter. That KF-21 has no match for the Chinese new J-20 stealth fighter. 

So how much real and confirmed data did those Chinese military analysts get from the South-Korean KF-21 stealth aircraft? The Chinese own next-generation stealth fighter J-31 seems very much F-35. There is claiming that there are lots of problems with that new stealth fighter. But there are problems to find neutral sources for that thing. That information is taken from U.S homepages. And they would not want to advise China more with this technology. 

And the fact is that many nations are developing anti-stealth technology that is basing the areal denied ability. Those systems are the high-power microwave transmitters that are planned to destroy the incoming fighter jets.

Image 1:)

Image 2:)

Image  3:)

Images 4 A and B:)


Inflation is not the only thing that affects prices.

Customers are wondering why prices in the EUR area are so high. One of the reasons is inflation. But that thing is not the only thing that causes rises in the prices. Another thing that affects the prices of products is the price of the cargo. And of course, how much product is offered for markets is affecting the prices. 

Things like wars in the production areas are causing the rise in the prices. Things like uncertainty are also giving negative signals and that causes the loss of money. If investors are not sure about the future they can take their investments off. And start to sell certain economical area's currency. And that thing increases inflation. 

Also if a certain economic area has a negative reputation because of corruption, bad human rights, or some other reasons. That thing causes inflation. The reason for that is the companies have a hard to market the products. That produced in that area. The thing is that when companies left Russia they left their merchandise behind them. And that decreases the profits. 

But otherwise making business in Russia can cause boycotts for the products. So it's wise to get out of that area. Governments ordered those sanctions. That means the profit that those companies took from Russia can cause problems. And authorities can even confiscate that money. And those people who continue that business can even be prosecuted for insubordination and actions against national interest. 

The thing that causes uncertainty is the Russian counter-reaction. Russia is not happy with the weapon supply to its enemy. And maybe it waits for winter. Maybe Putin thinks that closing the gas supply to Europe forces the west to its knees. The difference between Europe and Russia is that the Russian government must not care where people are living. 

And do they even have warm houses? That's why the Russian government can resist sanctions longer than western governments. But the thing is that closing borders and denying money transportation are the things that are making FSB operations in Western Europe more difficult. 

Things like the Ukrainian war cause there to be fewer grains for markets than usual. There is a possibility that Russians will disturb grain transportation. And that thing has already happened. That thing will increase the prices of the grain products. 

Things like the price of energy, and especially the prices of fuels like gas and oil are the things. That is causing the rises in the prices of the merchandise. When electric cars are turning more common that decreases the sale of fossil fuels. And this increases the prices of the things like diesel oil. 

Most oil tankers and cargo ships are using petroleum like diesel and other oil products. Also, heavy cargo vehicles are using diesel, and because sell of diesel decreases the oil company must fix their losses by increasing the price of oil products. 

Because the use oil products for traffic is decreasing. That raises the price of those products also in ships and aircraft. The negative attitudes to the fossil fuels like petroleum products are decreasing the use of those products. And that thing increases the price of the cargo. Also, expensive energy causes the storage prices will increase especially if the product requires cold storage. 

The new technological infrastructure requires investments in the electric network. Also finding replacing energy sources that can replace Russian gas and oil are the things that are causing the rise of the prices. Making new power sources like wind and wave energy plants. Geothermal energy plants require also investments. 

Uncertainty of the continuum of the electric and fuel supply from Russia are also things. That are increasing prices. There is the possibility that Russia cuts those supplies of energy and fuel. The fact is that the rise of the temperature on Earth is alarming. And melting of the ice of the mountains is increasing the rise of the temperature. So Earth needs fast action or we are in even deeper trouble than we are today.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The new stunning images of the JWST telescope show Jupiter's thunderstorms.

The image above this text introduces the thunderstorm far away from the Earth. Those creepy-looking creatures are the results of a thunderstorm in the Jupiter atmosphere. When flashes of lightning are flashing they rise the temperature in clouds. And then that thing forms those creepy-looking creatures. Some people might see man or walrus in those clouds that are far away from Earth. 

Could there be some kind of lifeforms in Jupiter's atmosphere? 

Astronomer Carl Sagan introduced that there could be hypothetical lifeforms in the clouds of that gas giant. Those creatures would be like medusas that float in the Jupiter clouds. They can use the heat near Great Red Spot or the heat of polar whirls as energy sources. There is no liquid water and carbon is stored in Acetylene in the atmosphere of Jupiter. But there is possible that the extremely light creature can float in Jupiter's atmosphere. But that lifeform would be far from lifeforms that we know on Earth. 

But there is no evidence of that kind of creature's existence. Those "living balls" are hypothetical creatures that are made to model what kind of lifeforms can exist in certain types of atmospheres and chemical environments. The surface temperature of the planet Venus is so high that eucaryotic bacteria will be destroyed immediately. 

The possibility is that on the dark side of Venus and high mountain areas of that planet are organisms that can use the high temperature of the atmosphere of that planet as an energy source. In the same way, the first organisms on Earth used inorganic minerals as a nutrient. They turned the minerals into the form that more advanced bacteria can benefit it.


NASA:s new mission to return samples from Mars astonish the world.

The new mission where probes are bringing samples from planet Mars to Earth can be even more interesting than the JWST telescope. For the first time in history. The mineral samples will be taken from another planet. And take it to a special laboratory.

And one of the reasons why NASA wants to make that mission is fossils that are found from meteorites. Those samples can answer was there some kind of bacteria living on Mars. There was water on Mars before it lost its lithosphere and there could live some kind of primitive procaryotes on Mars. If that thing is true the next question is where life was formed. 

The fact is that water is more common in the universe than nobody expected. And even if there is no free oxygen in the atmosphere of some planets the hypothetical lifeforms can create oxygen straight from water by cutting water molecules by using electricity. Those cells can form electricity by using similar cells that electric eels use to create electric shocks. And the electric cells can get their power from photosynthesis. The fact is this. 

The first bacteria on Earth were not vegetables or animals. They were photosynthetic creatures that could move. Free oxygen was poison for those bacteria same way it poison also to some anaerobic bacteria. So maybe that kind of creature formed also on other planets. And then impact with asteroid ended the story of the life on Mars. 

Maybe those samples that NASA brings to Earth can confirm that theorem. But there is the possibility that those fossils are not covering the entire red planet. They might exist only in places where was no ultraviolet radiation. And there is a possibility that samples are taken from sterile areas. 

And there is, of course, the possibility that those bacteria will not be found on those samples. That can tell that there was no life on Mars. But it's always possible that the rover that takes those samples accidentally collects stones where are no fossils by selecting them from next to stones where are fossils.


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

One thing about pressuring researchers.

Researchers are facing things like unsatisfying at least once in their life. There are always people who say that some research is not necessary, or there is a better place to put their money. Everything that does not support some people's way to see things. Is wasting of taxpayers' money.

When some researchers are making their research for the institutions like parliaments, there is sometimes a misunderstanding that those researchers should support the political atmosphere in that country.  So that thing means that research should support the politics and political line of the members of the parliament. These kinds of things are against the purpose of research. 

The research's purpose is to bring neutral and confirmed information for supporting decision-making. The purpose of research is not to support the political attitudes of people. So this is why people should understand that science and research are not democratic things. Even if we want to believe something, the evidence might be something else. And that evidence might be against the attitudes of most people. 

So the results of the research might be against the things that even researchers self wants to believe. And the results of the research might be against the national interest and even against the will of the big majority. When we are talking about things like national interest and especially national security we must understand a couple of things. 

There are no perfect solutions for those things. And the short-period benefit can also turn against the nation in the long period. When people are making decisions. They should realize that the political atmosphere can change very fast. Nobody can predict what is the great majority's opinion tomorrow. 

Another thing is that we should learn to see things that are happening the day after tomorrow. Some decisions might seem perfect. But they are always causing the counter-reactions. And that means we cannot please everybody in the world. So we should select the allies that are closest to our values. And the same way we should select do we want to make short-period decisions that kick back in the distant future. And believe me, many solutions might be easy to make. But they can turn very complicated and pressuring. 

One of them is to buy energy from a nation that doesn't care about international agreements. There is the possibility that this nation uses energy to pressure its neighbors. When neighbors are not pleased leaders of that country, its energy delivery ends immediately. 

When we think about Putin's way to make international agreements. Those agreements were meant to give Russians time to develop new nuclear weapons. Things like the Novichok strikes showed, that Russia still has a stockpile of chemical weapons. 

We must understand that energy dependence is the thing that attracts the use of that thing as a blackmailing tool. When some nations can use things like energy as a weapon or pressure tools we should understand that state uses energy as that tool

Jamming the GPS is not as easy as people think.

Russians are told that they can jam the GPS. The war in Ukraine has shown that jamming the GPS is not as easy as people think. The communication between GPS and satellite happens with multi-channel radios. So the system uses multiple frequencies at the same time. 

That's why jamming the GPS is more difficult than people expect. The data security of those systems is very important. And maybe NATO uses different GPS in exercise than in real situations. That makes jamming of those systems extremely difficult. 

When people are looking at the Russian sea-launch missiles they are not very accurate. There is the possibility that small drones or special warfare teams are taking the radar transponders to targets. That thing makes targets seem brighter on the radar of the missile. And people expected Russians have those transponders. That thing can give the radar-homing missile higher accuracy. But Russians seem to have not those transponders. 

The problem with HiMARS and other precision-guided weapons is that if Russians get one of them. They can find out those frequencies. Another thing is that Ukraine will not maybe need anything more than 20-50 HiMARS launchers. People always asked, why Ukraine would not get let's say about 300 HiMARS? Have you ever known about the apportioning of firepower? 

That means the firepower would be limited to the necessary level. The GPS tells the precise point of the HiMARS to the deliverer of the system. But there is always the possibility that some Ukrainian criminals try to sell those weapons to Russians. Those weapons cannot use against Ukrainians or NATO. But they can give information about what the Russians need to break the GPS. 

The answer is there is always the possibility. Those Russians capture those systems. Another fact about the HiMARS is that weapon manufacturers are making more of them if there is a need for those systems. When we are talking about the HiMARS and other types of weapons we must realize that the U.S stockpile of those systems is not public information. 

And there is always the possibility that some Wikipedia data about those systems is wrong. Another thing is that the only allowed sources for comments on the war are public data. Uncovering classified information can cause big problems for national security. So Wikipedia and some FAS.Org type pages are allowed sources. The classified and top secret files are not public sources. They are not also allowed to use in commentations. The links below this text are going to news that is in Finnish.


The good news; video games are improving brain activity and decision-making skills.

Video games are not a bad thing at all. They are improving their skills to make fast decisions. And they are also improving brain activity. Another positive thing with computer games is that they improve the language skills of the gamer. Those games are also improving the ability to follow rules. And those skills are needed in working life. 

There is a vision that video games can also benefit the teaching and education process. There is the possibility to send the lectures to gamers by using subliminal messages. That thing means that those systems can also drive information to the head of the gamer. Computer games are one of the most complicated things on the Internet. Those things are modifying our brains and making them create new connections. 

Those video games require fast decisions and flexible brain activity. But the problem is that there is no time for deep thinking. If we are thinking about the difference between shallowness of thinking and deep thinking we can use the old example of the glass of water. When a regular or fast-thinking person sees a glass of water it's enough that there is a glass of water. But deep thinker asks why there is a glass of water? 

Computer games can use to improve military tactics. And then another thing that video games can use to select persons that have certain skills that are useful for governmental and business life. 

When we are thinking about the problems of the internet and especially the shallowness of the information that people are using we must realize that our world is changing. The problem is that there is a lot of information on the internet. But people must learn to select the right and confirmed information from the net.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The reality in economics is that a boom cannot last forever.


The reality in economics is that a boom cannot last forever. And after the boom period, the downturn is inevitable. That is the law in economics. Even the largest marketing areas cannot maintain a boom forever. So the economical downturn in the EUR area should not be surprising. What sizes are the damages that the downturn causes? 

That depends on how fast it is. And how long the boom continued before the downturn. If the boom continues for a long time and then the downturn is very fast the results of that thing are devastating. That thing causes lots of bankruptcies and unemployment. The bad economical situation can turn worse if there is some kind of civil disorder or some kind of suspicion of the central government's skills and abilities to keep order and control the value of currencies. 

The case where inflation brings benefit is the case where inflation turns to deflation. Deflation is the anti-inflation where the value of the currency is increasing. If that thing happens soon after inflation and especially inflation adjustments that bring benefits for people. 

The thing that also causes suspicion is the loss of free information. The thing that accelerates inflation and rises in the prices of merchandise is the case that many people and companies are just moving their savings and investments to another country. When people are selling currency. That causes inflation. And inflation is not a good thing. 

When we are thinking about inflation and exporting merchandise. That means foreigners can buy our products at a lower price if they use some other currencies. But the problem is that inflation is seen in supermarkets and the prices of everyday products are increasing. And normal people are seeing that thing when they are going to the supermarket. 

If we want to get benefit from inflation that requires a situation where we can get more money from the products. Then the value of money must rise and the prices must turn low. That means only deflation brings the benefit from inflation. 

See terms: 





Is time another dimension?

The answer is no. Time is not just a dimension. Time affects in the same way in all dimensions if we think that time is an energy or wave motion flowing away from particles. When time started in the Big Bang energy started to flow away from the plasma ball that turned into the universe. Or actually, the universe is still the giant plasma ball. 

The reason, why the universe loses its mass is that at the far edge of the plasma the Big Bang was released. Nothing will break the speed of light or particles. There are no quantum fields that can put limits on the speed of particles. And outside the universe is the place where photons and all other particles can travel at the same speed. 

Because material at the outer edge of the universe is traveling faster than inside it. The universe loses its mass. But then we must realize that the time is different outside the plasma ball called the universe.

 Because there is no plasma or quantum field material vaporizes or turns to wave motion very fast. The thing that limits the vaporization is the energy that comes from outside to the particle. And there are no known energy sources outside the universe. 

But then we can think that the fourth dimension is the energy level where the particle lost its ability to interact with particles that are in the third dimension. So when the particle jumps to the fourth dimension the connection between it and the observer is lost. 

Observation is the same thing as interaction. And the loss of interaction between particle and observer means that observer cannot see that particle anymore. The fact is that material vaporizes or loses energy in the fourth dimension in the same way as it loses in the third dimension. 

When we are talking about time dilation we mean the phenomenon where time moves slower on the particle that moves faster. The fact is that also energy stress causes time dilation. And otherwise, we can say that time dilation is slowing the material's vaporization by increasing its energy level. The fact is that the energy pump to the material cannot continue forever. 

Sooner or later the energy starts to flow out from the material. And it turns into wave motion. It's theoretically possible, that some particles can exist forever. But, that thing requires that particles get more energy from somewhere. The fact is that there is no endless energy in the fourth dimension. 

The energy or possible material expands in the fourth dimension the same way as it does in the third dimension. The reason why particles can travel long distances in a shorter time in the fourth dimension is that the energy level of that dimension is higher. And time moves slower in that dimension. Theoretically, we could make material younger by just conducting energy to it. 

But the thing is that cosmic inflation causes that material is vaporizing. And for making material or particles that exist forever requires that energy is coming from the fourth dimension. The particle turns younger so long as energy flows into it. And the material is aging when energy starts to flow away from it. 

Three-dimensional objects have height, width, and depth. The vaporization or energy flow away from the particles or material continues until the material turns to a point called dimension zero. At that point, the only thing that is left is the point. In the second dimension, the particles or material is flat and there is only the width and length left. And in the zeroth dimension, the material also loses its width. 

And the only thing that is left is simply the point. But as I many times wrote. We cannot model the fourth dimension in the three-dimensional spacetime. We can create only objects that have height, width, and depth. 

We cannot model any other dimensions in the three-dimensional spacetime. We cannot make points without width or height. For creating a real 2D object. Or an object without height. That requires computer screens.  If we try to draw a 2D object we are facing one thing. The pen leaves a small hill on paper. And that's why making real 2D objects requires a computer screen.


Good and bad inflation.

Näytä lähdekuva

Inflation is decreasing the value of the currency. Sometimes some people say that inflation makes the interest of loans negative. That means the value of the currency drops so fast that the interest of loans cannot cover the loss of the currency's value. Maybe that thing is good for somebody, but that is a bad thing for banks. The interests of loans are meant to cover the expenses of the bank. 

So when the bank would not get what it calculated, that thing means that those negative interests are left as bad debt. The thing that if the private person gets to benefit from the loans of the inflation person requires the inflation adjustments for the incoming. 

The problem with inflation is that it affects the prices of every product. Inflation is increasing prices. And another term for that thing is that costs of living increasing. There is the tale that little inflation is tolerated and helps economics. Of course, that thing can be true. But that requires that people have currency loans. Or they can change their currency whenever the value of a currency is changing. 

When we are talking about the loss of the value of the currency, we can talk about two types of inflation. Normally inflation means the loss of the buying force of money. So the value of the currency is lost internally. But the value of the currency is stable to other currencies. 

In another version of inflation, the value of currency turns weak. In comparison to other currencies. The phenomenon is similar to devaluation, but that thing happens spontaneously. Term devaluation means that the outer value of currency turns weak in purpose. But the spontaneous devaluation where the currency loses its value spontaneously can describe as "outer side inflation". 

Controlling the changes in the value of the currency is the key element in economics. The inflation adjustments are the interesting thing. But they can accelerate inflation. The major reason for inflation is that. There is too much cash or free money in markets. 

So inflation adjustments can mean that the central bank just makes more money for the markets. And because there is less other property the value of money will decrease because there is more money for the property.

The ancient bacteria can tell what kind of lifeforms is on other planets?

"Artist’s rendering of the process by which microbes captured sunlight for energy with rhodopsin proteins. Credit: Sohail Wasif/UCR" ( Life: Ancient Microbes May Help Us Find Alien Life Forms). 

The thing is that. If the bacteria can capture sunlight for energy with rhodopsin proteins, that means there is quite a long-term evolution behind that thing. The first bacteria required the RNA or DNA molecule that orders it to create those proteins and also cell organelles that are made possible to create a membrane, ion pumps, and the energy creation molecules for that cell. 

Abiogenesis formed the first cells on the Earth. The reason for that is that there was no biomaterial on Earth. Biogenesis requires that there are cells and biomass. The creation of that biomass requires that there is some kind of bacteria or even primitive organisms. Those first organisms used non-organic material as a nutrient. So the alternative for abiogenesis is that life came from somewhere else in the Universe. There are Martian meteorites there are fossils of bacteria.

But the origin of those bacteria can be on Earth. Confirmation of the origin of those primitive, maybe cyanobacteria-looking fossils is impossible. Even if the primitive bacteria of the Earth came from Mars. That thing causes the question: how the life form on Mars? So that thing just moves that prime question farther. 

The Earth where the first microbes formed was different than it's today. The atmosphere was poisonous, and volcanic activity was more powerful than its today. Then the first organisms formed in the place called the primordial Sea. That primordian Sea could be separated from the ocean. Because chemical conditions in that pool must be stable enough that the RNA molecules and amino acids can form the first membrane for cells. 

The formation of the complicated molecules that the first cells needed requires chemical and physical stable conditions. The fact is that at the first were cells because viruses require cells to multiply. The first cells had no mitochondria. They got their energy from volcanic heat. 

Also, physical and chemical conditions must be so stable that the complicated molecules that formed the organs of the first cells are possible to form. Those first organisms had no enemy at all. The reason why I believe that the RNA formed the genomes of the first organisms is that RNA is a simpler molecule than DNA. The origin of the very first organisms on Earth remains a mystery. 

The fact is this. The first cells required membrane and cell organelles for making descendants. The thing is that there must be something that made the RNA molecule create the membrane for isolating itself from its environment. The reason why RNA turned to DNA is a mystery. And then another interesting thing is how the first cells got their cell organelles that are important for making the structures of another cell. 

And how the first RNA molecule formed is also an interesting question. Things like bacteria and amoebas are getting their genomes from their ancestors. But where did the first RNA start to create the organism? There were no cells. And cell organs at that time when the first RNA molecules formed. So where was the first RNA molecule to get the cell organs that made possible that it could create a cell membrane?

The next-generation "Tempest 2" concept is the real-life "Firefox".

Image 1) BAE "Tempest" concept that should make its maiden flight in 2025

The real-life "Firefox" fighter with hypersonic speed and brain-controlled systems are maybe true sooner than we think. Writer Graig Thomas introduced a futuristic hypersonic jet-fighter with EEG-controlled weapons introduced in his novel "Firefox" in 1977. And modern technology is turning this concept true. 

The BBC tells about the "Tempest 2" project. In that project, the hypersonic jet-fighter where EEG. controls that aircraft Those EEG sensors would be in the helmet of the pilot. And if the pilot can control the entire aircraft by using the EEG signals and if the system uses cortex stimulation. 

Image 2) XQ-58 "Valkyrie"

That thing makes the aircraft more flexible than ever before. The entire data between the computer and brain can change by using the electrodes. And things like sensors of the aircraft can turn to the part of the pilot's mind. That this kind of system can use also remotely. So the operator can take the remote connection to the aircraft. This kind of ability makes it possible to control long-range drones remotely. 

The cortex or brain-core stimulation means that the data will be driven through the brain tissue by using electric shocks or electric stress. There is also the possibility. That is the distant future, combat pilots are equipped with neural implants that make them possible to control computer systems by using microchip implants. 

If the brains are connected straight with the computer systems of the aircraft. That means. The pilot must not even move their hands. And that allows for flight without caring about G-forces. And the system can handle entireties better than just using hands. So the next-generation fighter can be entirety with a new style of weapons and sensors. And that is supported by long-range drones. 

That is surrounded by "loyal wingmen" or "Valkyrie" drones that mission is to protect the aircraft. And the pilot is supported by the state of art artificial intelligence. If the pilot turns unconscious, artificial intelligence is returning the aircraft to the right position.

Image: 1)

Image:  2)

Monday, July 25, 2022

Quantum entanglements and virtual qubits offer limitless energy sources for the human race.

One of the most futuristic and imaginational engines ever invented was based on the extremely long-range quantum entanglement. The idea of this hypothetical system is that the quantum entanglement is created from point A to point B. Those points can locate in the different solar systems. Then that quantum entanglement would put to travel through the spacecraft. 

And in that hypothetical spacecraft is the hologram, that acts as synthetic brane. The idea is that when quantum entanglement is made through that craft and hologram it transmits energy to the hologram. And then the hologram will resend energy to the core of the craft. If the energy levels at the ends of the quantum entanglement are different energy travels from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. And the hologram in the craft can catch at least a small part of it. 

In some other visions, the holograms can use as virtual qubits. There is needed only the different colors of holograms and different colors of lasers. When the color of the laser matches the hologram's color. It raises its energy level. That thing can observe by using photovoltaic cells. And also the hologram can use to transfer information to laser rays. The energy level and the number of used colors determine the states of the qubit. And maybe someday this kind of thing can use to create quantum computers. 

The "future engine" means that there is created the wormhole through time. And because the past is at a higher energy level than today or the future. That thing gives spacecraft and entire civilizations endless energy sources. This system requires that the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge is possible to create through time. 

Hypothetical wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges are also making it possible to create the ultimate and endless power source. If the wormhole can create through time. That thing makes it possible to conduct energy from the past to the present time. 

The idea of this hypothetical energy source is that the past is at a higher energy level than this day or future. The reason for that is that the past is closer to Big Bang.

 And wormhole, if that is possible to create, can bring energy from the past to this day and future. And that is one of the reasons why wormholes are interesting. Even if we cannot ever walk through the wormhole or ever benefit from that thing in travel.  We could bring energy from the distant neutron stars and black holes to Earth if the millimeter-sized wormhole is possible.

How to make quantum entanglement to solid semiconductor cube?

The idea in the solid qubit system in the boron arsenide is that the superposition is made by using another atom type in that two atomic systems. The superposition is made by using the electromagnetic fields of those atoms. And the superposition is pulled through the third atom that is forming that boron arsenide cube.  The quantum entanglement would make by using smaller atoms. 

atoms can be anything like chlorine and hydrogen. The idea is that the data must transmit to another atom group. And another atom group will make the superposition. Diagram 1 shows how quantum entanglement travels through an atom. Which is used to transmit data to the superposition. 


1:) Superpositioned and entangled atoms which superposition travels through the bigger atom. Or bigger atoms quantum field. 

2:) Bigger atom that transmits oscillation to the quantum entanglement. The bigger atom will stress by using electromagnetic radiation. And that thing will transmit data to quantum entanglement. 

The oscillation of the quantum entanglement will transmit data to the larger atom. That thing could solve the input-output problem between quantum and binary systems. 


The system stresses the smaller atoms by electromagnetic radiation. Then the creators of the system will make sure that the larger atom is in the line where the superposition of those electromagnetic fields will travel. A scanning tunneling microscope will transmit data to the larger atoms. The data can also transmit by using superpositioned and entangled photons. 

After that, the oscillation of those atoms will transmit data to the quantum entanglements. That thing is one of the versions of the solid qubits. The problem of solid qubits is always been the same. How to transmit data to the qubit and back to the binary system? The system can simply pull the quantum entanglement through the semiconductor. Then that semiconductor can transmit data back and forth to that quantum system.

The next generation of quantum computers can use superpositioned and entangled quantum fields around atoms.

"MIT researchers say cubic boron arsenide is the best semiconductor material ever found, and maybe the best possible one. Credit: Christine Daniloff, MIT" (Image: MIT Discovers Semiconductor That Can Perform Far Better Than Silicon)

The new semiconductor called boro arsenide can work better than silicone. And it can be the next generation tool for quantum computers. The idea is that the quantum fields of the atoms are superpositioned through that cube. The idea is that those electromagnetic- or quantum fields are acting like virtual particles that can be superpositioned and entangled like photons. 

The next generation of quantum computers can base the possibility of putting electromagnetic fields around atoms to superposition and entanglement. Quantum- or electromagnetic fields around atoms can act like virtual particles. And they can be the next-generation superpositions and entanglements in quantum computers. 

The idea is that only the possibility of superpositioned quantum entanglements where only electromagnetic or quantum fields around the atoms can transmit information same way as photonic quantum entanglement. 

The cubic boron-arsenide is the best semiconductor in the world say MIT researchers. The image of this material or its molecular structure is above that text. This material can also be a tool for the next-generation lightweight quantum computers. The thing is that quantum computers are based the quantum entanglement.

But it's theoretically possible to create quantum computers that use silicon or some other semiconductor for making quantum entanglement. In those systems, the idea is that only the electromagnetic fields that are created around the atoms are superpositioned and entangled. That kind of system requires that all atoms that are involved in the data handling process are similar.

Quantum computers are turning into pocket-size. 

Quantum computers operate more than zero and one. The thing that makes quantum computers so powerful is that they can float the values above zero and one. There might be made simple quantum computers that can operate at room temperature. The thing that limits the speed of the binary computer is called the problem of zero. 

The problem of zero means that the system might separate when the electricity is cut from the normal data transmission. That thing is solved. By using the clock in a binary system. When the clock gives a certain number of pulsations. That means the system can continue its operation. The problem is that the system must wait that the clock is giving permission. But in quantum systems, the system floats the data over zero and one. 

Those systems require two wires. Another wire is reserved for values zero and one. And the purpose of that wire is to tell if a system is on or off. 

While electricity travels in that wire. The system has value. When electricity is cut the value in that wire is zero. And the data travels in another wire that has values two and three.  That thing makes it possible to create faster computers that can be portable. 

Maybe those pocket-size systems can't operate with the same power as the most powerful quantum computers. But they are giving extreme advances to mobile systems. 

There is the possibility that the mobile quantum computer has a similar screen to the modern mobile telephone. Then that screen will be connected to a nano-technology microcomputer that is transforming binary data into a quantum system. And then that system returns that wire-based qubit where two stages transmit data back to the binary system.


Scientists found out that so-called "junk DNA" plays a vital role in brain development.

This thing proves one thing. There is no junk DNA. The thing that makes some parts of the DNA "junk" is that the cells don't very often read that part of the DNA. And that means there must be something that is not needed very often. Things like neurons would not renew very often. And that means the DNA parts that are controlling the development of that kinds of cells and neural structures don't require that those parts of the DNA are not needed very often. 

DNA involves many interesting things like sequences that are programming species and avoiding certain species like snakes. Those heritable phobias are making some researchers think that things. Like information about the outfit of the dinosaurs can be stored in the DNA. That information could drift through the species and history. And maybe someday we can find out what dinosaurs look like if that data is stored in the DNA. 

Because researchers found the DNA sequences. That are controlling things like the development of the brain structures. That gives a possibility to control the intelligence level of the individuals across the borders of species. This thing makes it possible to create intelligent pets. The dogs and cats are making complicated things for their masters. But there are always problems with this kind of research. 

Intelligent species are more complicated to control than so-called dummy species. That means the higher intelligence level causes a scenario that Orwell's novel Animal Farm turns true. The ability to think means the ability to rebel. If a pet is intelligent that thing requires strict rules on how to treat that pet. Of course, regular pets require well treatment. 

But intelligent species require that thing more than anything else. If the intelligence level of the pet is high enough we must call that thing a family member. Human rights are basing the intelligence level of humans. And if we are creating a new species that are more intelligent than their ancestors. 

That means we must re-estimate human rights. The ability to control things like the intelligence level of another species gives ultimate change. But it also gives ultimate responsibility. If we are making some kind of research, we must realize that genetics is not a game. We can make new creatures but we must remember that evolution has created the need to defend itself for all creatures. 

If we are transforming the DNA of the species the result will not be the same species that it was before genetic engineering. The species that we see might look the same but it is not the same. This is why we must think about things like cloning dinosaurs very carefully. If we accidentally create things like intelligent T-rex, we are in really big trouble. Or at least some people are in big trouble.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...