Monday, May 16, 2022

How to make WARP bubbles without black holes?

 How to make WARP bubbles without black holes?

At the beginning of this text, I must say that the wormhole is only the tube-looking WARP bubble. In those phenomena, the radiation or quantum bubble forms the area where are no crossing quantum fields. That denies the form of a doppler wave. 

And theoretically, there are no speed limits in that channel or bubble. All wave movement and particles are traveling with the same speed in those areas that are isolated from the outside effects. So in WARP-bubble and wormhole, photons and all other particles travel at the same speed. 

There is one "a very easy way" to make the WARP bubble or WARP channel through the universe. The idea is simple. The high-power hollow laser rays will shoot through the universe. And then the laser rays will create a high-power electromagnetic field. 

The purpose of that field is to remove plasma from the laser ray. That hollow laser ray will just deny that outcoming photons can come in that channel. There are also needed two electromagnetic fields. One field for both polar plasma. That keeps the plasma away from the core of the laser ray. 

That will pull plasma away from the channel. That thing could make the electromagnetic vacuum inside the laser ray.

The wormhole is another name for the WARP channel. The idea is that the wall of that energy tunnel will isolate the internal structure of the electromagnetic tunnel from the universe. All particles and wave movement travel in that tunnel at the same speed. 

So the particle that travels in the wormhole will just ride with the wave. And that denies that energy cannot travel away from that particle. The wave movement travels in the wormhole in one direction. Sometimes people expect that the wormhole will collapse too soon that it can use for space travel. 

The fact is that the wormholes will stay in their form as long as the particles that are traveling in them have higher energy levels than outside the wormhole. If the wormhole is disconnected from the black hole it will collapse right away. But if there is a black hole that is connected to it. That black hole will pump energy to the wormhole that keeps it in the form. The wave motion that is at a hyper-high energy level will keep the wormhole open. 

The requirement for the wormhole is that energy levels on both sides of it must not get the same energy level. The requirement for an existing wormhole is that the energy level at another end of that channel called the Rose-Einstein bridge is higher than at another side. When the energy level on the other side of the energy channel turns higher that causes that the energy starts to flow there like in the tube. 

The white hole is the point where material and wave motion comes out from the wormhole. So the wormhole is the vacuum that just sucks particles into it. The idea of the wormhole is that wave motion moves only one direction inside it. 

Pauli's exclusion principle. And its relationship with wormholes. 

We know that normally black holes are the thing that are feeding wormholes with energy. If the energy level in the wormhole is higher than the energy level outside it that keeps the wormhole open. 

So the wormhole is the channel that forms between the black and white hole. 

The white hole is the point where particles are coming out from the wormhole. The white holes are the point where the energy level in wormholes or energy channels across the universe is turning too low. And particles are coming out from that point. 

But is there a possibility that the wormhole is forming without black holes?

 Pauli's exclusion principle means that there are no two identical fermions in the same quantum system. But if there are two identical fermions. They form the "lightning" or energy channel between them. In that case, the energy level of another participant of the quantum entanglement must be higher to begin the energy travel between the superpositioned and entangled particles. 

The name of the identical fermions or other elementary particles is superposition. There is the possibility that the energy channel will get energy from outside it for stabilizing. And then energy must start to flow inside that energy channel that it rises its energy level higher than outside the energy channel. 

The idea is that the outside wave motion will pump energy to the core of the wormhole. And that thing would make it possible to create a stable channel through space and time.

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