Could we explain the black hole and the form of gravitation that its similar effect as electron-hole? When an electron's energy level raises it leaves a hole below it. We can think of that electron-hole also as the pillar. Which is below the electron. When we are talking about the filling of an electron hole, we mean the collapse of that pillar. And if the electron's energy level is high enough the pillar turns so long that the energy that it pulls in it denies the collapse of that pillar.
When the electron's or any other object or particle's energy level rises high enough it vanishes. And that object leaves that hole or pillar behind it. And we are calling that point of the pillar a black hole. The energy point where an object vanishes is called the event horizon. When we are talking about the event horizon we call that point the point where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. Or the energy level of the object turns so high that it vanishes.
The black hole is the particle that locates in the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the energy level where particle vanishes. But behind it is the hole the gate to higher energy levels or the fourth dimension.
The birth of the black hole is in a supernova explosion. That explosion raises the energy level of the material to an extremely high level. If we think that the fourth dimension is the certain energy level or the energy level where the particle or object vanishes that means when the particle's energy level is high enough it turns into a black hole.
Or actually, the black hole is like a pillar below the particle whose energy level is high enough. That pillar is the thing that keeps particles or objects hanging over a certain energy level. And if that pillar is long or high enough that thing forms the material whirling around it. That whirl called transition disk pumps energy to that pillar.
When the material whirling ends that thing causes that energy starts to flow away from that pillar. And that energy flow causes the material returns to the third dimension. We can call that energy flow the vaporization of the black hole. The pillar or black hole is the thing that the object pulls behind it. When energy flow to that pillar ends the object on the top of it starts to lose its energy.
That energy falls to the pillar because energy always tries to reach the minimum possible energy level. And then that pillar collapses. The minimum possible energy level means that the energy level in a particle is the same as the energy level in its environment.
When the energy level of the material rises higher it rises that material like the top of the pillar. In the same way, we can think that when the electrons rise higher level, there is forming pillar below it. The polarity of that pillar is positive. And we normally call it an "electron hole". In the same way, we can think that there is a pillar below the object that is at a higher energy level than its environment.
That pillar is the thing that pulls material and wave motion inside it. So if we think that a black hole is an object that has an extremely high energy level we might think that there is a pillar below it. And that pillar is the thing called a black hole. In the black hole, gravitation makes the same thing. What electromagnetism makes in the electron-hole. So there is the possibility that gravitation is the same kind of force as electromagnetism.
In that model, there is forming a similar hole. As an electron makes when it forms an electron-hole while it raises to a higher energy level. In that model, the graviton is the virtual particle or lower energy area or similar hole with an electron-hole.
Sometimes there is a question about the shape of the black hole and there is the possibility that the black hole is quite a similar effect to an electron-hole. As I wrote before the electron-hole is the thing that the electron leaves behind it when its energy level rises.
The electron hole is positive and it's the thing that pulls energy out from the electron. And electron drops back into the hole. When we are talking about the electron holes we should think electron as the thing that hovers in the 3D space. That means when the electron jumps to a higher energy level that causes that the size of the electron changes.
And it forms the positive layer around it. And then that positive sphere pulls the electron back to its original form. The black hole is the most extreme thing. If we want to make a quantum-size black hole we should only pump energy to the electron. And whenever the energy level of the electron rises that thing makes the electron hole deeper.
We can also think electron-hole as a pillar where the electron hovers above it.
Or otherwise, we can think that the electron is above the layer on the top of the pillar. The polarity of the pillar is positive. And when energy stress to electron continues it rises that pillar higher. When an electron fills its electron hole. We can think that the pillar below it collapses.
We can think that the electron-hole is like the pillar and the electron is on the top of that pillar. When that pillar is high enough it starts to pull the wave motion in it. And that wave motion denies the possibility that an electron can fall back into that hole.
So the energy level of the black hole is so high that it jumps to so high energy level that we cannot see it. In that model, the black hole is standing over the pillar and that thing is the thing, that we see as a black hole. The transition disk around that pillar pumps energy to it. And that thing denies that the pillar can collapse. The reason for the collapse of that pillar is that energy flow to its ends. The energy starts to flow from the object to that pillar and it decreases its energy level causing the situation. Where the object falls to the third dimension.
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