Monday, May 16, 2022

Microwaves are the next-generation weapons.


Drones and drone swarms are the next types of weapons. They are dangerous to any possible targets. One quadcopter can carry HEAT or thermobaric explosives that are dangerous even to main battle tanks. And if somebody wants to make an attentate against some other targets like politicians we must remember that civilian armored limousines are lighter than main battle tanks. 

The U.S Navy tested microwaves against the drone swarms. Microwaves can be effective tools in both, offensive and defensive systems. 

Portable microwave systems can be dangerous to humans. But the thing is that also drone swarms can equip with microwave weapons. The development of microwave weapons has been classified as secret. There are microwave burst bombs. 

They are getting their energy from the explosives that press the battery. The USAF used those microwave bombs during operation Enduring Freedom. The name of those bombs is HPM (High Power Microwave) bomb. There is also another version that is using high-power radio waves. 

Those MWBW (Microwave Burst Weapons) are made to shut down enemy radars. But they can also use against drone swarms. Normally stealth bombers and attack aircraft use those bombs against the radar and communication installations. But the microwave bombs can also drop above the drone swarms. 

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Microwaves are one version of the DEW (Directed Energy Weapons). Microwave weapons are promising tools against satellites and drone swarms. The difference between lasers and microwaves is that microwaves are like a shotgun burst. A high-power microwave system can create a large beam that can harm or destroy multiple targets at the same time. 

And they can form a protective shield around the target. In some versions, the ship can equip with the 360 degrees rotating microwave antennas that can create a bubble that is hard to penetrate with missiles. The difference between microwaves and radio waves is that microwaves cause injuries. 

Those burning injuries can cause death. And that's why microwave weapons can kill people. The high-power microwave burst causes the liquid in the cells is starting to boil. This effect will detonate those cells causing a hydrostatic blast in the body of the target. The radio wave-based systems are harmless. But they can cause a powerful EMP effect that jams electronics in large areas. 

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Maser (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) systems are extremely thin microwaves. Maser systems are similar to lasers. The difference between a maser and a laser is that the maser system forms coherent microwave impulses. Laser forms coherent light beam. 

In the maser system microwave travels in the magnetic field. And that magnetic field increases its power. 

Those coherent microwaves can have the same accuracy as lasers. The maser systems can install in the drones. Even if one drone cannot create a powerful microwave burst the entire drone swarm can point those microwaves to one point.

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