Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Cerebrospinal fluid from young mice rejuvenated old mice's brains.

The effect of CSF injection (Science Alert/Old Mice 'Rejuvenated' With Injections of Brain Fluid From The Young) 

The old mice's brains rejuvenated when they got an injection of the brain fluid from the youth. And that thing is one of the most interesting things in the history of neurology. That thing shows that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) plays a big role in the process that forms the myelin and improves the abilities of the old memory cells. The CSF injections could be one way to improve people's life quality in old age. Those injections can create by using the cells that form that fluid. So that fluid can form in the cell cultures and transfer to the patients. 

This type of biomedical solution is based on the idea that all mammals have similar brains. And if the brain stimulation works with mice. It should also work with other mammals. So maybe in the future researchers will transfer the young cells that are creating CSF to the head of the person. Those cells can create by cloning them or transferring the genomes that are taken from the young person to some regular cells. There is the possibility that in the future all people in the western world has own genome and DNA maps. 

Or just after birth, medical staff will take the DNA sample of the person. And then if something happens that DNA can multiply and the nanotechnology can cut it into pieces that will transfer to the cells. If the purpose of all base pairs is known and the DNA can be cut just at the right point. That thing makes it possible to create precisely needed cells.

The cells that are forming CSF can inject into the human veins. Or they can put it in a capsule that is drilled into the human skull. Those cells need only nutrients that they can form the CSF. The CSF must just conduct to the right area and that thing is the fundamental idea. If that kind of medical treatment is functional that means a big advance. 

The reason for that is simple. This kind of injection doesn't require high accuracy. The fluid must just drive inside the skull. And that means there is no damage to the brain. If the fluid must inject straight to brain tissue there is always a small possibility that something dangerous will be damaged. 

Maybe rejuvenating human brains by using CSF injections is one way to help Alzheimer's disease patients. And that thing can also use for improving the life quality of old people. That kind of medicine can replace synthetic chemicals in the future, and they can be the next-generation way to keep people functioning longer than ever before. 



Image: https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-rejuvenate-the-memories-of-elderly-mice-by-injecting-them-with-young-mouse-cerebrospinal-fluid


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