Saturday, May 14, 2022

Always think: what is the motive?

Why trees are making leaves? Why does grass dies in autumn? Why do those living creatures make something, that seems to be nonsense? The reason for that is that. This process that continues from year to year helps those trees to remove their parasites. So in nature, nothing happens without reason. There is always a reason why somebody makes something.

Things like mating rituals where the male introduces dance and turns its plumage plays important role in the birds' life. That dance and plumage are meant to show that the body and nervous system of the bird are acting right. 

The steps and rituals that bird uses during that process are stored in bird brains. And the purpose of those rituals is to show that the male is eligible. The colors of plumage must be right. 

Why would somebody do something? This is a question of many individual and innovative people. "Why" is the key question when we are trying to find out the reason why somebody is different than others. When people are making inventions they should answer the question, what benefit that kind of innovation brings? And then we must realize that even if some creator says that the innovation or invention is made for something, there might be some things that the inventor forgot to tell others. 

What would you do with hibernation? Hibernation is a long-term chemical or hypothermic anesthesia. That thing doesn't stop the aging of the cells. So the benefit of hibernation is limited. The person sleeps during the hibernation. And then we can start to think. Is there some other use for hibernation? 

We can start that process to analyze what is a dream? What happens during sleeping? The person who is sleeping doesn't remember anything, and that thing makes it possible to make something almost the same way extraordinary like travel to other planets. 

The brains are the most advanced quantum, morphing neural networks that we can imagine. The cloned neurons can connect to the microchips and that thing can make it possible to create computers that have the same IQ as humans. The data signal must just transmit through the nervous system that handles it. 

And if that thing happens during sleep the person cannot remember anything. So a person can lay in the tank and the computer sends signals through the nervous system. And that allows a person to control robots like external bodies. 

But morphing neural networks can be morphed virtually. Virtual morphing means that the skills or programs of that system will change. What would somebody do with a person whose skills can be changed depending on the situation? So when a person needs some skills. They can drive those skills to the nervous system. And they can be removed when those skills are not needed anymore.

In the world of computers chancing the skills happens by chancing programs. But in the world of humans skills are basing the memories. So if we want to change human skills we should just remove the memories from the neurons. And then replace them with other memories. This thing is very simplified. Removing and replacing removed things from living brains is a little bit more complicated than we want to believe. 

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