Monday, May 9, 2022

What if we can separate the mind from the body?

Descartes thought that the mind and body are different things. But as you know when you do something to my mind. You make something to my mind. Otherways. What if our EEG will be stored in the computer when we are dead? We can think that the mind is the electric interaction in the human brain. 

We can record that electric action called EEG. But when we are making those things. We must ask one question. Would we think that our body is separated from our mind? The thing is that modern technology makes many things real that are been impossible.

Researchers have mapped the 180+ billion neurons in human brains. That kind of map can tell where in the brain certain types of memories are stored. The thing is that the cell groups that are handling things like memories determine our feelings about that memory. Maybe someday in the future. The nanotechnical submarines can drive the memories in certain cell groups in brains. 

And if the memories can store in the absolute right cells. That thing makes it possible to transfer memories between people. If there are some different nutrient types in different neuron groups. That thing allows transferring memories to cells like medicines. The idea is that the artificial neurotransmitters where memories are loaded will drive to the neurons. 

The memory transfer can make by using the cloned neurons. At the first, the electric impulses and the neurotransmitters will drive from certain neurons to the cloned neurons. Then the electric signals of that cloned neuron will record and then its neurotransmitters will be close to the nanoball. And then that thing will put to the blood vessels. 

If there is some kind of transporter chemical that allows the immune system to transfer those nanoballs to the right cells. The reason why somebody would want to make that thing is the case of an accident. If brains are injured the memory transfer would minimize the damage. In that kind of theoretical therapy cloned neurons will transfer to injured brains. 

The ability to transfer data from one neuron to another helps the recovery. But that same thing can use to make a fast learning process. Or transfer thoughts and memories to another body. So that makes it possible to create phoenix-immortality. When an old person dies the memories will transfer to the cloned body of that person. Theoretically, that memory transfer from an old person to a clone. Can be made generation after generation. 

But then we must ask one thing again: even if we could store our memories on some computer and transfer them to a new body would that thing mean that things like nature and temperament will transfer to another body? We can think that human brains are like a quantum computers. And the mind is the operating system of that extremely wonderful and complicated system. 

Multiple cells and membranes make possible that those cells make possible that this thing can begin the data handling process in multiple places at the same time. About 100 billion neurons are making sure that the system is effective. So we all can carry quantum computers with us. The name of that computer is human brains. 

But human brains are far more complicated than just the cell structure. That cell structure requires data that it process. Without data or information, that thing is far from where it should be. The information stored in brains determines what kind of person is.


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