Thursday, May 12, 2022

The international scientist's team captured the first image of Sagittarius A

The image of Sagittarius A tells that it is more active than the supermassive black hole in the center of Galaxy M87. There are three higher energy areas at the triangle-shaped formation around that supermassive black hole. That image confirms that there is at least one supermassive black hole in the Milky Way galaxy.

 So confirming the existence of that supermassive black hole is making it possible to make more and more accurate observations. And those observations are making it possible to adjust many theories about space and matter. The existence of Sagittarius A is not a surprise. That kind of structure is predicted for a long time. And then that thing just confirms strong suspicion. But there are, of course, many other black holes in our galaxy. 

Sagittarius A

Making that image was not an easy thing. But now the confirmation of the massive motor of the galaxy. Helps researchers to make theories also about the future of the universe. And maybe someday researchers are finding the quantum- and hyper massive black holes. Those still hypothetical hyper massive black holes could be larger than an entire galaxy. 

And then the quantum black hole is smaller than an electron. The quantum-size black holes are the thing that will make it possible to create the ultimate long-term quantum entanglement. The problem with the quantum entanglement is the spooky effect of distance exists for only a short time. 

The spooky effect of distance stays longer the higher the energy level of those particles. When the energy level of those particles turns too low. That breaks the quantum entanglement. The energy level of the quantum-size black holes is higher than their environment. And that helps the quantum entanglement stay longer.



By the way. Do you notice the similarity between the high-energy areas around Sagittarius A and the "engines" of the Black triangle UFO? Maybe that is a coincidence...

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