Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The weird quantum effect called tunneling can cause DNA mutations.

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The idea of mutations is that the tunneling causes errors in the positions of the nitrogen points in the DNA molecule. The effect itself happens between hydrogen and nitrogen atoms. And that thing can cause many mutations in the DNA structure. 

The thing is that the nitrogen-hydrogen bond and tunneling effect causes the mutual positions of the thymine and adenine. And also other base-pairs like guanine and cytosine to be chancing. The position of the reactive points of molecules affects the distance where they can create chemical bonds. 

The tunneling effect is one of the things that can cause simultaneous mutations in the DNA molecule. That thing can cause interesting ideas about human intelligence. Researchers are found what kind of genetic mutations causes the higher intelligence level of humans than other animals. 

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Interesting thing is that the AI can calculate those mutations that are causing the changes in the IQ. And if that thing is connected with electromagnetic interaction in the thymine and adenine the system can calculate the perfect electromagnetic environment for the favorable advancement. The thing is that DNA is a very complicated molecule. The base pairs are formed of complicated sugars. 

There is one thing in chemistry that also affects that thing. That is the sic-trans isomerism. That term means that when the molecule is on another side its abilities are chancing. The DNA is formed of very complicated molecules. The position of the reactive ends of molecules affects the distance where that molecule can make contact. 

And even a small change in the form or shape of the complicated structure has an effect. If the position of the reactive end of the molecule is chancing that affects the molecule's "willingness" to make the connections with other molecules. So the positions of those nitrogen-hydrogen pairs are extremely important. And changes in those positions affect the form of the DNA molecule.

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