Making particles younger by pumping them energy requires that energy flow from the particle is slower than energy will transfer to it. Theoretically is possible to make material younger by targeting high-energy radiation in it. Or making it travel with the speed of light across the crossing quantum fields.
The supernova is one of the highest energy events in the universe. The fact is that when a supernova explosion happens in binary star systems. That explosion will increase the energy level of the neighbor star and causes another supernova explosion.
The thing is that the enormous energy level that the supernova caused can transform another star into a black hole. The high rise in the energy level will affect another star. And it transforms it into a supernova and black hole.
When a supernova explosion happens. It increases the energy level of the particles around it. So that thing can make those particles younger because they are getting a huge energy load. The high energy levels of the supernova explosion cause the time dilation similar way like particle accelerator causes time dilation in the particles that are traveling in it. The thing that causes time dilation is energy.
And the particles that are in the effective area of the supernova's shockwave will get a higher energy punch than any laser can form. So the supernova explosion is forming the quantum-size black holes. That thing happens because the energy that hits those particles affects them like laser beams. That radiation increases the energy level of those particles so high that they can form miniature black holes.
Time dilation is an interesting phenomenon. When the particle's speed reaches the speed of light the aging of that particle stops. The time dilation depends on the speed or energy level of the particle. And is directly proportional to escaping velocity. So inside the event horizon time must go backward. But the thing is that the time dilation in the event horizon is a purely hypothetical thing. That requires that time affects the space.
The reason why the aging of the particles ends at the speed of light is that. Wave motion or radiation cannot escape from it. The particle travels at the same speed as wave motion and photons. There is theoretically possible to make the system that makes material younger by making it travel at the speed of light. And during that process, the particle must travel across the crossing quantum fields that could be crossing laser beams.
Making material young by using radiation requires that energy travels out from the material slower than energy is pumping in it. And supernova can pump extremely high energy levels into the material around it.
The time dilation can make material younger in the gravitational wave there the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. The reason that makes that thing happen is simple. The particle will travel so fast that it will harvest energy from the quantum fields that it crosses. Whenever a particle crosses the quantum field it takes energy in it. But the thing is that the particles are not traveling faster than light inside the black hole. Particles and wave motion are traveling at the same speed.
And theories are telling that the particles and wave motion are traveling in the form of the whirl inside the event horizon. So for making the material younger the particle must impact the quantum field that pumps energy into it. The problem is that the particle travels in the black hole same speed as the wave motion. And that thing means that only sideways coming waves impact energy in that particle.
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