Friday, May 27, 2022

How do interviewers detect lies?

Many times things like body language are the thing that helps to detect lies. Things like touching a nose while a person speaks are the things that are telling that person tells lies. But the lies are harder to remember than real things. The truth requires only that information is stored in the memory. But liars must use productive thinking for inventing those lies. That means brains need more nutrients. Lies are also synthetic memories or the creation of the imagination. 

The missing and changed parts of the details in two statements are making the interviewers suspicious that the person tells lies. People like criminal investigators face all the time people who are telling lies. 

And one things that some liars are using are the shields or emotions. They are a little bit hurry because their sick aunt needs assistance. Or the handicapped person needs them. In those cases, the liar might say that he or she is a voluntary non-profit worker with those people. But when the investigator makes checks. That thing uncovers that person gets a salary from those things. 

That means there is no similar emotional connection to the real things. So they are harder to remember than things that happened. When does an interviewer want to detect lies that person can use a series of questions, and sometimes ask some questions like what kind of skirt do you have? The purpose of those questions is to break the rhythm of the interviewed person. 

But one of the things that uncover the lies is simple.  If the interviewer will recall the person back to the room after a while. There are changes in the critical points of the tale. One of the things that can help to detect lies is using the images like cars or trains on the wall. If the person tells stories about where cars and trains that person might find those details from the room's walls. 

When the interviewer recalls the person back to the room. That interviewer can change those images. And if there are no cars or trains at critical points. That means the interviewed person took those details from the pictures on the wall. 

When a person tells lies. The details of the subject are not stored in memory like real things. If a person wants to tell a story fluently brains are searching for assistance from the walls. Things like images of the cars are making colors in the story. But the risk is that the person is taken those details from images. 

And one of the tricks is that the person will give a statement. Before creating the image of the suspect starts. Then the police artists ask things like what was the hair color of the assaulter? When a person gives the statement those details are asked. Then during the image making the person might forget that the criminal used a balaclava helmet. Of course, some things like ponytails can be outside the mask. 

Sources and image:

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