The controlling software and mission packs are determining the use of drones. The same drone can pollinate flowers. And make surgical operations. It can search for lost people in forests. The drone can send images of people's faces to the central computer.
And that computer can check the people's identities by using image contour matching. Or it can attack enemy soldiers in the cases that it recognizes an armed person.
The controlling software and tools determine the use of the drone. The decision on how to use drones makes the user of the drone.
Drones are multi-use tools. They are like platforms that can equip with different modules that can make them able to make many types of missions. The normal cameras of that system can search many things like a look inside houses and search things like weapons. The sensor and operational package determine what kind of abilities that system has.
The Geiger meters make those systems able to search for radioactive material. And the infrared cameras give them the ability to search the thermal objects and thermal leaks from the houses. The small quadcopters can deliver airborne or even from satellites. They can operate as well as underwater and airborne environments.
So they can take samples from the bottom of the water. And then those systems can fly to the helicopters or aircraft. The drones can have manipulators. And they can collect samples from flowers or they can pollinate flowers in the case that there are no bugs for that purpose.
The laser systems are making it possible to use drones as the platforms for plasma spectroscopes. In plasma spectroscopy, laser rays vaporize the sample. And then the spectroscope analyzes the makeup of that molecular cloud.
The power of drones is that they can cover large areas. And they can operate as the cloud. Drones in the drone swarms can share data with other participants of that thing. And that system can operate very independently.
Decentralized computing means that the microprocessors share their resources with other participants of the data-handling entirety. The prototype of decentralized data handling system was early in the 21st century. For making animations and computer-based tricks.
That system called Blender made possible that the very hard animations can make by using regular PC-or Mac computers. That system used a network-based solution for sharing the processor time of the regular PC:s. And that system started to use for handling complicated calculations in the cases that the power of the computers is not able to solve the problem.
In the same way, drone swarms can use decentralized computing solutions for independent operations. In that model, the microprocessors of the drones are sharing their time with other drones. And that allows the drone swarms can make complicated operations independently. They can operate in the atmosphere of other planets.
Drones are weapons themselves. They can cover the airfields and deny that the aircraft can lift off. The jet engine that sucks the drone inside it will be broken. The drone swarm can hang around targeter objects and try to make the incoming aircraft or missile hit them. If the system can calculate the route or the trajectory of the hypersonic missile that system tries to move the drone swarm in the position that the incoming missile will impact those drones.
The drones can have tanks. And they can irrigate plantations. But the drones can also equip with saltwater tanks that are making it possible to use the drone as a stun weapon. The stun gun or taser system can load electricity to the water drops.
And they can drop on the enemy communication systems or they can stun enemy soldiers. But in some scenarios, the tanks that are installed on the drone can carry nerve gases.
The laser system can also act as a microphone that hears everything that is talked about inside the house. The laser microphones are multi-use tools. And the same systems can use also for scanning lidar (laser radar) and ranging systems. The lasers can also use to point the targets for missiles.
The modern laser pointer acts the same way as the old-time system. But the idea is that the system takes the image of the area where are multiple targets. And the flash of the laser ray highlights the object that the artificial intelligence-based image-homing system must destroy. That system can use with an image homing system in the fire-and-forget anti-tank weapons.
The operator can highlight the wanted object can make by using a marking pen or laser system. Or the operator can make that marking from the computer screen by using a traditional mouse. The system can use also the image comparison system where the AI compares the images that are stored in its memory.
There might be points that the system uses for selecting the targets from the multiple objects. The main battle tanks can have the top points. And the APC has lower points. That helps the system select the most feared objects for targets. The imagination is the limit to using drones.
Drones can use in many missions. They can serve as remote surgical operations. Or the group of drones can raise the wounded person out from the deep forests to hover VTOL aircraft. If drones have manipulator arms they can use them as building workers. They can make walls and wall the bricks. They can carry welding systems.
Or the drone swarm can use as a giant 3D printer. The imagination limits the use of drones. The drone itself is the platform that can carry multiple mission modules as I wrote earlier. The drone can carry a shopping basket or it can carry laser radars. And in the worst case, the drone carries the sub-machine guns. The mission module determines the purpose of drones.
And the system is a multi-use tool. Drones can carry pizzas or shopping bags to a certain GPS point. And the same system can use to carry the bomb to a certain point. So the thing is that drones are the most multi-use tools in the world. And even if things like microwave weapons can protect areas against drones we must remember history. Things like anti-aircraft missiles caused the prediction that bombers are old-fashion tools. And anti-tank missiles caused prediction that the tanks are old-fashion tools. But today both bombers and tanks are still in use.
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