Monday, May 23, 2022

There could be galaxies where is no dark matter at all.

The new gravitational theory is interesting. There might be galaxies where is no dark matter at all. Or at least dwarf galaxy AGC 114905 might not have the dark matter, because it rotates too slowly. The idea is that dark matter can form clouds and nebulas just like visible matter. So there might be galaxies where is no dark matter at all. 

The slow spin or rotation of galaxy AGC 114905 causes the idea that there is no dark matter at least in that galaxy. Or in some other version of that theory, the dark matter is packed in the one point of that galaxy. In that vision, the dark matter cloud is like a sector or stick in that galaxy. Or most of the dark matter particles are following visible material in that cloud. That thing slows the speed of visible material. 

Or there can be the electromagnetic shadow or vacuum behind particles of visible material. So we can ask if the effect of AGC 114905 is the miniature version of the dark flow. The mysterious movement that makes that all galaxies in the universe might travel in one direction. 

If dark flow exists. It means that there should be a huge gravitational center in the universe. If there is a hyper massive gravitational center it acts like all other gravitational centers. And that gravitational center puts galaxies orbit it like planets orbit stars and moons orbits planets. 

But there is another thing that this new gravitational theory is opening. That thing is that it can explain why dark matter is forming. Or at least partially explain why there is some kind of dark energy. The idea is that when galaxies are rotating they are sending electromagnetic wave motion. 

And at least the gravitational waves are forming in the galaxy's nucleus. All other black holes are sending gravitational waves. Those gravitational waves are traveling in the universe. And sometimes they are impacting to each other. There are points where gravitational waves that are coming from billions of galaxies impact. 

So if the gravitational is wave motion like all other wave motions are. That means the gravitational waves also have wave-particle duality. This means that the impacting gravitational waves are forming the hypothetical gravitons or some other more exotic particles. 

The idea of a graviton is that could be a very short-term particle. When that particle turns back to the wave motion it forms a small-size warp bubble or quantum vacuum. That thing causes the wave motion will drop to that bubble. And that would be the reason for pulling the effect of gravitation. That also could explain why gravitation is neutral. 

But fast-rotating galaxies are sending wave motion that impacts the particles around them. That effect causes the thing called quantum annealing. That term means energy that is traveling out from particles. And that energy is also one thing that pushes particles away from it. 

Quantum annealing should also be the effect of the graviton. When gravitational waves are impacting graviton. It starts to anneal like all other particles. So should that kind of radiation be one of the reasons, why the universe is expanding faster than we expect? 

Or is the reason for that that some galaxies are just rotating faster than they should? In that case, the energy waves that are coming out from the galaxy are causing the effect that pushes the edge of the universe outward. 

But let's go back to the dwarf galaxy AGC 114905  and its extremely slow rotation. The thing is that the only galaxy where is no dark matter doesn't make dark matter non-existent. But it opens the new visions for the origin of the mysterious thing called dark energy and dark matter.


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