Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The standard model of physics may be broken.

Image 1) The table of confirmed  particles 

Hypothetical gravitons and axions can solve many mysteries if somebody can find them. 

The thing is that the hypothetical graviton is probably tensor. The particle that connects the space and material, but then we can think that there are two possible forms of the graviton. The problem is that it can be positioned at every point of the atom. And researchers are not known where they should search for that particle. 

The thing that we know about gravitons is that their size is unique. That thing forms the long-distance effect of gravitation. And that means there is a possibility that graviton is very much like W boson. The short-term particle. That can be between gluons and quarks. But it can be also between electrons or it can form outside the atom. 

1) There is the possibility that graviton is the virtual particle. That means it can form when the electron changes its trajectory. When an electron changes its trajectory, there is the possibility that this movement forms an electromagnetic vacuum that pulls wave motion into it. 

2) Graviton is an extremely small particle. That exists in the middle of baryons and another particle. 

3) But graviton can also be an extremely large particle. That means it could be very similar to the W boson. There is the possibility that graviton is the particle that looks like a half-moon. It could be the energy channel that is formed when an electron travels in its trajectory. 

4) There is the possibility that the graviton is the string. That means it would act like guitar strings. When that wave motion will move back and forth that thing causes the wave motion. This possibility explains why gravitation is so weak. If graviton is string the dimension of the movement area is very small. 

Or maybe it has the size of an atom. That means graviton would be the extremely short-living particle. When graviton explodes. That forms the quantum vacuum that pulls particles and wave motion in it. So at the first gravitation will push objects, but then the quantum vacuum pulls objects back. And the pulling effect covers the pushing interaction. 

Image 2) The table of elementary particles, including hypothetical graviton. 

The axions are also hypothetical particles. Theories tell that those hypothetical axions transport dark energy. 

There is the possibility that the axion is the group of strings or wave movement bites that are rotating at a very high speed. So the axion is like the whirl or structure that looks a little bit like a DNA double-helix structure. But axions would be far, far smaller. There is the possibility that axions are rotating extremely fast. That fast rotation motion makes them hard to observe. 

Fast rotating speed makes those axion particles virtually smooth. The effect is similar to a propeller that rotates too fast. When rotation speed is too fast. The propeller creates a vacuum around it. The reason for that is water has no time to fill the space between blades. In the same way, the fast-rotating particle can push the quantum fields from around it and form the quantum bubble. 

That bubble makes particles virtually smooth because outside effects cannot travel through the quantum field that takes energy from the fast-rotating particle. The outcoming wave motion can go just over that smooth quantum field without causing any oscillation. And that makes this type of particle hard to detect. 

The standard model of physics may be broken.

And the new accuracy explains that thing. The observations are becoming more and more accurate. Today we can see many things that are been invisible before. Modern network-based artificial intelligence solutions are making it possible to interconnect observations from many systems. 

And things like black holes are also giving data on how the smallest particles in the universe are interacting. Today we realize that things like weak nuclear interaction are an interaction between baryons and W-boson. 

So the protons and neutrons are not making straight interactions. That interaction that forms the nucleus of the atom requires a W boson. In the same way, the interaction between quarks inside baryons requires gluons.

The strong interaction is the interaction between quarks and gluons. That means the straight interaction between quarks can not form protons and neutrons. Stable bonds between quarks require gluons that form the bridge between those elementary particles. 

But there is the possibility that somewhere is another Higgs boson. When we are looking at the table where the known elementary particles we know that the Higgs boson is the scalable boson. The Higgs boson is the only known scalar boson in the world. And if we are looking at that table, there is always the same number of other bosons. So maybe we are missing many bosons. 



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