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Descarte's mistake

 Descarte's mistake 

Philosopher René Descartes thought that the mind and body are different things. The fact is that thing is called Descartes' mistake. The thing that happens to my body happens also to my mind. When we are thinking about the ideas of that famous philosopher like famous Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am.) Descartes means that a thinking person is an existing person. So thinking means being of the creature. And then we can think. That thinking has two states. 

1) The rational thinking 

2) Emotional thinking

So when we are starting to think about existence also things like feeling angry have a role in existing. When a person feels something that means the person exists. 

Feeling and emotions have also two states.

1) Physical state is things like feeling cold. Or feeling pain. 

2) Emotional state is like feeling angry or feeling sad, hurt, or glad.

3) But is empathy the ability to care for other people part of emotions or is it an independent state? 

The origin of empathy is in mirror neurons that are reacting to certain observations or stimuli. Empathy is one thing that is inbuilt into the nervous system. Empathy is more than just seeing that person has problems. Empathy is the ability to read body language and observe the reactions of other humans. And that thing means that empathy is so-called emotional intelligence. 

That physical feeling will also start the emotional reaction. When some dog bites us. That thing causes anger or fear and then fear turns to anger. 

When we are creating artificial intelligence we can make a machine or morphing neural networks that can collect information, store information, and then connect those stored information bites to a larger entirety. But when we want to make that artificial neural network think abstraction there are problems. 

And another thing is that we can make an AI that can answer emotions. That kind of pseudo-emotional AI can make things like asking "what is the problem" when a person cries. In that case, there are the details of crying in databases. And when the AI sees the similarities between a person's actions with databases and parameters that are stored in them. 

Certain similarities with parameters and observations activate certain reactions. So the robot that uses the AI can play with emotions. But those emotions are far away from our emotions. Emotions are one type of intelligence. We know that certain types of persons have deeper emotions than others. But what is the role of emotions in our life? We know that emotions are not made for nothing. 

Emotions are the thing that always has some kind of role in our life. There are no meaningless things in our bodies. And that's why we have emotions. Some of our emotions are embarrassing.  

I mean we know that some emotions are meant to save the human race, like feeling that children are wonderful. Things like anger are meant to defend ourselves and our group against outsider attacks. The reason why humans are protecting children is that children are the future. That's why normal people are not acting violently against children. 

 When we are thinking the way that first comes human life and the next one is our pets and then is nothing. We might think that this way to think is that this way to think should consist of the entire human race. The human race is the main group and there are subgroups. 

But when we are thinking the emotions from the point of view of intelligence. We are facing the old question: how big a role do emotions play in our world and neural system. The thing is that our neural system is working with things that are vital for our survivability. 

Fear is the thing whose purpose is to avoid non-sense risks. The reason why we sometimes choose to escape like in the front of lave flow is that we should run to warn others. If the lonely dog would attack us. We would act differently and defend ourselves. The reason for that is that would tell other dogs that they should not try to attack humans. But the counter-actions have not the same effect as natural dangers like a lava flow. So risking our lives against natural phenomena is not reasonable.


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