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We are the only humans in the universe. (Even if there is another intelligent species.)

There is a possibility that researchers captured alien messages, but they cannot recognize them. Without the right decryption key. Nobody can open messages or isolate the necessary information from natural radio waves 

Especially, if those hypothetical alien messages are encoded by using quantum computers. They are hard to open even if the capturer knows to decryption code. There is the possibility that the algorithms use trillions of numbers long decimal numbers. 

And that thing makes almost all computers a little bit slow. Or input of those numbers to quantum computers takes an extremely long time. The bottleneck of those operations is that inputting the long decimal numbers to a binary system that resends the information to the quantum layer would be slow. 

There has been a couple of promising radio signals whose origin could be another intelligent species. But the fact is that the problem with those signals is always that they are unique. That means there is no way how to research and compare those signals. 

Those unique radio signals, like Wow! and Proxima Centauri signal captured by radio telescopes. Nobody even knows how long those signals have lasted before the radiotelescope has noticed them.  If the system cannot capture the beginning of the radio signal. 

That makes it very hard to detect the possible data that send in purpose from that signal. In normal data transmission, the beginning of those transmissions is the code. That is the code that the computer uses to decrypt the message. The primary role of that code is to tell that there is an encrypted message. And what kind of 

Also, there is a code that routes information to the right position. The code at the beginning of the message tells what binary numbers those computers must use in the decryption process. The decryption process has two keys public and private. The public decryption key is sent with the message. A private, or secret key involves the binary- or other numbers that the system uses to division or multiply binary codes in the message. 

Without that code, the computer doesn't know how to open messages. An alien message is a little bit more difficult to open because there is nothing that can compile with the information in that message. When cryptologists try to open some military messages they use something common with humans for breaking the code. Things like calibers of ammunition are the tools that help to open messages. But in the case of alien messages, we don't know what numeric systems they use. 

In human messages, things like words like fuel or the types of vehicles are things that the codebreaker can use as a tool to find similarities in messages. But in hypothetical alien messages, there is no key to find. We can think that mathematics is a universal language, but we don't know what words aliens use about some numbers. 

And how do they call things like Pi? If we cannot open those messages. We cannot even be sure are they existed. So today, the alien messages are officially hypothetical. There is the possibility that some telescope captured alien messages.  But we cannot be sure about them. 

The cultural differences make it hard to detect alien civilizations. There is the possibility that if there is a locked planet in alien solar systems they use only solar power. That means those aliens would have giant solar parks and they can transmit that energy to their cities by using coherent electromagnetic radiation. So in that case there is the possibility that those aliens would not send carbon emissions. Carbon is the primary element in organisms like we are. 

But the thing is, hypothetical aliens can use any name about themselves. Its name, what intelligent species call themselves, depends on their culture. 

The fact is that the name that our species uses ourselves depends on the culture. We are only humans even if there are a lot of other intelligent lifeforms. We are sure that we are intelligent species and yet we are sure that there are one confirmed intelligent species in the universe. And that is the human species. There could be many other intelligent species but they are not humans. 

So the fact is that we wait and believe that someday we will find another civilization. But in the same way, we were afraid that day. There is a possibility that the aliens come and conquer our planets. But the same way we can think that the aliens come in peace. The fact is that if we want to prepare for the outcoming threat which can be another civilization or it can be some asteroid we must search for another intelligent species. 

And if we find another intelligent species we must try to observe it. We must try to hack its communication and then try to find out what kind of species that is. Even if the species would remove internal aggression from its society that species can be aggressive against other species. And the thing is that the most dangerous species could be species that just created interstellar travel. In that case, the interstellar travelers can believe that they can make anything they want. 

Even hypothetical interstellar projects give lots of ideas for energy and other solutions. 

Futurologists and other kinds of people like sociologists and physicists are made models of what the civilization in the future might look like and how they act. One thing is clear about the interstellar civilizations. They must somehow solve their internal problems and that releases resources for those enormous projects that interstellar travel requires. Interstellar travel requires massive political, financial, and technical investments. 

So we must ask what that project can give to society? We can answer that question by asking what the Apollo program and Mars helicopters along with many other systems are giving to the community? They are of course giving information about other planets in our solar system. But they are also giving data on how to create stratospheric helicopters that can hover in the atmosphere extremely long time. 

The Mars rovers are also delivering information on how to make effective and compact computer code that allows those systems to operate independently by using limited computing power. The system that those Mars rovers use is the combination of the Mars orbiting probes and surface operating rovers. Those orbital probes are searching the suitable area where those surface-operating vehicles can find things like ancient bacteria. 

But what things like interstellar systems or even their theoretical research can give to society? The fact is that the technology that those theoretical systems are using can turn into many other forms. Of course, we could build some interplanetary cruisers. But we could create powerful fusion systems that are orbiting the sun. 

Those fusion power satellites can deliver their energy in the form of laser or maser radiation.  The fusion platform that orbits the sun is denying the problems like overheating on Earth. If the high-energy plasma is released from Tokamak that thing destroys a large area. The temperature in the Tokamak is higher than in the nucleus of the sun. And that causes problems if there is a hole in the reactor's core.



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