Friday, May 13, 2022

Drone swarms are network-based, independently operating systems.

The idea of network-based computing is simple. The computers are sharing their abilities through the network. That makes them able to run complicated computer programs. And one of the most complicated computer programs is artificial intelligence. In the case where the drone swarm must make complicated solutions. It requires complicated AI-based programs. 

Reprogramming the entire swarm is easy. The only needed thing is to program one drone. And then that drone scales the solution through the network. 

The new drone swarms are a good example of the power of network-based solutions. The drone swarms can interact with other systems and in the simplest model, they can cover large areas. And those groups of drones can transmit images to the base  AI-controlled drone swarm of thousands of quadcopters that can cover large areas. Those quadcopters can cooperate and if somewhere is something interesting the AI can send an image of that area to the commander. 

The drone swarms can control large areas. They can communicate with the ground units and assist the men who are in that area. In the case of military use, those drones can drop HEAT grenades on the roofs of tanks. Drones that are delivered from aircraft just before the attack can disturb the anti-aircraft missiles by flying between the missile battery and the aircraft. Or those drones can fly to the route of the attacking aircraft. If that kind of thing will get in the air intake that can cause bad damage to aircraft. 

They can track and aim the possible targets for other units. And those drones can drop to an area for confirming the existence of secretive systems. They can drop even from satellites and even the small size quadcopters can have infrared cameras and laser microphones. They can also use the same lasers with laser-spectroscopes. 

If drones are touching the ground they can have seismic sensors. Those systems can confirm the position of the narcotics laboratory or the bomber group that is under camouflage. The drone can also follow suspects in the case of law enforcement. And they can equip with the sun or lethal weapons that can use to neutralize suspects. 

The drones can highlight the area where is something that might interest the commanding staff. The thing in the network-based solutions is that each component of the entirety must not reprogram for every possible situation. There is enough that one of the components of the network-based solution is reprogrammed and then that unit can scale the new skills through the entire network. And that thing makes those network-based solutions flexible and powerful. 

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