Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The search for extraterrestrial life from the oceans of icy moons continues.

Image: Cross-section of the Europa moon. 

The depth of the Europa moon's oceans might hide (I hope) primitive life. The fact is that the salty ocean under the ice core is the place where scientists hope to find alien life. The alien life that lives in that deep and dark ocean could use the volcanic temperature as their energy source. 

Or the energy for those hypothetical lifeforms can be the friction of the massive tidal waves that the Jupiter gravitation causes. The thing is that even if some moon or planet has an icy core and ocean under it that ocean could be very cold. If the water is in movement every time and salinity is high enough even water whose temperature is far below zero celsius can be liquid. 

The fact is that even the frozen planets can have some kind of lifeforms. The metabolism of those lifeforms can be extremely slow. And that thing makes them hard to detect. If we think of the algae that live in liquid water at a very low temperature. 

There is the possibility that this kind of algae would not release oxygen into the air. That means the algae can keep oxygen in its cell membrane. Maybe those hypothetical organisms divide very slowly. And they are storing all energy they can get. 

There are made theoretical models of the lifeforms that are living on the planets where radiation is weak, and the temperature is very low. There was one common thing in those alien creatures. They would be extremely slow. 

Everything happens by saving energy. Or otherwise, those creatures could take their energy from volcanic temperature like some worms on Earth are making. The models for those extreme lifeforms are taken from the worms and bacteria that are living in the ice core of the mountains, caves, or near black smokers. Black smokers are volcanic eruption holes at the bottom of the oceans. 

In some futuristic models, the astronauts are making an underwater base under the icy core of the Europa moon. In that case, the water protects the crew against cosmic radiation. And the system can use the temperature of the Europa moon as the power source. 

Or in some other models, the base would use the simple tube there another end is in-depth, and the other is near the surface. The rising water will conduct through the turbine wheel. And that turbine rotates the generator. That thing will make the energy to the station.


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