Rumors are telling that Russian troops refuse to advance. That means those people will not follow commands. And that thing causes a very dangerous. Because if that advance continues. There is a possibility that this rebellion pulls the entire army after that. There is the possibility that there is a threat of military rebellion against Putin's government.
The situation in the Russian military is poor. There is lots of corruption, and older servicemen cheat others. That means. There is the possibility. That at least some of the losses of the Russian army are caused by their own troops' revenge. A combat situation is a good place to revenge for the bad treatment.
Also, the corrupted military persons might want to clear their competitors from their way. If their competitor is dead, that opens a higher position for applicants. And that means the soldier's temptation to shoot their comrades in combat can be irresistible. Cheating during training gives hate to motive. The combat is opportunity. And guns or explosives are a possibility.
There is the possibility that the combat situation launches will shoot its people. There is the possibility that those deads are not ever investigated. When we are thinking about raping and other things there is the possibility that they are examples of extremely low morale in the Russian military. And low morale makes many things that should be prohibited possible. If the superiorities and men think that their fight and life are meaningless that causes crimes.
When we are thinking possibility that the Russian military will not follow their orders. That means there is only one change. That change is to punish those soldiers. But punishment causes fear. Fear is the thing that kept East Germany's citizens on the streets when East Germany collapsed.
When we are thinking about the situation that Putin's military men didn't follow their orders they would start to be afraid of the punishments. And that thing can cause they can start to make the active resistance against people who are coming to arrest them. The fact is that if Putin will not order punishments that thing can cause a situation where protests are starting to spread all over the military forces.
When we are thinking possibility that some draftees will send to Ukraine. There is the possibility that those people would just be killed. The fact is that many things cause instability in the cases like declaring war. There are lots of internal violence and corruption in the Russian military. That means some servicemen might want to take revenge for their treatment.
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