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Are there some taboos in science?


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Doors and Santa-Claus machines. 

NASA's "Curiosity" rover took that image. And it caused many kinds of discussions. Many people see some kind of door in that image. But the thing that caused that door is natural erosion. 

The "door" is a natural formation. But that kind of thing can always start discussions and theories. People have the right to believe what they see. And when we are talking about the "conspiracy theories" about "secret storage" on Mars we must remember a couple of things. Most people who are looking at those images are not geologists. 

And even the best geologists cannot analyze those images in ten seconds. But if somebody mistakenly thought that the image portrays the secret artificial door that person has the right to that opinion. That image looks like a door. The one-meter height doesn't mean that it cannot be artificial. 

Other details cause to determine that the "door" is a natural object. But we can make many hypotheses and theories about what can be behind one-meter-high doors. And one of them is the "Santa Claus" machine. The "Santa-Claus" machines are the "Von Neumann" factories that can make anything programmed in their memories. The Von Neumann machine means self-replicating machine. But the same machine can use in the robot factory. 

The Von Neumann machine can be the factory. That makes the sub robots. And then those sub-robots can make other structures or make another robot factory. 

In the most advanced versions of this machine, the "Santa Claus" machine is a robot factory that can search its raw materials independently. The "Von Neumann" machine can make a copy of itself if it has the right tools. 

Image 2) : A simple form of machine self-replication

And in some horrifying scenarios, the Von Neumann machines can turn into the physical versions of computer viruses. That scenario begins from the idea that the Von Neumann machine is like a cell. And its sub drones are like the antigens. 

If we are thinking that somebody wants to put the 3D printer in the chamber and that printer makes things like quadcopters even the small-size door would be enough. The fact is that the 3D printer or "Santa-Claus machine" will be a more suitable tool for sending to another planet than a single drone or drone swarm. 

The "Santa Claus" machine can make flexibly any kinds of parts and systems if there are lots of iron and other suitable minerals on the target planet. The "Santa Claus" machine can use the centrifugal separation system that separates metals and other elements from minerals. 

The centrifugal separation is used in the nuclear factories for separating U-235 from U-238 isotopes. But the same system can use in the centrifugal separation of all other metals and chemicals. The minerals must just melt by using microwaves. And then centrifuge will separate the raw material from it. The robots that are taking minerals to the printer require a laser spectroscope for detecting those elements.

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Are there taboos in science? 

There should be no taboos in science. But the research methodology in some things should remain theoretical level. The fact is that things like eugenics are one of the most inhumane things in the history of science. Eugenics was one of the reasons why Nazis made their concentration camps. Things like fastened evolution. Can be made in those brutal and inhumane conditions.

 But the thing is that we should understand that theoretical models are different than just turning brutal and inhumane things into reality. People should dare to talk about those things. Dare to talk means that there is the possibility that somebody will uncover some psychopath who thinks that those things like fasting evolution in brutal and inhumane conditions are true. 

NASA's Curiosity rover sends the image of the "door" whose height is about one meter to the Earth. That thing is the reason for the natural reactions. But of course, it looks like a door. But things like that "door" should be public. When people are looking at them, they should have time to make their conclusion. The alien life should not be taboo anyway. We should understand that there is the possibility that aliens know where we are. 

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The little green men. And bizarre scientific theories behind them.

Some bugs are green in daylight. When the sunlight would not affect their skin those bugs turn grey. So the thing that makes vegetables green is chlorophyll. That molecule makes photosynthesis possible. If the animal's skin would be green. That means the animal can live without vegetables. Chlorophyll makes it possible that animals can produce sugars in their skin.

The idea about the little green men is taken from the green snakes. Some snakes are green. And the most well-known of them is the green mamba but also some viper is green. The thing is that the photosynthetic skin makes long-term space travel easier because that crew doesn't need any outcoming vitamin C. 

So that thing makes it possible that the astronauts with photosynthetic skin can eat some bacteria. And photosynthetic skin makes it possible that those hypothetical interstellar travelers can create oxygen in their skin. That removes the need for the free oxygen in the spacecraft's atmosphere. In modern laboratories, scientists can create mammals that have green skins by connecting the genomes that make vegetables creating chlorophyll and the skin cells of mammals. 

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The SETI-program. 

If we are thinking the things like western civilization and some tribes in large rainforests in Papua- New Guinea and Amazonas. We are aliens to those primitive tribes. Things like F-35 jet fighters and helicopters are UFOs for those primitive tribes. 

Things like SETI-program have been public. But somehow search for extraterrestrial intelligence has been taboo. But is that thing taboo for scientists or the media? Why people cannot accept that the alien worlds are not straight copies of our planet, but there can still be intelligent life? Many places on earth are hostile to humans. And one of those places is the underwater world. 

But the most of species are living in the underwater world. Fishes are fully adapted to that element which is strange to humans. The thing is that the aliens would be fully adapted to their home planet. That means they could be different than we are. They might have a different culture. And their skin can be photosynthetic. Who knows what they look like? 

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