Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Do you know that bacteria that plays tic-tac-toe knows its mission as much as some soldiers before they go on a mission?

What is intelligence? What determines if the creature is intelligent or not? Can we call bacteria that make complicated structures intelligent? Or is intelligence the ability to make complicated movement series the same way time after time? If that thing is true the birds that are introducing ritual dance before making couples would be very intelligent. 

But the intelligence is one thing that causes discussions. Is it the ability to follow orders or the ability to break rules? And make something new. How would we determine the intelligence? Is it the ability to create something new? Or is it the ability to win Garry Gasparov in chess? But what if the person would not do anything than play chess? 

Then we can think the cases like Kaspar Hauser. If that famous boy would stand in a closed room and all things that person makes play chess, we could create a chess genius. All the neurons what that person has would be used for playing chess. That person would be the ultimate chess player, but there might not be any other skills. 

When we are thinking that the person who knows why something must be done is intelligent, we must remember one thing. If we are thinking that the person who trains another uses Pavelov's methodology where successful action will bring price and unsuccessful action causes punishment we must realize one thing. The actor who works under the supervisor and tries to please that person knows that unsuccessful action causes punishment. 

In so same way bacteria that is trained in petri dish knows that the wrong meal causes antibiotic shock. The actor is working under the supervision of the brainwasher. Which is another name for the person who uses Price/punishment methodology in training would know the mission as much as bacteria in a petri dish. 

The learning process of bacteria happens that when the bacteria are trying to harm the wrong cells, they get an antibiotic shock. The negative effect will be stored in the plasmid of bacteria. And there is the possibility that this plasmid ring can use to transfer memories and skills between people. 

Maybe when we need new skills in the future we just take the pill. That involves the DNA which transfers memories to the cells. 

Learning is a process that bases on memory. The person remembers the skills that he or she has. So manipulating those memories is making it possible to make new skills for people extremely fast. 

The idea is that the things that wanted to transfer would program into the DNA. And then the actor just eats the pill where is the programmed DNA. That transfers those memories to certain neurons. That allows program those cells very effectively.

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