Monday, May 23, 2022

Could there be a universe before our universe?

There is a theory that there was a universe before our universe. That theory could explain the origin of the material in our universe. But it will not introduce the ultimate beginning of the material. The idea of the universe as the loop that will collide and be reborn is one of the most interesting theories about the origin of the material. But it will not answer where the first universe in the series of the universes got its material? 

This theory is called as "Phoenix-universe theory". In that theory, the universe is introduced as the loop that will be born in Big Bang. Then it continues its expansion which ends someday. And then the universe will end its life in the happen called Big Crunch. 

The ultimate fate of the universe depends on its geometrical shape. If the universe is a sphere it ends its existence in Big Crunch. Otherwise, its ultimate end is the Big Rip. And the "Phoenix universe theory" requires that the ultimate fate of the universe is the Big Crunch. 

The key element in the "Phoenix-universe theory" is that the universe is an infinite loop. That universe ends its life in Big Crunch. And reborn in the Big Bang. So the universe is in the infinite loop where the universe where time travels as we know it and the anti-universe where the time travels backward alternate. 

During that event, all material and wave motion are falling into the giant black hole. Then that black hole detonates. And the existence of the universe begins again and again. That theory cannot answer the question of where all material in the first universe is coming from. And the second question in that theory is also interesting. 

Does that loop continue forever? Or is there the point where the material or energy level in that universe decreases so low level, that the gravitation cannot pull the material back to the middle of the universe? That means the closed universe turns to open. The reason why researchers should think that thing is that the universe always sends radiation outside it. And that thing decreases its mass. 

If the mass of the universe is too low. The energy wins and rips the universe into pieces. But if the ultimate fate of the universe is the big crunch. We will face one interesting thing. When material and wave motion start to fall in the middle of the universe that makes material around the massive black hole near the center of the universe younger. Time starts to travel backward in that universe. 

But does that thing happen when material exists? Or is all material turn to wave motion when it starts to fall into the gravitational center of the universe? One of the key elements in the phoenix-universe theory is that the universe and anti-universe are alternating in that hypothetical cosmic loop. The big crunch causes the ultimate energy load that will erase all material from the past universes.

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