Saturday, May 14, 2022

What would philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche think about the modern world?

EEG-controlled robots can make anyone superhuman, at least in physical power.

EEG-controlled robots can make anyone "Overhuman", at least in physical power. The use of those systems requires a high moral and right attitude. As I sometimes wrote, everyone can create killing machines and destruction. But making some kind of creativity requires a little bit different and more complicated attitude than making simple weapons. Weapons are more pretentious than some surgeon robots. 

And that's why people always look at the weapons first. But sometimes, I wonder why any human-looking robot would not make any ordinary work? Why they are not wall things like houses? Why all things that robots are making are very complicated. Why do robots not make everyday work like hover floors or washing windows?

The fact is. In the vision, most of the robots that work would not perform any kind of surgical surgery. They do the usual everyday work, like building houses.  If a robot makes buildings, it wouldn't get any attention. But those robots are the most realistic things in civil areas. Only detected robots are killer robots. The robot attack aircraft brought a new doctrine to the battlefield. 

But there is also something producing robot projects. But most of the news is handling killer robots. And that is giving model that the most of the robots are some kind of military systems. The fact is that the man-looking robot can operate in both, civil and military fields. 

Friedrich Nietzsche is famous because of his Overhuman model, where people who have higher morals, higher ethics, and higher intelligence levels will rise to lead the nation. Sometimes over-human is determined as the person who has superior power against others. 

Maybe Nietzsche would not introduce his model if he would know that one politician used that idea for justifying the holocaust the horrible massacre of Jews. The superior in power somehow justifies the use of force against some other people. And power is the thing that justifies arbitrariness. The superior of power is the thing that is fatal in the wrong hands. 

Friedrich Nietzsche is famous because of his "Overhuman" or "Overman" (Übermensch) model, where people who have higher morals, higher ethics, and higher intelligence levels will rise to lead the nation. Sometimes over-human is determined as the person who has superior power against others. 

Maybe Nietzsche would not introduce his model if he would know that one politician used that idea for justifying the holocaust the horrible massacre of Jews. The superior in power somehow justifies the use of force against some other people. And power is the thing that justifies arbitrariness. The superior of power is the thing that is fatal in the wrong hands. 

Maybe Nietzsche would not publish that idea so loudly if he would know how his models would turn to justify the brutality against people who cannot themselves influence that thing. 

But the base idea in Nietzche's over-human is that the thing. What makes a person superior is an intelligence. And the intelligence is the thing that allows even the weakest person or creature to make the things that help it to rule things like the entire world. The creature itself can be weak, but it can create mechanical muscles and a technical remote view by using surveillance cameras. Which makes it control things around it. 

The EEG-controlled robots can make anyone Overhuman. In some visions, the master-class of the dystopic society would hover in safe at the orbiting space station and operate on the Earth by using EEG-control robots. 

The EEG-controlled robots would make their users superior to their opponents. At least in the physical power. That superiority continues until the signal transmitting between the living person and robot body cuts. And after that, the users of those robots must use their bodies and muscles. 

The creature must not even be able to move if it uses the EEG-controlled robots. In that case, the medium is the robot that acts as a tool for influencing cases. The thing that we must realize is that when a robot follows the orders of some person. That thing means that we should not blame the machine for what it does. The human or living operator is the thing that gives orders to the robot. 

Responsibility for a robot's actions are humans who are using it. A robot is a machine that human uses for their purposes. The thing is that remote-controlled robots can make many things that are impossible for humans. If our robot will exchange data between the operator and its metal core by using enhanced reality. In that case, the nervous stimulation will transmit to the human brain. 

And the person cannot even separate the observations that those robots get from the observations that the body's sensors are transmitting to their brains. So because the person cannot separate the senses that are coming from the robot from their senses we can ask one question. Would that person have the right to claim that person made something? Even if they are using a remote medium for their operation they can feel everything that their robot feels. 

That thing has caused one very interesting idea in my mind. What if somewhere in the distant future humans will lay in a chamber. And everything that they do will happen through the robot body. That means the only touch with the natural air would happen through that external body. 

They might think that their external body is their own body. Those external bodies or EEG-controlled robots would not ever get tired and that thing can create the illusion that the person who owns that thing is immortal. If the only senses that person gets come from some robot that means people would think that those external EEG-controlled robots are abilities that are connected with their own body.

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