Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dark energy and the ultimate fate of the universe

Dark energy exists. And that means the universe will not face the Big Crunch. This is the thing that is sometimes the thing that is mentioned. When we are talking about the beginning of the universe. If we could prove the infinity loop or phoenix universe. That thing explains where the material of the Big Bang came from. But it will not explain where the first universe got its material. 

But the problem with the infinity loop is that universe should not lose any material. So it should recycle all material through the Big Crunch and Big Bang that this theory would be true. The fact is that the universe is in the middle of cosmic or space emptiness. 

And that thing causes vaporization of the material at the edge of the universe. That vaporization means that the particles are turning to wave motion. The universe loses material that way. So the universe would turn too light for the phoenix universe. 

The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. 

From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1.

A hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, 

And a flat universe with Ω = 1. 

These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space. If  Ω > 1 the gravitation wins. And then the universe is the Big Crunch. Otherwise, the ultimate end of the universe is Big Rip or Big Silence. The term Big Rip means that all particles turn to wave motion. 

There is introduced a theory that the shape of the universe is a similar plate-like galaxy. And the spinning top effect of the material of the universe causes energy travels out from the center of the universe. So could the spinning top effect explain why dark energy rips the universe into pieces?

Dark energy is the thing that blows the universe larger and colder. The dark energy causes the universe expands forever. Betting statistics for the Big Crunch is depressing. The 1/3 of the possibilities is that the universe is spherical. And only a spherical universe can form the Big Crunch. 

Or actually, we don't know the geometrical shape of the universe. We know that the visible material is forming the structure that might seem the sphere. But most of our universe is invisible. And 68% of it is dark energy. The thing is that the source of dark energy is a mystery. If we think of the spherical shape of the universe. We must realize that dark energy rips the universe into pieces. 

And the space outside the universe is colder than the universe. That causes energy to flow to the space around the universe. So there is the possibility that also the spherical universe will face its ultimate end in the Big Silence or the Big Rip. But the source of the dark energy is one of the most important things when we are trying to explain the shape of the universe. 

There is the possibility that there is some kind of giant black hole in the middle of the universe. And that thing causes all galaxies are traveling in the same direction. So the spinning to effect will transfer energy out from that hyper massive black hole. But there is one more imaginational theory. That theory goes like this. When the Big Bang happened there formed a giant quantum or electromagnetic vacuum at that point. That thing caused those hypothetical tachyon particles will fall to our third dimension.

And in that theory, the tachyons would keep that channel to higher dimensions open. But when tachyons fall to the third dimension. That means that the particles are releasing energy in the form of wave motion. So that thing means that the particles that are in ultra-high-energy level are causing the radiation or wave motion.

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