Sunday, May 1, 2022

A white hole is the opposite of a black hole.

What makes a white hole white?

When black holes pull, white holes push. What makes a white hole white? The white color is formed when a material with an extremely high energy level comes out from the wormhole. When the material comes out from that energy tunnel. It releases its energy immediately to spacetime. So the white color of the white hole is the shockwave of energy impulse that is coming out from material that comes from the wormhole. 

The reason why we cannot see material that travels in a wormhole is simply that its energy level is too high. And that thing causes the material vanishes. So what happens when the particle is jumping to the fourth dimension? When the energy level of the particle is high enough its shape transforms and it disappears. 

What drops particles away from the fourth dimension?

When the energy level of the particle decreases. It falls back to the third dimension. And in that process material (or particles and wave movement or information) releases its extra energy. The reason why it is so hard to jump to the fourth dimension is simple. Normally particle or wave movement cannot reach the necessary energy level. 

As I wrote before, the dimension is like a room. The roof is the highest possible energy level of the particle. If the particle should jump to a higher dimension it should go through that roof. But the problem is that energy is like the pillar under the particle. It can reach the roof quite easily. But for traveling through the roof. It needs extra energy from the upper room. 

The jump to the fourth dimension happens through quantum entanglement. The quantum entanglement forms between the particle with the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension and the particle that is the highest possible energy level in the third dimension. That means if the energy level of the particle is changing it jumps out from the third dimension or drops out from the fourth dimension. 

When the particle in the fourth dimension pumps energy to the particle in the lower dimension. It reaches the energy level. That is high enough to jump out from the third dimension. The idea is that the particle in the fourth dimension pumps energy to lower energy particles. But it loses its energy in that process. 

But the problem is that the particle that is in the highest energy level in the third dimension takes contact with the particle in the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension. And if that quantum entanglement forms between particles where another part is in the too low energy level it pulls another particle out from the fourth dimension. 

The particle can reach the highest possible energy level by using energy that comes from the third dimension. But the thing is that the highest possible energy level means that the particle reaches energy stability. That means the energy would not travel from space to particle. 

And then the thing is that particle requires some other particle from the upper room or higher dimension to transmit energy to the lower dimension. The energy flow in superpositioned and entangled particles travels from higher energy levels to lower energy levels. That thing means that the energy flow continues until those two particles have the same energy level. 

So in that model, the particle that is in the fourth dimension rises or pulls the other particle from the third dimension to the higher dimension. But why the particle can drop from the fourth dimension? The reason for that is also simple. If the energy level of the particle in the third dimension is too low it would decrease the energy level of the particle so much that it falls from the fourth dimension. 

Could dark matter be the particles that are in the fourth dimension? 

When we think that the dimension is a certain energy level the particles that are traveling in a wormhole are just invisible. They are existing. But they cannot interact with other particles. The wormhole should go to the point where the radiation pike of the black hole travels. 

If that material that travels in that radiation channel sends radiation. There is the possibility that the radiation of that radiation channel covers the radiation that the material inside that energy channel sends. So is a dark matter the matter that travels in a wormhole? 

And the question is why is that material that is at too high an energy level that it cannot interact with regular material or third-dimensional material? The answer to that question can be in the spin of the particles. If the particle is smooth it cannot send the wave movement. Or it sends the straight wave movement. 

Could the energy that travels out from the particle that is in hyper-high energy level just push other particles away? That thing denies the interaction with other particles. 

The thing that causes the effect that makes particles possible to observe is wave movement the energy level changes. If some particle is smooth there are no errors in the wave movement that comes outside it. The thing is that the hair or pikes of the particle are the things that make the particle visible. When that pike will push the outer quantum field it sends the wave movement. 

If the particle is hairy it causes the "thunder". That thunder is the wave movement. The fourth dimension could mean that the rotation speed of the particle is so high that it would pull those hairs to its surface. Another thing is that the radiation or wave movement that particle sends turns so high that it pushes other quantum fields away. Those pikes or hair of the particle act like small antennas. They are driving energy out of the particle. Then that particle just pushes other particles away from it. 

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