Saturday, April 30, 2022

Can a hypothetical tachyon be the thing that forms photons?


Byt the way, this image above this text could introduce the situation that the hypothetical tachyon particle drops from the fourth dimension to our third dimension. That ring could be the shock wave that the tachyon forms when its speed decreases under the speed of light. Then that particle forms the Higgs boson and the power field that is like the lens.

That lens focuses on the radiation that comes from the higher dimension to one point. And the question is could that thing in the focus be the photon. So that means the photon's form can be like the parallel bites of wave movement or superstrings. That could explain why the photon has no mass. The energy or information travels from photons so fast that this thing cannot interact. 

The particles that are in the highest possible energy level in the third dimension can make quantum entanglement with the particles that are at the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension. And we can think that the hypothetical tachyon is on the lowest energy level in the fourth dimension. The reason why we cannot see tachyon is simple. When that particle drops from the fourth dimension it transforms into some other particles like the Higgs boson. And there is the possibility. 

That photon is the particle that is released when the tachyon impacts with the third dimension. So tachyon exists only in the fourth dimension. And the reason for that is that the hypothetical particle has so high an energy level that the third dimension cannot close it inside it. When tachyon drops out from the fourth dimension. Its existence as tachyon ends. The existence of a tachyon requires so high energy level that this particle jumps to the fourth dimension. 

The key element of that theory is that the fourth dimension is the energy level. So when the hypothetical tachyon drops to the third dimension it loses its energy forming the shock wave. When we are saying that the particle drops from the fourth dimension we can say that it loses so much energy that the fourth dimension cannot keep it inside. 

So tachyon drops to the third dimension. In that process, it loses energy so fast that the shock wave is forming. The energy flows from higher energy points to lower energy areas. The thing that can make the tachyon drop to the third dimension is that it makes quantum entanglement with the particle that is in the third dimension. 

And that thing means that the particle in the third dimension pulls that tachyon from the fourth dimension to the third dimension. When that thing happens the particle releases its energy in the form of wave movement. That wave movement can be the thing that focuses photons in our spacetime.

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