Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The zombie neutron star spins slower than it should.

The neutron stars are remanats of the supernova explosions. During that explosion, the star is pressed to a very dense form. And actually, all particles of the neutron star are turned into neutrons. The thing that keeps this neutron structure together is the combination of the weak nuclear interaction and electromagnetic interaction between the poles of the neutron. 

That structure is very strong. And maybe sometimes in the future, we can create the "neutron fullerene" the layer of pure neutrons that can use as the cover for layers. Neutron fullerene would be one of the strongest materials in the universe. The neutron structure is extremely strong. And that allows a very fast spin of the neutron stars. 

They are spinning extremely fast. And they are known because their powerful magnetic fields act as a particle accelerators. That thing makes them send fast particles across the universe. And those neutron stars are known as "pulsars". The truth is that pulsar requires particles around it. The electron ray forms when material drops on the core of the neutron star. 

And then, the magnetic field will drive those particles to their poles. That radiation requires the nebula around the neutron star. Also, the material that falls to the core of the neutron star makes it a spin. When ions are impacting it's core they are causing nuclear reactions. If particles are not dropping to the neutron star's core that causes the neutron star's spin ends. 

If the star that explodes is too heavy it forms a black hole. There is the possibility that somewhere are quark stars. Quark stars would be one type of fermion stars and in that star type, the neutrons are collapsed to quarks. The quark connections are stronger than neutron connections. 

But do we know enough about those strange objects? We know that collapsing nebula can form black holes. So there is the possibility that the neutron star can form straight when the proto-star condenses. If the mass of the planetary nebula is too high that thing can cause the star detonates immediately when the nuclear reactions begin. Or the nebula will fall to the black hole. And maybe similarly the neutron star can form straight from the nebula. 

If a neutron star spins too slowly. That can mean that it is formed straight from the nebula. Or there is the possibility that some outcoming radiation or wave motion is slowing the speed of the neutron star. That means the outcoming radiation can cause the situation where some kind of electromagnetic tunnel denies that particles can impact a neutron star. 

That means some kind of effect that impacts a neutron star like a hollow magnetic field. That denies that the particles can impact the core of the neutron star. Maybe, that kind of magnetic field is formed by high-energy ions. In that case. Those ions deny that particles can touch the neutron star's core. That means that there could be some kind of bubble where is another magnetic field. That drives particles out from the core of the neutron star. 

https://bpsic.com/2022/05/30/zombie-pulsar-is-spinning-slower-than-should-be-physically-possible/Balck hole

Neutron star


Quark star

Image:) https://bpsic.com/2022/05/30/zombie-pulsar-is-spinning-slower-than-should-be-physically-possible/Balck hole


Electromagnetism can act as the model for futuristic antigravitation systems.

The electrons that are in extremely high energy levels can create gravitational waves. 

The ability to create synthetic gravitational waves by using a laser can make futuristic antigravitational engines possible. The idea is that the system shoots the gravitational waves against the dominating gravitational fields. If those gravitational waves travel in opposite directions that thing packs the gravitational waves between the craft and the dominating gravitational object. 

And that wave motion raises the craft above the ground. The system could make synthetic gravitational waves by stressing electrons by using laser systems. But the problem is that the electron's energy level must rise to extremely high. And then that system makes those extremely heavy electrons orbit each other. When those electrons that are (near the limit of) quantum size black holes. 

Orbit each other they send gravitational waves. Or otherwise, the electron can turn into a quantum size black hole, and when energy stress to that object ends. That thing causes the vaporization of that black hole. And at the same moment that black hole sends gravitational waves around it. So the needed thing is a laser that stresses electrons for enough long time. And when the energy stress ends that object sends the energy wave through the universe. 

The idea of that system is the same. When the magnet's south and south (or north and north) poles are turned against each other. Those poles are sending wave motion that starts to hover between the poles of magnets. And that thing causes the magnets are starting to repel each other. 

Electromagnetism can act as the model for futuristic antigravitation systems. 

When we think about the possibility to make the real anti-gravitation that denies the effect of the gravitation we can think of one other interaction. The electromagnetic interaction is the most well-known and common interaction that have also repelling and pulling effects. The electromagnetic interaction transportation particle is a photon. 

The problem with a photon is that it has no antiparticle. But the W-boson that transports weak interaction has anti-particle pair. The particles that are transporting the weak interaction are W+ (W-plus) and W- (W-minus) bosons. So there is the possibility that in some cases the W boson is the two bosons that are orbiting each other. 

When those particles are orbiting each other the (W-plus) boson will pull the minus pole of the neutron to it. And the (W-minus) boson pulls proton to it. But at the same time when the W-bosons are orbiting each other, they send wave motion away. The things that keep those bosons away from each other are the proton and neutrons. When proton and neutron are gone. Those particles could annihilate and form the photon. But that thing is not sure. 

All particles are sending wave motion. The frequency of that wave motion depends on the energy level of the particle. When the particle is stressed by using radiation that particle stores radiation. Until the energy level of the particle turns so high that its quantum field pushes radiation out. 

Image: Artist’s concept of gravitational waves propagating through space. (ScitechDaily/New Laser Breakthrough for Gravitational Waves Will Test the Fundamental Limits of General Relativity)

And then it starts to send radiation or wave motion until its energy level is the same as its environment. The wave motion starts to travel when the energy pump to that particle ends. And particle sends extra energy as wave motion. 

The wave motion that is packed between the same poles of the magnet causes the repelling effect of the magnets. So could the gravitational waves cause a similar effect to crafts if they are packed between layer and the bottom of the craft? 

But when the opposite poles of the magnetic objects are pulling them to each other. The reason for that effect is the wave motion. When the object's poles are against opposite poles (minus pole against plus pole). That causes the wave motion starts to flow from the minus pole to the plus. (In this text north and south are replaced by words "plus" and "minus")

Wave motion that leaves from the object looks a little bit like a half-moon. Those waves are pulses that are traveling in one direction. And behind those pulses is the area with a lower energy level. That causes wave motion. And finally, the object is starting to travel in that channel. 

So that wave motion between minus and poles of the magnets pulls the particles to each other. The reason for that is that between those plus and minus poles forms a channel with a lower energy level. And then the wave motion behind those objects pulls the particles or objects together. 

But when the same poles are against each other that thing causes that electromagnetic interaction to push objects away from each other. The reason is that the magnets are sending the wave motion to the channel between them. 

That wave motion starts to flow in that area. And then that jammed wave motion forms the higher energy area between those minus and minus (or +and+) poles. After that, the area with a lower energy level pulls particles back. So the higher energy area between the same poles of magnets seems to pull the particles away. But the fact is that the lower energy area behind the object pulls the object back. 

Could we pack gravitational waves similar way between objects and the gravitational center?

So when we want to make a real antigravitation system. We must just find the gravitational waves that Earth will send. Then we should make the gravitational waves that have the same frequency as the incoming gravitational waves. And then just launch those gravitational waves against the dominating gravitational field. 

That should make the similar effect of standing and packed gravitation wavefield between object and dominating gravitation source. That thing makes it possible to create the hover of gravitational waves between objects and Earth. Those packed gravitational waves should act like in electromagnetism. And rise the craft hover over the ground. 




Image 1:) https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-are-blasting-out-earths-location-with-the-hope-of-reaching-aliens-stephen-hawking-warned-they-might-destroy-humanity/

Image 2:)https://scitechdaily.com/new-laser-breakthrough-for-gravitational-waves-will-test-the-fundamental-limits-of-general-relativity/


Drones are open applications.

The controlling software and mission packs are determining the use of drones. The same drone can pollinate flowers. And make surgical operations.  It can search for lost people in forests. The drone can send images of people's faces to the central computer. 

And that computer can check the people's identities by using image contour matching. Or it can attack enemy soldiers in the cases that it recognizes an armed person. 

The controlling software and tools determine the use of the drone. The decision on how to use drones makes the user of the drone. 

Drones are multi-use tools. They are like platforms that can equip with different modules that can make them able to make many types of missions. The normal cameras of that system can search many things like a look inside houses and search things like weapons. The sensor and operational package determine what kind of abilities that system has. 

The Geiger meters make those systems able to search for radioactive material. And the infrared cameras give them the ability to search the thermal objects and thermal leaks from the houses. The small quadcopters can deliver airborne or even from satellites. They can operate as well as underwater and airborne environments. 

So they can take samples from the bottom of the water. And then those systems can fly to the helicopters or aircraft. The drones can have manipulators. And they can collect samples from flowers or they can pollinate flowers in the case that there are no bugs for that purpose. 

The laser systems are making it possible to use drones as the platforms for plasma spectroscopes. In plasma spectroscopy, laser rays vaporize the sample. And then the spectroscope analyzes the makeup of that molecular cloud. 

The power of drones is that they can cover large areas. And they can operate as the cloud. Drones in the drone swarms can share data with other participants of that thing. And that system can operate very independently. 

Decentralized computing means that the microprocessors share their resources with other participants of the data-handling entirety. The prototype of decentralized data handling system was early in the 21st century. For making animations and computer-based tricks. 

That system called Blender made possible that the very hard animations can make by using regular PC-or Mac computers. That system used a network-based solution for sharing the processor time of the regular PC:s. And that system started to use for handling complicated calculations in the cases that the power of the computers is not able to solve the problem. 

In the same way, drone swarms can use decentralized computing solutions for independent operations. In that model, the microprocessors of the drones are sharing their time with other drones. And that allows the drone swarms can make complicated operations independently. They can operate in the atmosphere of other planets. 

Drones are weapons themselves. They can cover the airfields and deny that the aircraft can lift off. The jet engine that sucks the drone inside it will be broken. The drone swarm can hang around targeter objects and try to make the incoming aircraft or missile hit them. If the system can calculate the route or the trajectory of the hypersonic missile that system tries to move the drone swarm in the position that the incoming missile will impact those drones. 

The drones can have tanks. And they can irrigate plantations. But the drones can also equip with saltwater tanks that are making it possible to use the drone as a stun weapon. The stun gun or taser system can load electricity to the water drops. 

And they can drop on the enemy communication systems or they can stun enemy soldiers. But in some scenarios, the tanks that are installed on the drone can carry nerve gases. 

The laser system can also act as a microphone that hears everything that is talked about inside the house. The laser microphones are multi-use tools. And the same systems can use also for scanning lidar (laser radar) and ranging systems. The lasers can also use to point the targets for missiles.  

The modern laser pointer acts the same way as the old-time system. But the idea is that the system takes the image of the area where are multiple targets. And the flash of the laser ray highlights the object that the artificial intelligence-based image-homing system must destroy. That system can use with an image homing system in the fire-and-forget anti-tank weapons. 

The operator can highlight the wanted object can make by using a marking pen or laser system. Or the operator can make that marking from the computer screen by using a traditional mouse. The system can use also the image comparison system where the AI compares the images that are stored in its memory. 

There might be points that the system uses for selecting the targets from the multiple objects. The main battle tanks can have the top points. And the APC has lower points. That helps the system select the most feared objects for targets. The imagination is the limit to using drones. 

Drones can use in many missions. They can serve as remote surgical operations. Or the group of drones can raise the wounded person out from the deep forests to hover VTOL aircraft. If drones have manipulator arms they can use them as building workers. They can make walls and wall the bricks. They can carry welding systems. 

Or the drone swarm can use as a giant 3D printer. The imagination limits the use of drones. The drone itself is the platform that can carry multiple mission modules as I wrote earlier. The drone can carry a shopping basket or it can carry laser radars. And in the worst case, the drone carries the sub-machine guns. The mission module determines the purpose of drones. 

And the system is a multi-use tool. Drones can carry pizzas or shopping bags to a certain GPS point. And the same system can use to carry the bomb to a certain point. So the thing is that drones are the most multi-use tools in the world. And even if things like microwave weapons can protect areas against drones we must remember history. Things like anti-aircraft missiles caused the prediction that bombers are old-fashion tools. And anti-tank missiles caused prediction that the tanks are old-fashion tools. But today both bombers and tanks are still in use. 

Image:) https://www.analyticsinsight.net/taking-drone-technology-to-the-next-level-by-making-them-multi-functioning/


What makes programming so difficult?

The problem with binary-based programming is this. All operations that the computer should make must describe separately. Or otherwise, the computer doesn't know how to make the operation. The thing that demonstrates this problem very well is the case when the computer should make a circle. 

In that case, the programmer must describe every single line and point in that line for the computer. So the list of the code is very long. The programmer can describe the circle for a computer by using the groups. There might be a library in the programming tool that involves the description for making the circle. 

And then the programmer can handle all event handlers or variables as a group. But then we must realize that there is some other programmer. Who made that library. Making libraries makes it possible to handle those variables as a group but it just turns the work to other programmers. Of course, that table or library can have automatized input for the variables. And the programmer must just tell how large a circle that system must make. 

That thing is theoretically easy to make. First, the programmer must make the base circle for example a circle. With a radius is one centimeter. Then the event handler must just multiplicate the numbers by the value or number. That the program's user gives. If the user wants to make a circle whose radius is two centimeters every value must multiplicate by two. And that program can use as a subprogram. 

The powerful AI-based programming tools can involve the possibility that the programmer makes the program by using regular language. In that case, the hard work of programming transferred to the AI-based software, made by high-class professionals. So the person who is working with end-user solutions must have less work when that person connects the program modules to one entirety. 

Modular programming is based on the same idea as element building. In that model, the program is collected by the elements. In programming, every single table of the code is involving the instructions for a certain operation. And the programmer who is making the customer software must just connect certain tablets to one entirety. Artificial intelligence can collect those tables from the library if those tables or elements are marked for certain use. 

The idea of modular programming is that the same code can use in multiple places. The highly sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithm can search data from the internet. And then make the new tablets for users. That means that in the future. AI-based programming can be where the programmer just writes a description. Of what kind of program the AI must make. And then AI connects the certain modules for the new program. 

But the qubits are the thing that is revolutionizing the programming. The thing in quantum computers is that all variables can be described as one group. Those operations can load to qubit in at the same time. That thing is one of the most fundamental advances in computing. The principles of the programming are similar to before. But the fast operating computers allow us to drive more complicated artificial intelligence-based programs and algorithms than ever before. 


Monday, May 30, 2022

Are all four interactions the same force?

The particle physics extended model with hypothetical graviton. 

The problem with connecting four fundamental interactions, strong interaction, weak interaction, electromagnetic interaction, and gravitational interaction is that gravitation is neutral. 

Gravitation affects all particles in the same way. But we cannot make the connection between those forces. This is the reason, why we cannot make things like Theory of Everything (TOE) and Great Unified Theory (GUT). 

The reason is that researchers cannot connect gravitation to the other three interactions. So could the graviton be the low energy area or hole that is pulling material and wave motion in it? The wave motion could be like a carpet that pulls particles with wave motion. 

There is introduced an idea about the form of gravitation. The idea is that the gravitation is the low but large hole near atoms. And that large size causes. That wave motion will fall in it slowly but filling that hole takes a longer time. And that makes the gravitation effect in long distances. When the end of wave motion will start to fall in that hole. That is similar to the electron hole it pulls other wave motion behind it. 

Or could gravitation be the energy that travels behind the particle? And push it forward? 

So gravitation is the energy flow from the higher to lower energy space. The idea is that gravitation is wave motion. And when that wave motion hits the particle it forms the electromagnetic shadow behind it. 

Energy or wave motion starts to travel to that electromagnetic shadow faster than it can travel to the front of the particle. And that effect where wave motion travels faster to the electromagnetic shadow or lower energy area pushes the particle forward. 

The strong interaction is the interaction between single fermion and gluon. 

The annihilation is the interaction between the particle and its antiparticle.  In that reaction, the entire material turns to wave motion in that case. And that makes annihilation so powerful. 

In that case, the strong nuclear interaction turns opposite. So the repelling part of the strong interaction causes the material turns into energy. The annihilation can form in the case where the fermions called quarks are oscillating. And that oscillation will transfer all over the atom. And if that oscillation is strong enough that thing turns material and antimatter to wave motion. 

So could W-boson be the group of gluons? 

So if we are thinking that all interactions are the same. We can think that the transmitting particles of the forces called bosons are only a certain size of the groups of the gluons. The single gluons are the particles that transport strong nuclear interaction. And they are jumping between quarks that are forming protons and neutrons. The W-bosons (W-plus) and (W-minus) bosons transport weak interaction. 

The similarity between the weak and strong interactions gives a tip that the strong and weak nuclear interactions are the same force. The short lifetime of the W-boson also supports the theory. That its actually the cloud of some other elementary particles. And the best candidate for that particle is the gluon. 

Could photon be the ring-shaped remnant of the W-boson collapse? 

The electromagnetic interaction is the thing that connects the electrons to an atom's nucleus. The transportation particle of that interaction is the photon. So could the photon be the ring-shaped power field or virtual particle? Or is it similar to the electron-hole? In that case, that photon can be like the smoke ring-shaped power field. That is left when the W-boson collapse. 

So finally the mysterious graviton. The mysterious graviton could be the electromagnetic hole that forms when electron cores or the quantum fields around the atom are changing their position. In some theories, the graviton is the electromagnetic low pressure. That is forming at the edge of the atom. 

So, the graviton could also be a similar phenomenon to an electron-hole. The size of that hole or electromagnetic low-pressure could be larger than the electron-hole. But its area is larger. That thing causes that energy and wave motion will fill that hole longer time. But the speed of filling that hole is slower than the electron-hole. Because the gravitation hole is large-size that thing causes the wave motion that drops in that hole affects from a longer distance. 

See also:


Fundamental interactions



Great Unified Theory (GUT)


Theory of everything (TOE)

The standard model of physics.

W Bosons

Image 2:) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_interaction


Nuclear fission and W-boson interactions: how to turn weak nuclear force repelling?

The main particles in the atom's nucleus are baryons called protons and neutrons. The thing that keeps those particles is the thing called "weak nuclear interaction", weak interaction" or weak nuclear force. Called also "W-boson interaction". 

The weak nuclear force is the thing that makes the atom's nucleus stay in one piece. The weak interaction is not the interaction between neutrons and protons. Its interaction between proton or neutron and W-boson. Also, Z-bosons transport weak nuclear interaction. So some notation where is mentioned W-boson could mean W-boson. There are two W-bosons. 

Those bosons are the (W^+)(W-plus), and (W^-)(W-minus)-bosons. Those bosons are the antiparticles to each other. So they are causing the weak nuclear force to interact in two ways. Z^0-bosons are their antiparticles. The weak interaction has two ways repelling or pulling. And normally the dominating is the pulling interaction. 

The W-boson is between the protons and neutrons. It has a similar mission in weak nuclear interaction as gluon has in the strong interaction. Same way as gluon is the transmitter of the strong nuclear interaction the W boson is the transmitter of the weak nuclear interaction. So those interactions are very similar. But the transmitter particles of those things are different. 

Sometimes is introduced that all interactions are the same. And the transmitter particles of those interactions are the different sizes of groups of the gluons. Nuclear interaction is not the interaction between particles. It's the interaction between fermions and the transmitter particle. 

The thing in the nucleus of the atom is that the protons are all positive particles. And neutrons are bipolar particles that have north and south poles. So the thing that keeps the nucleus of the atom in one piece is the south pole of the neutrons. The protons have only north poles. And they are repelling each other. And if the nucleus of the atom loses too many neutrons the repelling electromagnetic forces win the weak interaction and cut the W-boson interaction. 

The only uranium isotopes that are suitable for nuclear fission are U-233 and U-235. The reason for that is that there is an odd number of neutrons. If all neutrons have pair. They would turn their opposite poles against each other. But if all neutrons cannot have pair. That means that one neutron starts to spin. Neutrons act like all other double polar particles. They are turning their opposite poles against each other. 

And that thing locks them to that position. The idea is that when the neutrons have locked the stability of the system is guaranteed. But if two poles are turning against one neutron. That thing breaks the symmetry. And that can cause one neutron leaves its place. 

Or else two other neutrons turn their electric poles towards the odd neutrons. And it can disassemble the odd neutron. If one neutron is pulled out or another way to disassemble instead of that neutron, a hole will be formed in the atom's nucleus. And if that hole stays long enough, it'll rip the atom apart. We can say that the W-boson interaction turns to the opposite. The repelling part of the weak interaction turns dominating. 

The neutron impacts the atom's nucleus when nuclear fission starts. That impact transfers energy to the atom's nucleus. The thing that makes nuclear fission possible is that the W-boson interaction or weak interaction ends. When a neutron impacts an atom. Tt impacts another neutron. That thing causes the shockwave that impacts other neutrons. If there is an odd neutron in the atom. That shockwave pushes it away easier than if those neutrons have pairs. 

When one neutron has been left from the atom's nucleus, it leaves a hole after it. The W-boson that is connected to the proton collapses. And that thing sends energy waves through the atom. That energy impacts other W-bosons. And it causes the other W-bosons are pushing the protons and neutrons farther from each other. 

The requirement for the splitting of atoms is the W-boson interaction or weak interaction cuts in time that is long enough. The cut of W-boson interaction rips the atom into pieces. But that effect requires that the W-boson interaction cut takes long enough. 

The reason why uranium and plutonium are fissile elements is that those atoms are big. In big atoms, the W-boson interaction between neutrons is about larger than in small-size atoms. In small atoms, the weak interaction between protons and south poles of neutrons can keep the nucleus of an atom in one part. But in large atoms, the impacting neutron sends other neutrons away from the atom. 

And then the proton's electromagnetic repel along with the neutron's north pole interaction with protons are pushing those particles away from each other. That thing destroys the W bosons from the nucleus of the atom. And when W bosons are destroyed they release all energy stored in them. 



Image: https://accessdl.state.al.us/AventaCourses/access_courses/physci_ua_v16/04_unit/04-02/04-02_learn.htm


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Are electron-hole and black hole similar phenomena?

The image above:)A model of a black hole when it raises a gravitational wave. 

Could we explain the black hole and the form of gravitation that its similar effect as electron-hole? When an electron's energy level raises it leaves a hole below it. We can think of that electron-hole also as the pillar. Which is below the electron. When we are talking about the filling of an electron hole, we mean the collapse of that pillar. And if the electron's energy level is high enough the pillar turns so long that the energy that it pulls in it denies the collapse of that pillar. 

When the electron's or any other object or particle's energy level rises high enough it vanishes. And that object leaves that hole or pillar behind it. And we are calling that point of the pillar a black hole. The energy point where an object vanishes is called the event horizon. When we are talking about the event horizon we call that point the point where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. Or the energy level of the object turns so high that it vanishes. 

The black hole is the particle that locates in the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the energy level where particle vanishes. But behind it is the hole the gate to higher energy levels or the fourth dimension. 

The birth of the black hole is in a supernova explosion. That explosion raises the energy level of the material to an extremely high level. If we think that the fourth dimension is the certain energy level or the energy level where the particle or object vanishes that means when the particle's energy level is high enough it turns into a black hole. 

Or actually, the black hole is like a pillar below the particle whose energy level is high enough.  That pillar is the thing that keeps particles or objects hanging over a certain energy level. And if that pillar is long or high enough that thing forms the material whirling around it. That whirl called transition disk pumps energy to that pillar. 

When the material whirling ends that thing causes that energy starts to flow away from that pillar. And that energy flow causes the material returns to the third dimension. We can call that energy flow the vaporization of the black hole. The pillar or black hole is the thing that the object pulls behind it. When energy flow to that pillar ends the object on the top of it starts to lose its energy. 

That energy falls to the pillar because energy always tries to reach the minimum possible energy level. And then that pillar collapses. The minimum possible energy level means that the energy level in a particle is the same as the energy level in its environment. 

When the energy level of the material rises higher it rises that material like the top of the pillar. In the same way, we can think that when the electrons rise higher level, there is forming pillar below it. The polarity of that pillar is positive. And we normally call it an "electron hole". In the same way, we can think that there is a pillar below the object that is at a higher energy level than its environment. 

That pillar is the thing that pulls material and wave motion inside it. So if we think that a black hole is an object that has an extremely high energy level we might think that there is a pillar below it. And that pillar is the thing called a black hole. In the black hole, gravitation makes the same thing. What electromagnetism makes in the electron-hole. So there is the possibility that gravitation is the same kind of force as electromagnetism. 

In that model, there is forming a similar hole. As an electron makes when it forms an electron-hole while it raises to a higher energy level. In that model, the graviton is the virtual particle or lower energy area or similar hole with an electron-hole. 

Sometimes there is a question about the shape of the black hole and there is the possibility that the black hole is quite a similar effect to an electron-hole. As I wrote before the electron-hole is the thing that the electron leaves behind it when its energy level rises. 

The electron hole is positive and it's the thing that pulls energy out from the electron. And electron drops back into the hole. When we are talking about the electron holes we should think electron as the thing that hovers in the 3D space. That means when the electron jumps to a higher energy level that causes that the size of the electron changes. 

And it forms the positive layer around it. And then that positive sphere pulls the electron back to its original form. The black hole is the most extreme thing. If we want to make a quantum-size black hole we should only pump energy to the electron. And whenever the energy level of the electron rises that thing makes the electron hole deeper. 

We can also think electron-hole as a pillar where the electron hovers above it. 

Or otherwise, we can think that the electron is above the layer on the top of the pillar. The polarity of the pillar is positive. And when energy stress to electron continues it rises that pillar higher. When an electron fills its electron hole. We can think that the pillar below it collapses. 

We can think that the electron-hole is like the pillar and the electron is on the top of that pillar. When that pillar is high enough it starts to pull the wave motion in it. And that wave motion denies the possibility that an electron can fall back into that hole. 

So the energy level of the black hole is so high that it jumps to so high energy level that we cannot see it. In that model, the black hole is standing over the pillar and that thing is the thing, that we see as a black hole. The transition disk around that pillar pumps energy to it. And that thing denies that the pillar can collapse. The reason for the collapse of that pillar is that energy flow to its ends. The energy starts to flow from the object to that pillar and it decreases its energy level causing the situation. Where the object falls to the third dimension. 

Image: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna6808937


The new error-free quantum computer can revolutionize computing.

Image: Artist impression of gate operations on logical quantum bits, that are protected from faults by means of quantum error correction. Credit: Johannes Knünz (ScitechDaily/Fundamental Breakthrough: Error-Free Quantum Computing Gets Real)

The new error-tolerant quantum computer uses two qubits where seven atoms are connected. Those qubits are exchanging information. And that thing makes it possible to create the quantum computer that has the working error-handling and detecting protocol. 

The fact is that if somebody asks, what is the most powerful tool in computing? We might answer that the network of quantum computers. The error-handling protocol is a necessary tool for successful computing. 

In large-scale systems, the protocol can make by using multiple quantum computers that are in different places. And then if the answer that those machines get is the same the answer is true. The error-handling protocol can support by highly advanced AI that can keep a book about things like gravitation waves. Those waves can cause an error in the qubit because that energy affects the qubit. 

If the quantum computers are running the programs or algorithms that use fuzzy logic those computers don't need so high accuracy. The system must have three parts. One is the "Judge" connected to sensors with two other parts. If those two other parts are getting the same solution. That thing is the decision of what system follows. Or if there is a difference, the "Judge" chooses the better decision. 

The thing is that quantum computers are the most powerful and safest systems in the world of computing. The superpositioned and entangled particles are transmitting data in that system. That thing is called "quantum teleportation". If somebody wants to steal information from the quantum entanglement causes that the energy level of that particle pair decreases. And that thing causes alarm in the system. 

Scientists are making quantum teleportation over the rudimentary network. The research continues with this thing. The ability to make quantum teleportation over the complex network structure makes it possible to create quantum computers that have the power of human brains. 

The complex 3D quantum network is the thing that is working in human brains. And the ability to make precise quantum teleportation to a certain point of the 3D neural structure. If the system can make it possible to create the series of quantum teleportations of the information that makes it possible to create more powerful computers than human brains can be. 

In some visions of the computer-neuron hybrid systems is the living neurons whose axons are replaced by using a series of nano-size optical cables and laser LEDs. That kind of system can make it possible to create new types of microchips. 



Image: 1)https://scitechdaily.com/fundamental-breakthrough-error-free-quantum-computing-gets-real/


Without dreams is no inventions.

Image 1:) A short time ago also hypersonic flight was impossible. 

Sometimes people ask if warp drive is possible? The same way people asked a couple of years ago if the hypersonic flight is possible? Today we know that hypersonic flight is possible. All new inventions require budgets. And one of the most remarkable things is that when somebody researches things like hypersonic flight or some new ideas those things are always very expensive. 

Somebody always repeats mantras like "old reserve better". And then some other country takes the hypersonic weapons in production. That makes that there is a lot of hurry with those systems that are the most capable in the world. 

Without dreams is no inventions. All inventions in history required research and development. So without intensive and sharp research, we cannot make inventions. And here I must say that without research we should not crush any invention. The thing is this. When we are talking about the freedom of space and interstellar travel. We forget that a short time ago those things were just "impossible things". 

There is no way to cross the speed of light says some people without telling why it's impossible. Did anyone even ask why nothing can reach the speed of light or crossing the speed of light is impossible? History is full of inventions that should not work or punch as impossible. 

Things like radios, heavier than air flight (aircraft), and moon travel claimed to be impossible. Also, atom bombs were claimed impossible. But the world is full of people who want to work hard- And technical problems were solved, and those inventions came true. 

So when we are thinking about things like "Alcubierre drive" there are lots of technical problems, what that system faces before it can start. But hard-working researchers and engineers can solve all technical problems faster than light travel. 

When we are talking about the speed of light that thing means that the speed of light is a relative quantity. The thing that limits the speed is the crossing of quantum fields. If we can find the area where the wave motion travels only in one direction. 

We could reach that speed very easily. But traveling faster than wave motion is hard. Near black holes is an area where massive gravitation pulls the wave motion in the black hole. And because the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. 

That means the particles and wave motion are traveling at the same speed. So the photon and electron are dropping into a black hole at the same speed. The point where the escaping velocity crosses the speed of light is called the event horizon. 

And behind the event horizon, all particles move at the same speed. The speed of light depends on the environment. Normally, the speed of light means the speed of light in a vacuum. But the speed of light is far slower in water. There are also photonic crystals where the speed of light is zero. 

Then we must understand one thing. Faster than light travel means that the craft is traveling faster than photons around it. The fact is that the craft must just remove the quantum fields around it. And that thing makes it possible to shoot the particles faster than they can travel in their environment. 

By making a quantum vacuum around the craft or particle is possible to remove the quantum fields that are slowing particles. That thing is possible. But of course, things like "Alcubierre drive" or warp technology require lots of work. 



Image 1:) https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/now-france-wants-hypersonic-missiles-2021-43202


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Electron-holes part II

As I just wrote excitons are a combination of the electron. And the hole below it. The image above shows how electrons are hovering above their holes. And because the quantum field of that electron is stronger than other electrons the radiation can travel through it. And that thing can form the quantum hood over the electron. The depth of the electron-hole depends on the force that the photon transfers to the electron. So what is the electron-hole? 

Above this text, we see the two-dimensional model of the electron-hole and electron combination. When the energy level of an electron rises to a certain level there forms the energy pillar below the electron. That pillar hovers over the hole and then the electron will drop back to that hole because positive polarity pulls that thing in it. 

Image 2) (Pinterest) Tennis ball wind tunnel. The tennis ball can demonstrate how electrons are acting when their speed is high enough. In the case of electrons, the air molecules are replaced by quantum fields. 

 The electromagnetic wave motion acts similar way but in that case, the electromagnetic wave motion forms the shockwave. In wind tunnels, the air molecules are forming the shockwave. But the wind tunnel image can use as a model for the electromagnetic waves that the particle faces when its speed reaches the speed of light. 

When we are thinking about the photons and electrons we must realize that all other energy loads can create the hole below the electron. When an electron travels at a very high speed there it forms a hole or vacuum behind it. In that model, we can think that the kinetic energy pumps energy to the electron and it acts like photons. The hole pulls electrons backward because the system also seeks the minimum energy level. 

The minimum energy level is the energy level of the space around the object. That is another thing that makes crossing the speed of light very difficult. Another thing is the doppler wave ahead of the object. That effect known as redshift means that the wavelength of the wave motion ahead of the object turns slower. And an extremely high speed the doppler effect causes that there is the wave motion shock wave ahead of the object. 

The shockwave is similar to when the aircraft travels at the speed of sound. The shape of the aircraft aims that shockwave away from the body. And the doppler effect is similar to the molecular effect. But in that case, the shockwave forms because of the electromagnetic wave motion. 

That shockwave forms electromagnetic low-pressure around the object. So the energy travels back and sideways from the object because the contact point with the quantum field is so small. So the system must bring energy from somewhere for filling those low-energy areas that are making the energy travel away from the object. 


Electrons and their holes are interesting things.

Excitons are the quasiparticles that consist of electrons and the electron-hole that an electron leaves behind it when a photon impacts it and rises it to a higher energy level. In that case, the electron leaves the positive hole behind it. That hole is the reason why electrons will drop back to the base energy level.

When electricity travels on the wire that thing bases the electron hole. At the first one-electron will jump to a higher energy level and forms the electron-hole. Then that electron transmits energy to electrons around it. That thing raises the energy level of all other electrons that are forming other holes. 

On the wire, the holes will make electrons move. And that means electricity is the movement of electrons or wave motion that travels between electrons that are hovering over their holes. Like in all other quantum systems energy will travel from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. 

The thing that can deny electron drop to the base energy level is the case that some other electron will fill that hole. In that case, the energy flow from the negative electron to the positive electron-hole will stop. The ability to deny the electron drop back to its hole will make it possible to make an electron that flows above the base energy layer. 

An interesting thing about the electron-hole is that its polarity is positive. That positive polarity is the thing that will pull the electron back because energy travels from the electron to the hole. That positive electron hole is the thing that causes the electron movement on the core of the electric wire. 

And one of the most interesting things is that if the positive hole turns to a higher energy level than the electron that forms that hole it can turn the electron into an anti-electron or positron. The reason why the thin gold layer turns electrons into positrons is this.  When an electron travels through that gold it forms a series of the holes behind it. If those holes are in line they will get a higher energy load than an electron. And that turns electrons polarity positive. 

There is the possibility that the antimatter can form by using two different electron or laser rays. The first extremely high energy electrons are forming the hole. And then the electron whose energy level is the lowest possible will transfer near those holes. That thing makes it possible to create an electron-hole that is higher energetic than an electron. 



Image: https://phys.org/news/2022-05-tunable-quantum-excitons.html


Friday, May 27, 2022

How do interviewers detect lies?

Many times things like body language are the thing that helps to detect lies. Things like touching a nose while a person speaks are the things that are telling that person tells lies. But the lies are harder to remember than real things. The truth requires only that information is stored in the memory. But liars must use productive thinking for inventing those lies. That means brains need more nutrients. Lies are also synthetic memories or the creation of the imagination. 

The missing and changed parts of the details in two statements are making the interviewers suspicious that the person tells lies. People like criminal investigators face all the time people who are telling lies. 

And one things that some liars are using are the shields or emotions. They are a little bit hurry because their sick aunt needs assistance. Or the handicapped person needs them. In those cases, the liar might say that he or she is a voluntary non-profit worker with those people. But when the investigator makes checks. That thing uncovers that person gets a salary from those things. 

That means there is no similar emotional connection to the real things. So they are harder to remember than things that happened. When does an interviewer want to detect lies that person can use a series of questions, and sometimes ask some questions like what kind of skirt do you have? The purpose of those questions is to break the rhythm of the interviewed person. 

But one of the things that uncover the lies is simple.  If the interviewer will recall the person back to the room after a while. There are changes in the critical points of the tale. One of the things that can help to detect lies is using the images like cars or trains on the wall. If the person tells stories about where cars and trains that person might find those details from the room's walls. 

When the interviewer recalls the person back to the room. That interviewer can change those images. And if there are no cars or trains at critical points. That means the interviewed person took those details from the pictures on the wall. 

When a person tells lies. The details of the subject are not stored in memory like real things. If a person wants to tell a story fluently brains are searching for assistance from the walls. Things like images of the cars are making colors in the story. But the risk is that the person is taken those details from images. 

And one of the tricks is that the person will give a statement. Before creating the image of the suspect starts. Then the police artists ask things like what was the hair color of the assaulter? When a person gives the statement those details are asked. Then during the image making the person might forget that the criminal used a balaclava helmet. Of course, some things like ponytails can be outside the mask. 

Sources and image: 



Brain research and neurology help to make models for morphing quantum networks.

All humans have one portable and very effective morphing quantum network. That network is the human brain. When researchers want to create the BCI (Brain Controlled Interfaces or Brain Computer Interfaces) or make a closer interaction between machines and living brain tissue. 

They need precise information on how brains are working, which cell groups are active while brains are storing data and how they connect that data to forming the new entireties. That ability makes humans superior to all other species. 

The fact is that the thing that causes this superior is that there are so many neurons in human brains. Every single neuron handles a certain pixel of data. So our memory is like pixelated entirety. And a large number of cells and connections gives more possibilities to connect data and form the new entireties than any other animal can. A large number of pixels gives a large number of new entireties. 

The MIT Researchers found the neural circuit that helps hold information in the mind. The thing is that the number of neurons that participate in the data handling process determines would a person remembers something. Or would the experience crush? 

The data is stored in short-term memory for making an action matrix for future tasks. And that thing causes the negative things to be stored more easily than positive things. 

And there the brains are selecting what memories are needed to store and what must forget. Even if the brains have impressive abilities they have their limits. So large number of stored data means that brains should search right connections longer time, than in the case. There are only a few memories stored. 

The network circuit in the thalamus has a role in memories. It circles electric signals between neurons. That makes the memories are traveling in the brains and brains decide would they need those memories. Memories are playing a vital role in the survivability of the human species. 

Brains are using memories for creating an action matrix for the individuals. And the language is meant to transfer those models to other people. 

If the neurologists would find out which neurons are activating during certain worlds and certain movements. That thing makes it possible to create user interfaces that are revolutionizing things like aviation. The BCI makes it possible to turn aircraft without moving hands or feet. And brains can also control multiple systems like drone swarms at the same time.  

And that thing causes the brain cells to get the same memory again and again. That thing helps brains, that they have time to analyze how necessary the data is? If the brain thinks that data is necessary, it will store it in long-term memory. Otherwise, it will be a crush. 

The ability to read memories of the person makes it possible to give confirmed data about things that person has seen at the crime scene. If all people could see the person's memories from their computer screens. They can get confirmed data about the stories of the person. Today lie detection is based on the skills to read body language. 

But things like infrared cameras and MEG systems are making it possible to observe brain activity. And brains need more blood when they are telling lies than in the cases when they tell truth. 

The problem is that they show does a person tell lies. Those systems are not showing what a person remembers about the case.  But maybe in the future, the computers show memories on their screens like in TV-program. 

The knowledge of how and where the memories are stored will make it possible to read memories of living or even dead people by using computers. In those scenarios, the neurons of the dead person will transmit electricity. 

And their electric signals are transmitted to the decoder. But that thing could be true in the future. Maybe in the future, judges will see the last moments of a dead person from their computer screens when the system will decode the last memories of that person. 




Image:) https://scitechdaily.com/fda-approved-drug-could-combat-middle-aged-memory-loss/


Quantum computers proved that they work. But there are many challenges before our PC turns into a quantum computer.

Quantum teleportation is the key element in quantum computers. 

The term superposition means that the elementary particles will turn identically by connecting them with a laser or some other energy rays. Or actually, superposition means, that the particle can be in two places at the same time. In that case, the particle pair will turn identically by synchronizing their oscillation identical. In that process the particle pair's another participant will stress by radiation. 

And that participant will send wave motion to another particle which starts to oscillate with the same frequency. That thing causes that between those particles is forming the energy bridge. And when another participant moves the other will also move. This is the thing called quantum teleportation. The reason why quantum entanglement is needed is that quantum teleportation requires the quantum channel between those particles. 

The quantum computer is one of the most powerful systems in the world. But we cannot still live without binary computers. The binary computers are needed to support the quantum computers. Their mission is to decode binary data to the qubit. 

And then decode the data from the qubit to the output devices. The thing that is the problem is this. A quantum computer requires superpositioned and entangled particles to transfer data. In most quantum computers the system uses superpositioned and entangled photons for making the needed quantum entanglement. The problem is that the quantum entanglement would stay less than a minute. And then the system must re-adjust. 

The problem with quantum entanglement is that thing is forming between two particles. And those particles must stay at a certain distance from each other, and they should be the same size. Electrons would be very good things for making the quantum entanglement. But the problem is that the electric polarity of those particles makes them repel each other. And proton-electron pair is not suitable, because the electron is so much smaller than a proton. Superpositioning of those particles will not be possible. Or it's more difficult than superpositioning the particle-antiparticle pairs. 


The use of matter-antimatter hybrid material in quantum entanglement is a fascinating possibility. 

If we want to put the positron-electron (or proton-antiproton) pair in a stable position. And keep that particle-antiparticle pair at a certain distance from each other we should only use magnets. 

Those magnets will pull the particle and antiparticle from each other. And anchor that pair in a certain position. Then the laser (or maser) ray can create the superposition and entanglement for those particles.

Because electrons and protons are heavier than photons that system is more resistant to the outcoming effects than superpositioned and entangled photons. 

Normally in quantum computers, the system uses superpositioned and entangled photons. But the problem is that photons are so light. Even gravitational waves can affect their position. So some heavier particles can help to keep superposition and entanglement longer time. 


The problem with photonic superposition is that photons are so light. 

The problem with photonic superposition is that photons are so light. The electromagnetic turbulence and even gravitational waves are disturbing that structure. If the quantum entanglement can create between heavier particles, outcoming effects will not shake that structure so easily. But where those researchers can get similar particles with different polarity? One way is to use antimatter. 

This is why researchers are interested in antimatter. Or sharper saying connecting the antimatter particles with material particles. The antimatter or anti-particle is similar to the so-called regular particle. But its polarity is different. That means the distance of those particles can keep stable simply by making them orbit each other. 

The protium is the antiprotonic hydrogen where antiproton and proton are orbiting each other. And positronium is the system where positron (anti-electron) and electron are orbiting each other. Positronium and protonium can be the next-generation way. For making stable superpositioned and entangled particles. Stabilization of those particles can make by using magnets that pull particles and antiparticles away from each other. And that magnetic field will anchor them to a certain direction. So protium and positronium can use in quantum entanglement. 









Thursday, May 26, 2022

The new microwave weapon can knock drones out of the skies.

Image 1) 

Drones are a big problem for infantry and all other things. The kamikaze drones can eliminate all persons and penetrate through personal armor. And they are the size of a thermos bottle. Those drones can hide in the masked fire stations that can look like a birdhouse. 

And operators can control them over the internet. The quadcopters can carry small bombs like hand grenades or small-size heat warheads that are looking a little bit like WW2 German hand grenades. 

The "Switchblade" drones can drop from bombers and even satellites. And that thing gives the B-2 and future B-21 bombers unbelievable accuracy. 

Those heat ammunition might not destroy things like main battle tanks. But for the tankers and trucks, those systems can be dangerous. The drones can also carry things like Javelin missiles. And that makes them dangerous for all kinds of armored vehicles. If that kind of drone would be in the wrong hands. it might be dangerous for things like limousines. 

Small-size drones can also be equipped with assault weapons like shotguns or rifles. The microwave weapons can knock the drone swarms out from the skies. But the problem is how to detect those drones? Even the shotgun shot can destroy a quadcopter and the small microwave weapons are also effective. 

The ECM systems can also deny internal communication in the drone swarms. The microwave systems are effective tools. Because they can use to terminate multiple drones at the same time. The microwave systems can operate for a long time and destroy all drones that are in their range. 

But the fact is that. Drones are here to stay. The things like anti-aircraft missiles are claimed to end the air forces. Or at least the end of helicopters. And the portable anti-tank missiles caused the prediction that the tanks are history. But still, tanks are in use. The microwave systems can install in aircraft, satellite or ground stations, and ships. 

They are not removing the threat of drones. But they can make it easier to defend targets against those cheap and deadly actors that can be next-generation tools for governmental actors but also terrorists and other criminals can use those drones in a deadly way. 

The thing is that the killer drones are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. And even regular criminals can equip quadcopters with explosives or sub-machine guns. So people must be prepared for that kind of threat. 

Image 1) https://wonderfulengineering.com/this-new-mobile-weapon-system-can-kill-entire-swarms-of-drones/


Magnetic fields of the universe.

Visualization of filamentary. Seed magnetic fields emerging from large-scale motions, of unmagnetized plasma in a first-principles numerical simulation. Credit: Muni Zhou et al (Phys.Org/How the universe got its magnetic field)

If the giant plasma ball surrounds the universe. The radiation that comes into the universe causes annealing. The universe is like a bubble in an electromagnetic vacuum. And that thing means that the radiation travels outside the universe faster than inside the universe. But why that thing causes the expansion of the universe? 

The reason for that is that the material is denser in the universe. The radiation pushes against material and quantum fields when it moves the particles. If there are no quantum fields and material the radiation cannot push against something. The denser material causes the pushing effect from inside the universe is higher. 

The universe is full of magnetic fields. The strongest of them are surrounding things like neutron stars and black holes. But some of those magnetic fields are extremely weak. The fact is that even if something in the universe is weak, that doesn't mean that the thing is without effects. Distances and dimensions in the universe are far larger than in the laboratory. 

The thickness of our galaxy's material disk is 700 ly. And the Milky Way's diameter is 200 000 ly. The radio signal travels through our galaxy vertically for 700 years and horizontally 200 000 years. That means the time that even the weakest effect would have a long-term influence on the radio signal. So in the universe, the weak effect can be very long-term. And that thing is one of the remarkable things that we must realize in the universe. 

Interaction is one of the things that are causing the problems. Things like super heavy black hole Sagittarius A in the center of our galaxy might seem insignificant. But we must remember that the entire galaxy spins around Sagittarius A. That means the Sagittarius A has the dominant effect on our galaxy and everything around it. But we have very hard to notice that effect. 

Image 2 Local galactic group. 

The things like planet Jupiter are covering the flow around Sagittarius A. The same thing causes finding other universes is extremely difficult. Proving the multiverse theory requires observations of another universe. And that means the shine of galaxies and plasma is covering the shine from another universe. The effect is similar to streetlights. That is covering the shine of the stars. 

The multiverse theory is one theory that seems very true with the big probability. But proving that theory is extremely difficult. 

In that case, the local effect is stronger than the larger effect. And that is the thing that makes the observation of the universe quite difficult. The reason for that is we are in the universe. The fact is that we are also in the galaxy called Milky Way.  So, we might believe that Milky Way is an extremely large thing. Its dimensions are impressive. 

But if we would fly and compare the milky way with the size of its local galactic group we can think that our galaxy is a very small thing. 

Same way, when we are comparing the solar system's size with the size of the Milky Way we might think that our solar system is smaller than the pin end.

And still, we must travel for over a year to our closest neighbor planets. The light and radio signals are traveling to Mars in many minutes. The radio signal travels 11 minutes from Mars to Earth. 

But when we are thinking about the shape of the universe as the plasma ball, and where is the layer, we must remember one thing. If the entire universe has a common magnetic field that magnetic field affects the plasma bubble. That surrounds the entire, visible material. That thing means that there could be some kind of axle-looking ray that is forming poles to the plasma bubble. 

And if all galaxies are traveling in the same direction. That means there is some kind of gravitational center in the universe. But observing a plasma ball is extremely difficult. The brightness of the stars and galaxies are covering that bubble behind them. 

In that case, the cosmic magnetic fields are formed by the dynamo-effect of the plasma that surrounds the hypothetical gravitation center. The magnetic fields in the universe are a mystery. Some of them are around neutron stars. 

But theoretically, there is the possibility that the plasma bubble around the universe sends radiation inside the universe. When radiation hits that giant plasma core it makes it anneal. And the annealing causes the situation that the particles are starting to send radiation. 



Image 1: )https://phys.org/news/2022-05-universe-magnetic-field.html

Image 2:) https://www.sun.org/images/our-local-group


Pulsars might increase the power of the energy rays.

While radio waves travel in the universe they are traveling through billions of the quantum fields. Some of those quantum fields are extremely powerful magnetic fields around the neutron stars and black holes. In some visions, SETI-program (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) can simply receive the radio signal that is made U-turn around the neutron stars or black holes. The magnetic fields are changing the direction of the radio wave. 

So there is one possibility that the Proxima signal Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1 or BLC1 is the radio signal whose origin is on Earth. The plasma field can turn the direction of the radio signal. But is there so powerful a magnetic field that it can cause the radio signal from Earth makes a U-turn and return home? 

The energy amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is the thing that makes lasers possible. The idea of the simulated radiation emission is simple. When the wave motion that is traveling in space will impact with the wave motion that has the same wavelength stronger wave motion pulls weaker wave motion with it. 

That weaker wave motion raises the energy level of stronger wave motion. The same effect which amplifies laser rays amplifies all other wave motions like radio, gamma, or microwaves. Term maser means microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and that is the name for coherent microwave radiation. 

The laser or light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation means the coherent light. So laser is the maser system that operates in optical areas. Radio masers are the systems that are making coherent radio waves that can use as communication tools that are hard to eavesdrop from sideways. 

Virtualization of the laser means that the energy will pump to the laser ray. That kind of system can be extremely powerful. If the laser system is virtualized there is no limit to its strength. The virtualized laser system can mean that a large group of satellites is shooting their laser rays into one stronger laser ray. 

The optical telescope can be equipped with virtualized laser systems. At the bottom of the telescope would be a quite small laser. And then the laser LEDs are pumping energy to that laser ray when it travels through them. Things like holograms can also use to increase the power of the laser ray. When a laser ray travels through the hologram. It catches the energy from it. The same way the anneal of the stars and plasma are acting when radiation travels through them. 

And when radio wave travels through galaxies they increase their power. That means that even if we hear radio signals which seem coming close. The origin of that signal can be very far away. So the famous "Proxima signal" can come from farther than we expect. There is the possibility that this signal came through billions of magnetic fields. And the extremely strong magnetic fields of neutron stars also cause the direction of the radio wave changes. So the origin of that signal is a mystery. 

Radio and other radiation strengthen in nature the same way as they get stronger in the laboratory. When the radio pike from the neutron stars are impacting with another radio pike that comes from another neutron star. That thing makes the radiation stronger. Same way when magnetic fields are impacting. That thing raises their energy. When a radio wave travels through a magnetic field that will increase its energy. 




Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dark energy and the ultimate fate of the universe

Dark energy exists. And that means the universe will not face the Big Crunch. This is the thing that is sometimes the thing that is mentioned. When we are talking about the beginning of the universe. If we could prove the infinity loop or phoenix universe. That thing explains where the material of the Big Bang came from. But it will not explain where the first universe got its material. 

But the problem with the infinity loop is that universe should not lose any material. So it should recycle all material through the Big Crunch and Big Bang that this theory would be true. The fact is that the universe is in the middle of cosmic or space emptiness. 

And that thing causes vaporization of the material at the edge of the universe. That vaporization means that the particles are turning to wave motion. The universe loses material that way. So the universe would turn too light for the phoenix universe. 

The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. 

From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1.

A hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, 

And a flat universe with Ω = 1. 

These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space. If  Ω > 1 the gravitation wins. And then the universe is the Big Crunch. Otherwise, the ultimate end of the universe is Big Rip or Big Silence. The term Big Rip means that all particles turn to wave motion. 

There is introduced a theory that the shape of the universe is a similar plate-like galaxy. And the spinning top effect of the material of the universe causes energy travels out from the center of the universe. So could the spinning top effect explain why dark energy rips the universe into pieces?

Dark energy is the thing that blows the universe larger and colder. The dark energy causes the universe expands forever. Betting statistics for the Big Crunch is depressing. The 1/3 of the possibilities is that the universe is spherical. And only a spherical universe can form the Big Crunch. 

Or actually, we don't know the geometrical shape of the universe. We know that the visible material is forming the structure that might seem the sphere. But most of our universe is invisible. And 68% of it is dark energy. The thing is that the source of dark energy is a mystery. If we think of the spherical shape of the universe. We must realize that dark energy rips the universe into pieces. 

And the space outside the universe is colder than the universe. That causes energy to flow to the space around the universe. So there is the possibility that also the spherical universe will face its ultimate end in the Big Silence or the Big Rip. But the source of the dark energy is one of the most important things when we are trying to explain the shape of the universe. 

There is the possibility that there is some kind of giant black hole in the middle of the universe. And that thing causes all galaxies are traveling in the same direction. So the spinning to effect will transfer energy out from that hyper massive black hole. But there is one more imaginational theory. That theory goes like this. When the Big Bang happened there formed a giant quantum or electromagnetic vacuum at that point. That thing caused those hypothetical tachyon particles will fall to our third dimension.

And in that theory, the tachyons would keep that channel to higher dimensions open. But when tachyons fall to the third dimension. That means that the particles are releasing energy in the form of wave motion. So that thing means that the particles that are in ultra-high-energy level are causing the radiation or wave motion. 







The search for extraterrestrial life from the oceans of icy moons continues.

Image: Cross-section of the Europa moon. 

The depth of the Europa moon's oceans might hide (I hope) primitive life. The fact is that the salty ocean under the ice core is the place where scientists hope to find alien life. The alien life that lives in that deep and dark ocean could use the volcanic temperature as their energy source. 

Or the energy for those hypothetical lifeforms can be the friction of the massive tidal waves that the Jupiter gravitation causes. The thing is that even if some moon or planet has an icy core and ocean under it that ocean could be very cold. If the water is in movement every time and salinity is high enough even water whose temperature is far below zero celsius can be liquid. 

The fact is that even the frozen planets can have some kind of lifeforms. The metabolism of those lifeforms can be extremely slow. And that thing makes them hard to detect. If we think of the algae that live in liquid water at a very low temperature. 

There is the possibility that this kind of algae would not release oxygen into the air. That means the algae can keep oxygen in its cell membrane. Maybe those hypothetical organisms divide very slowly. And they are storing all energy they can get. 

There are made theoretical models of the lifeforms that are living on the planets where radiation is weak, and the temperature is very low. There was one common thing in those alien creatures. They would be extremely slow. 

Everything happens by saving energy. Or otherwise, those creatures could take their energy from volcanic temperature like some worms on Earth are making. The models for those extreme lifeforms are taken from the worms and bacteria that are living in the ice core of the mountains, caves, or near black smokers. Black smokers are volcanic eruption holes at the bottom of the oceans. 

In some futuristic models, the astronauts are making an underwater base under the icy core of the Europa moon. In that case, the water protects the crew against cosmic radiation. And the system can use the temperature of the Europa moon as the power source. 

Or in some other models, the base would use the simple tube there another end is in-depth, and the other is near the surface. The rising water will conduct through the turbine wheel. And that turbine rotates the generator. That thing will make the energy to the station.

Image:) https://scitechdaily.com/experiments-measure-freezing-point-of-extraterrestrial-oceans-to-aid-search-for-alien-life/


The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...