Saturday, October 16, 2021

Are the complex numbers real?



"An illustration of the complex number z = x + iy on the complex plane. The real part is x, and its imaginary part is y". (

Are the complex numbers real?

One of the least known irrational numbers is imaginary or complex numbers. Some mathematicians are said that complex numbers are only the form of imagination. The reason for that is the complex numbers are hard to position on the number straight. 

The imaginary unit means that the number has at least two positions in the number straight. So we can think that complex numbers are the numerical and virtual introduction of the superposition. 

Imaginary numbers or complex numbers are the numbers where is the imaginary unit. When the normal number is z, the form of the complex number is z=x+yi. And the Yi is the imaginary unit. The number of imaginary units is unlimited. 

And that means that the complex numbers have two or more places in the number straight. That means the imaginary or complex numbers are the mathematical version of the superposition. So are imaginary numbers real numbers or not? The fact is that in regular calculations, we don't need those numbers.

The form of the imaginary is introduced in the forms z=x+yi or a+bi. And they are both right. The thing is that complex or imaginary numbers are irrational or virtual numerical introductions or models. And those models can use for calculating the superpositions. 

So in the physical world, the imaginary numbers are not real. Or am I somehow wrong? Even if regular people don't need complex numbers anything they can use in quantum physics for calculating the superpositions. Imaginary or complex numbers can use for calculating the positions of the qubits in quantum computers. The superposition of the qubit can calculate "very easily" by using complex numbers. 

Complex numbers are the thing that are and are not at the same time. They are important things in a very small sector of mathematics or technology. But in regular calculations and things like engineering, there is no need for those numbers. Except in one place. The superposition of the qubit is easy to calculate by using those numbers. 

In that calculation, "x" is the line of the qubit. And Yi is the number of layers of the qubit that the uses. When we are thinking about programming quantum computers. 

Complex numbers might play a primary role in complicated calculations. Those are needed for making the quantum computer operational. This thing is one example of how the area of mathematics might be otherwise useless. Can use effectively in one precise point. And that point is the most fundamental and powerful calculator in the world.

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