People have many skills that they don't need. Many people have driven things like heavy vehicle driver's license even they never drive those things. Sometimes people have hobbies like martial arts. And they ever need those skills.
In the same way, the programmers must think about what kind of skills the robot must have. Every skill that a robot has must determine in its programming. If the robot has many skills that make its programming complicated.
And preparing for the unexpected causes a vision of the "shadow protocol". The thing is that the AI-controlled robot itself is a multipurpose tool. The same body can use for cleaning but also the military robot. The thing that determines the skills of the robot is the programming. So the term "shadow protocol" means that when the robot sees a trigger like the wanted person, that thing activates the attack programming in its computer.
The robots can make an independently operating network. Or they can communicate and outsource the calculations to the computer centers. People think that drone swarms are regular things.
The network of robots can interconnect the walking, swimming, and airborne robots to the entirety. The swimming robot can be like a torpedo that has arms. Or the man-shaped robot can have propellers under their feet. So the robots might not look like living organisms at all.
The internet is like the fog that is connecting robots and computers to an entirety that can drive complicated AI algorithms. And also that entirety can share the data between their members.
The most interesting thing for programming AI is how to predict to unexpected? Routine walking on the street is not a problem for the robot. The robot can use the GPS and camera systems for walking from one position to another. The camera can search the texts and then the robot finds the shop by using the text reading software. The robot should just know where to walk and how to step away.
If the human doesn't turn away. The robot must respect the red light. And the other thing that robots must know is the regulations for traffic. In those regulations, the car must avoid a walker. And in real life, most drivers are following regulations.
But in some cases, the driver is not giving away from the walker. And for that kind of situation, the system must have programmed operational protocol. The fact is. That if some driver is dangerous the system must have changed to deny the bad things.
The special situations are the thing that is causing problems for programmers. The robot is operating in a peaceful city serving people. By going to shops and making routine work like cutting grass. Could see things like some driver will be drunk when that person goes behind the wheel.
And the robot should react somehow to that kind of situation. Maybe a robot sends the data about that drunken driver to law enforcers. But what a robot makes if it sees the real danger like somebody is risking human life? The principle in robotics and AI is that the human goes always ahead of machines.
But what if the robot sees the situation that the adult is attacking against the child. Or some other ways helpless people? Should robots have the ability to stop those kinds of actions? The thing is that this kind of extraordinary situation is causing problems for the people who are developing AI and robots.
There are situations that regular people seldom see. But there is the possibility that the people see bank robberies or violent attacks. The AI-controlled robots must prepare for those situations somehow. The thing is that an AI-controlled robot is a multitasking tool.
And the same robot can deliver posts but it can also make surgical operations. Or even acting as SWAT police. The programming of those systems must prepare for that kind of situation. The fact is that things like accidents where the robot can give help are quite rare in the city areas. But what if the robot sees situations like car crashes?
There is the possibility that robots could save a human life if they are going to help trapped people. The problem is that if that kind of situation is not determined. That causes problems in the cases that there is an accident near the robot. If this situation is not predicted in the program code the robot is just walking home carrying the shopping bags.
If this kind of situation is not determined to program code. That makes programming easier. But if the robot is prepared for special situations that might make them more popular. And special situations are requiring more code that the robot doesn't need at all.
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