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Facebook and dominance of the media.

The position of Facebook is dominating and that causes concern. Facebook is a well-known and commonly used service. And that thing causes that the information is starting to pile up in that service. That information contains data that we might want to hide. Facebook is a network-based service that can use for many purposes from marketing to intelligence. 

Facebook was down and the thing cost about half a million dollars per hour to that service. That shutdown has shown how dominating that service has been growing. Facebook is a powerful tool. It can use to track the networks of people. 

Artificial intelligence can show the network map of the people who are using that service. The data that travels between certain members of the network can show how often those people are contacting each other. There is a lot of criticism against Facebook but the fact is that everybody is using that thing. 

The attitudes toward Facebook are conflicting. People are criticizing that service because it dangers privacy. And otherways almost everybody is using it. The governmental and private corporations and actors are found that service. But the critics for it is caused because the users are making its content. So they are offering their work for Facebook. But otherwise, the paper magazines and especially the car and other hobby magazines are used the same method for making their content. 

The reporter came to take a couple of photographs of the hobby car made short writing and then return home. The builder of the vehicle didn't get anything. And the magazine was sold to people at a very good price. That is the thing that ever caused criticism. But the social media services are caused discussions of copyrights. There have been discussions of copyright, freedom of speech, and other things like that. 

The question is about the line of social media and its moderation. Who is making the limits for cheating and other things? Maybe we would not face those problems without social media. What is tolerated? And what is not tolerated? The thing is that in social media are many things that are causing discussions and what are a little bit uncomfortable for some people. But there is one thing that we must realize and that is would the world even know about things that Putin has made in his country without social media? 

When people are saying they must not read negative things. Because they want to keep fun they are allowed to do that thing. When people are writing to social media they are allowed to make those things by using the platform that they want to use. 

Maybe many of those writings are boring, but who cares. People have the right to celebrate. But otherwise thinking also boring people has right to write something. Nobody listens to boring people and maybe that is the reason why they must write something. If those things are boring people must not read them. 

Who forces us to spend time reading things like this? If you have read this text to this point that is your choice. You could spend your time by making something other things. So if you hate this text, I must say that choice was yours. I didn't force you to read. There are lots of people who are not social, they are not spending their time in a disco all day. 

They look boring so they can disturb somebody. That's why they are at home. But if you are in the disco and some other person would write something boring would you spend all the time while reading the texts what boring people are writing? Why you are not at dancing? Or maybe that thing is not my business. 

Image: Pinterest


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