The founding of the exoplanet candidate from the other galaxy is not very surprising. The thing is that other galaxies are similar to Milky Way. And that means there must be solar systems and planets like in our galaxy.
That means the universe is "full of planets" and we are just waiting to find a planet that can have lifeforms. The most feared moment is when we are first making contact with other civilizations. That time will be someday in the future. Even we would be alone in our galaxy, there is the possibility that there are other intelligent species in other galaxies.
The visions of the future of the human race
And now I will explain why I believe that someday the human race will meat aliens. Even there is no other intelligent species other than humans in our Galaxy there is the possibility. That someday in the future we are moving to space and other planets.
In the future, the human race will travel to our solar system. And during that project, the goal would be the case that some colonists are born and die in the colonies. The thing is that those colonists are sooner or later stopped to keep in contact with their families. Maybe the persons who are moving to the colonies from the Earth will keep in contact. But for people who were born in colonies would never see Earth.
In some visions, the evolution would form the creature called "Homo Sapiens Spaces". In that vision. Some people would spend their entire life in zero-gravity conditions. In that case, the muscles and bones of those people are turning weak. And if that thing happens. Those people who were born in space stations that have no artificial gravitation would crush in gravitation fields.
"Solar Warden" is the hypothetical station in which zero-gravitation conditions make crew unable to return.
That idea is an origin for the conspiracy theory that the genetically engineered engineers would put to live in the space station. That environment makes it easy to control those people. That crew could communicate with computers by using a brain control interface.
And those crews could connect to the entirety with each other and central computer. So that a hypothetical space station can use as the data handling center. In that system, the brains of the crew and central computers will be acting as an entirety.
So those people cannot ever land on planets. The same thing happens if the crew of the space station stays too long in that place. So that's why artificial gravitation is necessary for space stations and long-term space journeys if we want to get crew back to Earth.
During those journeys, our descendants need very advanced bio- and genetic engineering. For making the colonists fit their new home planets. That kind of thing makes the colonists aliens to other colonists. That means that the colonists who are genetically engineered for their environment might not even look like being members of the same species that have conquered the entire galaxy.
But if that kind of thing is the future of mankind we must say that we are a little bit too lucky. In that kind of situation, we would be the luckiest civilization in the entire universe.
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