Friday, October 1, 2021

Is gravitation the same way radiation or wave movement with radio and X- and gamma-rays? And could we position gravitation in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The question in gravitational waves: is gravitation wave movement? 

Two hypotheses might explain the gravitational waves. 

Hypothesis 1) Gravitation and gravitational waves are similar phenomena to light. That means the gravitation has the particle and wave movement forms like all other natural forces. 

So is gravitation electromagnetic radiation or wave movement like the X-and gamma rays and radio waves? And where we would position that wave movement in the electromagnetic spectrum? The problem with this model is that the gravitational waves are so weak. 

Is the wavelength of that radiation so different than others that we can observe only the part of it? And is gravitation the medium between dark and visible energy? That means that gravitation has a similar interaction with other forces. But gravitation requires so large a layer that it feels weak. 

Hypothesis 2) Gravitational waves are the energy load that is transmitting between atoms. When energy is impacting an atom its weight is increasing. And then that atom resends that energy to other atoms. 

 Is gravitation the same way radiation or wave movement with radio and X- and gamma-rays? And could we position gravitation in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The gravitational waves from the neutron star mergers are one of the most important things in the history of research on gravitational waves. Every single particle in the universe transmits gravitational waves. But we can observe only the most powerful of them. During the colliding, they are sending the energy wave through the universe in all frequencies. 

That energy wave is similar to the sound wave that is sent when the stone hits to rock. The flash in the collision of the neutron star is bright but during the collision. The energy is released also in the X-and gamma rays. And the most mysterious things released in those collisions are the gravitational waves. Sometimes I have thought that could the gravitation be the radiation that has its place somewhere in the electromagnetic spectrum? 

In that case, the gravitation is the radiation like gamma and X-rays. But where is the place of that radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum? This is the thing that could be the key to prove that all four natural forces are the forms of the same force. The thing is that gravitation is energy like strong and weak nuclear forces and electromagnetism.

When we are using the energy we are transforming other energy sources to electromagnetism that is used in our electric network. We are using weak nuclear force in the nuclear reactors. 

And the hydro plants transform gravitational energy into electromagnetism. We cannot use pure gravitational energy. But we can transform it to electromagnetism by using turbines and generators.


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