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Crystal skulls, annihilation and artificial brains

This text is not handing morals and ethics about the use of the cloned neurons in computers. Those things are the thing that is different from technical solutions. So the law books are the thing that limits this kind of thing. 

The reason why the researchers are interested in the use of cloned neurons is clear. For making more powerful computers the cloned neurons are the ultimate tool. Human brains use 20 watts of electricity and they are much powerful than any known computer. The reason why the cloned neurons are causing problems is that they have their own will. And the second thing is that the cloned neurons are problematic in the point of view of memory handling. Memory handling means that the memories of the neurons cannot remove.

The modern bio- and life support technology can make the modern crystal skull-looking biological computer possible. So are those artifacts attempt to talk with the dead? If somebody steals a corpse for that kind of test that brings prosecution

Maybe the next part of this text is science fiction. But even if the famous crystal skull of the British museum is made to store the dead people's brain waves. In that case, brains will be put in the skull. And then the electricity is put to travel through that tissue. Then it will be stored to record. The fact is that even if that strange artifact could be fake, its purpose could be serious. 

The electricity of the brain the EEG can store to the tape. And then transmit to the brains of other people. But I don't know if this thing is possible to use by using dead brain tissue. The EEG can store easily during the EEG tests. Then that thing can be played by using the record player. 

But the cloned neurons and modern equipment make it possible to create cloned brains. Or in some ideas, the crystal skull can use for making "human robots". In those ideas, the pineal gland of the person would be put in the crystal skull. And the electric signals will send through that organ to the crystal skull. But the thing is that this kind of writings might seem non-scientific. 

And the fact is that there have been made many experiments during history that were not successful. The occultists and other groups made many things that were illegal or against morals. They stole corpses and bones from cemeteries and made many things that are causing imprisonment or even sending them to mental hospitals. 

When the cloned neurons are finishing their mission their memories should remove.  And that is the problem with the "living" or biological computers.  But there has been introduced an idea of the modern "crystal skull". In the chamber will make the artificial brains by using cloned neurons. 

And then that structure will connect to the platform and the decoding system by using neck nerves. Then data will download to the brain structure by using brain-core stimulation. And then the data will put to travel through the brain cells. That thing means that the system will act as the biocomputer. And the heart-lung machine can deliver nutrients for those cells. 

What if the crystal skulls were an attempt to talk with the dead? Or are they more frightening things?

By the way, the tale about the 12 crystal skulls that can destroy the world can be true even if those crystal skulls were fake. There is the possibility that to the eyes of the skull is put the leaf gold. And then the high energetic cathode ray will aim at those eyes. The system might work that behind the skulls is put a magnet and then the cathode ray will strike to leaf gold. That thing can use natural electricity. And if the lightning strikes through the leaf gold layer that can cause an annihilation reaction.

If those artifacts were fakes made for some occultists in the late 19th century. That is not a guarantee that the purpose of those merchandise is legal. There is the possibility that the occultists wanted to "steal" memories of the dead. And then they made those crystal skulls and then put brains in those systems. Then they could conduct the electricity to that thing. And after that, because they were afraid of authorities they took those crystal skulls to the jungle.


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