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How to detect weak signals of the changes in the environment? That's the primary element for making predictions about trends and megatrends in the future.

The problem with weak signals is that they are not causing headings and scandals. The weak signals are the things like the development of the Internet. And that kind of thing is making the revolution in the business environment. 

Today almost everybody can have access to data that has been very difficult to get in the past. And the spies and researchers can store the data in databanks for future analysis by using a quantum computer. So we must prepare for the ultimate challenges, threats, and opportunities in society. 

Today in the digital world there is no so small actor it cannot affect the big things. Everything that we publish and share on the net has meaning. The internet has turned from data storage to a multipurpose platform that can use to control the manufacturing process of physical items. And nobody knows where the R&D (Research and Development) process is taking the net. 

The thing is that the Internet can use to control robots. And even small robots like quadcopters can control the regular network. We have used the Internet for over 20 years. And we still don't know the limits of that system. 

Prediction of the future is the key element for successful operations in the local and worldwide environment. The environment is a combination of technical, political, and laws. The opinion of the people is always important for politicians who are making laws. But the fact is that the multinational actors can outsource the non-accepted part of the production and R&D process to the nations that are outside the EU or control of the western governments. 

In things like Artificial intelligence and bio- and genetic engineering, the laws are the things that are putting limits for advancing and testing those systems. The remote-control laboratories are making the national laws useless in this kind of thing. And artificial intelligence is putting new challenges for law enforcement. 

The artificial intelligence-controlled laboratories are making it possible to operate independently when some new things are made. The remotely controlled robots can use over the firewalls. But the artificial intelligence makes it possible that the courier just brings the instructions for the product on the USB stick. And then the laboratory that can be AI-controlled can operate independently. 

But somehow the ethics-moral discussions of AI have covered the big threat for security. The drone programs of China and other nations are a good example of how effective things would turn the ultimate system.   And in authoritarian countries. There are no discussions about morals and ethics about the government. 

Every new thing includes positive and negative things. 

And that attitude is making the R&D process of weapon systems much easier than in western republics. In those countries, there are no brakes for this kind of project. There are always people who don't care about the laws. And those people can create the remote-control amphetamine laboratory in some jungle.

The question is that why we didn't ever imagine or predict things like drones. Drones are dangerous stuff in the wrong hands. And this is the thing that makes them the ultimate tool for the governmental and non-governmental actors. The same thing that can search missing persons or deliver pizzas can use as weaponized mini-helicopters. Or they can deliver drugs to customers. 

Or maybe the drug dealers can use quadcopters for carrying drugs to their clients. The idea is similar to quad-copter-based pizza delivery. Modern criminals have access to high-tech systems. 

Automatized amphetamine production can be the next-generation narcotics crime. The criminals can remotely operate the drug factory and then the quadcopters can deliver that drug to customers who can give money to the drone. If there is no money the weaponized killer drone can kill that person. So the criminals are the new threat to national security. 

Even if the systems like weaponized drones are prohibited from the army. Many private and governmental actors want to use that kind of system in their operations.


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