The LHC tests have supported the Brookhaven and Fermilab Muon g-2 experiments. And there is the possibility that the fifth natural force or fundamental interaction has existed. The form of the fifth force needs description before that result can use for something.
If the observation cannot do for something that thing means nothing. In the case of the fifth force before interaction has been described. That thing is the same as nothing. Making formulas in the world of quantum mechanics requires very high accuracy.
Or description is needed when the scientists are making their models for the interactions. The most interesting thing in the suspected fifth force is what is the transportation particles of it.
So the knowledge of the existence of some force is not enough. For using that knowledge there is needed the knowledge of the form of that thing. Also, the strength of the force compared to other forces must describe before it can use for formulas that are describing quantum level interactions.
There are two possibilities about the form of the fifth force.
1)The fifth force is so weak that all other forces are covering it.
2)The fifth force is so strong and dominating that we cannot recognize it.
In description should determine which part of the atom or subatomic structures the fifth natural force makes interact. In some very interesting theories. The reason why we haven't seen the fifth force earlier. Is that it interacts straight between quantum fields. In that model, the quantum fields are making the connection between each other. And that would explain why that thing has not been seen before.
The fifth force is detected because there is an anomaly in the trajectory of muons. The tests are made by using extremely high accuracy. There is always the possibility that there was a measurement error. But when we are observing that thing. The question is does the trajectory of muons fit the calculated marginal?
The question about the lack of confirmed transportation particles could have many answers. One is that the transportation particle of the predicted fifth force is so small that it cannot detect. In another version, the transportation particle is riding with some other transportation particles of the four forces.
So could the fifth force be an interaction between the transportation particles of the four fundamental interactions? That means it could be far more interesting than nobody thought.
Can there be a force that has no transportation particle? Can the channel between quantum fields replace the transportation particle? The key question is how the interaction could form without transportation particles?
But what is the particle which quantum field the fifth force uses? Is it the quantum field of protons, electrons, quarks, or even the entire atom? Or is there some kind of transportation particle of that force that existed? The universe is one of the most interesting places in the world. There might be many particles that are waiting for their founder.
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