Image: I: The anomaly in dust disk around GW Orionis
The star is GW Orionis. Distance to that star is 1300 light-years. The planet itself is not visible. The system that has made that detection is ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array). And the researchers worked for Nevada State University. The following months will confirm or not confirm that observation.
The planet itself is not visible. But that object causes an anomaly in the dust that orbits the central stars. And the planet can be seen because of that anomaly. The straight observations of exoplanets are hard to get.
But non-straight observations like changes in the brightness of the stars or the gravitational interaction between planet and dust are also visible. The gravitational interaction between the planet and the dust requires that the dust disk is visible.
The change of the brightness of the stars is a good method to track the exoplanets. But that requires that the planet travels between Earth and that star. The last method can use also with distant objects.
Image II
And that is the thing that might confirm the scenario that the planetary systems are more common than astronomers expect. In the universe are confirmed exoplanets that are orbiting multi-stellar systems. The most well-known of those planets is Proxima Centauri B. That planet orbits the red dwarf at the closest stellar system Alpha Centauri. In those cases, the exoplanet is orbiting the distant member of the multi-stellar entirety.
Those distant members of the triple- or multi-stellar systems are offering the possibility for their solar system. In those cases, the multi-stellar system is "open". The distant member of the entirety has its planetary system as Proxima Centauri has. But in another case, there is the possibility that the triple-star system is "closed". In that case those central stars are are very close to each other. And the planets can orbit them as the entirety.
When we are thinking about the possibility that planets are forming around the triple-star system there is lots of dust and other particles around those stars. That means that there could be forming planets around them. But the other version of the form of the planetary system is that the stars or multi-stars are capturing the rogue planets.
The common gravitational effect of the multi-stellar systems is huge. And that means that kind of solar system can pull objects from great distances. The thing is that this finding was a great step for science. Stars are bright things. They are covering planets in their shine. The thing is that the existence of planets doesn't mean that there are lifeforms in the solar system.
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