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Why didn't we react to climate changes earlier?

Above: the advantage of the ozone hole in years 2004-2018

The purpose of futurology is to predict the things that people are facing tomorrow. The prediction makes it possible to make the model. And then the model makes it possible to create solutions for the challenges of tomorrow. The biggest challenge at this moment is climate chancing. But the question is, how we couldn't predict that thing? 

Or why we woke up for this threat too late? Now when we are trying to make solutions for stopping climate changing and the greenhouse effect have so short time to make something that we cannot make any real solutions. The greenhouse effect along with climate changing, global warming. And the loss of the ozone layer is seen 1980's when weather satellites show that there was an ozone hole near the South Pole. In those days there was no reaction to global warming. 

And after that researchers are made their reports and warned people every year nobody reacted. The thing is that if the papers that researchers are made are not read. Or if they are causing any reactions the fault is not the researchers. When we are read and written about climate changes those writings are stamped as climate anxiety. Then the floods were becoming more common and in a couple of last years, the winter did not exist. The question is, why everything must do at the last moment? 

If we would begin the reform of the energy production when the global temperature rising was confirmed, maybe we would have enough green energy capacity to replace the energy sources that are releasing carbon. But because we didn't react early enough, we are in the middle of a panic. The thing is that the storm floods in the 1960s were the thing that should alarm people. The fact is that climate chancing is the worst problem what the entire human race has ever faced before. 

Energy is the thing that keeps wheels rolling in western society. And energy production is the thing which causes the worst problem that the human race ever faced. The global temperature is rising because of carbon dioxide emissions. When the level of carbon dioxide is rising that causes the greenhouse effect. The first marks of global temperature rises were seen in the 1960s when the speed of wind in the northern storms rises. And since the 1980s the researchers tried to warn that the climate is changing but nobody listened. 

Or even if the global temperature rising seems minimal the ozone hole was noticed in the 1980s above Antarctica. And researchers noticed a similar phenomenon soon above the North Pole. 

The problem with global warming is the global temperature is not rising the same way in every area. The thing is that the global temperature rising is higher in the equatorial area. 

And another thing that is making the medium temperature lower than it is is the colder summers in the northern area. That means that the cold or cool weather continues long during summer. June is cold and then in July, the temperature rises to an extremely high level. Or in northern Europe, the weather is cool. But in Canada and the Northern USA, the entire summer is burning hot. Or otherwise in Europe and Sibir, the temperature is about 40 degrees and in southern areas of Earth, the temperature is -40 degrees Celcius.,than%20the%20average%20temperature%20for%201951%20to%201980.,came%20to%20be%20known%20as%20the%20ozone%20hole.


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