Thursday, October 21, 2021

Politicians say that we made 20 times more for the environment than ever before. But is it enough?

But is it enough? When we remember the history of climate chancing. We have to know that thing. And nothing is done. Now we are facing the fact that the rains are making the cities flooding. And the question is that why we should pay for energy more than ever before? The answer is that we should make investments in green technology.

Or we must make investments in new flood dams. So we must take money for both investment targets. Or we might move away from the coastline and build a new city. The fact is that even if we will not do anything for renewing our energy source we should build protection against storms. 

And otherwise, even if we can stop the carbon dioxide emission immediately the greenhouse effect continues. Removing carbon from the atmosphere takes time. A warming atmosphere increases the clouds. That means that the visible radiation of the Sun will decrease at sea level.

 But the infrared radiation will cause the rise of the temperature in the atmosphere. And that means the temperature rises but the level of light is turning low. 

Why we must be worried about that thing? When people are saying that energy costs too much. They should realize that floods and storms are turning more common than ever before. 

The sewer systems in the cities cannot handle all flood water. And the problems with the new rains are that they are very strong. The warm weather along with the rain is the thing that is causing the strong microbe action. And in dark weather trees are not producing oxygen. They are producing carbon dioxide because they cannot make photosynthesis. 

The fact is that 99,9 percent of scientists are confessed about climate change and that most of it are caused by humans. Almost 100% of the scientists believe that human activity is caused at least most of global warming. 

But the question is why didn't react to that thing earlier? There are still people who have a "critical attitude" for those reports. But have those people ever looked outside? The fact is that climate change and global temperature rise can cause danger for the entire human civilization. 

The problem is that when the global temperature rises the dark and warm times at the polar and subpolar areas are turning longer. That is the thing that causes methane emissions to the atmosphere when the bacteria is starting to melt dead vegetables. 

Also, the bodies that are buried in the icy ground can deliver the micro-organisms to the water when they are melting. But maybe these kinds of things are some kind of panic.

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