Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Could the signal that received from Proxima Centauri last December be the alien radio transmission? The fact is: nobody knows.

Confirmation of the source or the reason for that signal is difficult. The situation is that the case is very similar to the Wow! signal that was captured by the University of Ohio on 15 July 1977. 

The signal was unique and that means there is nothing where researchers can compile that signal. The Proxima Centauri signal from December 2020 was a unique case and there is no absolute sure that it came from the Proxima system. And that thing means nothing will close out the alien hypothesis. 

But the problem is that nothing is sure about that thing. So the origin of the BLC1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1) signal remains a mystery. It came from the direction of Proxima Centauri but it can be near us. And that means its origin could be manmade. 

But there is also nothing that makes sure that aliens sent that signal. So the signal has an unknown origin. The thing that makes those signals weird is they happened only one time. If the source of them is a neutron star those kinds of signals should be more common. Or the origin of at least the Wow!-signal could be in other galaxies or outside the galaxy. If the Wow! the signal is extraordinary strong FRB what is its origin?

There is strange activity on the radio frequency.

There is a funny question about the origin of 1652 FRB:s in the last 47 days. That thing means that there is some kind of weird actions in the universe. The FRB (Fast Radio Burst) is not a very common thing. What causes that extraordinary FRB:s?

And the extraordinarily high number of those very high energetic bursts are making me think that could those FRB-bursts and the signal of December some kind of connection? But what that connection would be?!_signal

This is the end of the scientific part of this text. 

This is speculation... And you might think that I chanced to folio hat. But this is the thing, what I always wanted to write. 

The thing is. That if we think that the origin of the December signal was some kind of alien spacecraft. We must ask why those signals are not repeating? The answer could be that aliens use the radio to transmit only for some emergencies. And the hypothetical aliens use superpositioned and entangled particles as communication. That would explain why we cannot hear their transmission. 

So if some of their craft sends the emergency call for some reason the aliens would notice. That third party could detect that transmission.

If hypothetical aliens know about the human race. There is the possibility that they expect that their crafts will capture. And they might send the warning signals. The idea is that the alien craft can use an artificial black hole as the power source. And if that thing is vaporized they must ask the base to make them the new black hole. And maybe their base calls the other craft that has similar problems. 

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