Image I: The V-2 rocket
Nazi Germany's V-2 rocket was a fiasco. The original name for V-2 was A-4 (Aggregate 4). In appendix 2 is the list of "aggregate" rockets of Peenemünde. But the nazi propaganda changed the official name of that weapon to the V-2, which means Vertungswaffe 2 or revenge weapon 2. But the A-4 is only the top of the German rocket weapon programs. There was almost so way lethal rocket weapon under development that A-4 was.
The name of that weapon was A-5, and it was planned to launch from the Heinkel III bomber against the ships and other similar targets. The A-5was the first air-launched missile that used liquid fuel. And if that weapon could cross the speed of sound and hit ships it could be more lethal than any "Fritz-X" glide bomb.
The A-5 was the aerodynamic test unit for the A-4 or V-2 missile. But it could use as an anti-ship missile. Luckily nobody thought that thing in those days. The idea for the hypersonic missile is "stolen" at least partially from A-5.
V-2 was too complicated for the product in the circumstances of the war. The problem with the V-2 rocket was that it was one of the most advanced weapons in the world. When those "revenge weapons" hit London they gave no warning. The lucky thing was that those terror weapons produced so little number that they could cause the change of the war. But still, the question is on the air. What if nazis would produce a large number of those weapons in peacetime? What if the war did not begin in 1939. What if Hitler would wait until the weapon was ready.
A-5 under HE-111 bomber
And what if the bureaucracy didn't slow down the V-weapon program? That thing is a mystery. But the fact is that the V-2 rocket caused many questions after WWII. And one is that what if the mad man who lead the nazi government would wait until the engineers could solve technical problems of the V-2 rocket program? And the number of those weapons was higher than it was? What if their production would be more successful than in wartime?
Image III: FX-1400 "Fritz-X"
Could the same thing happen after WWII with some other device?
When we are thinking the quantum computers and other kinds of kinds of systems the code is free. Almost everybody can search for data from the internet. And if that person has qualified engineers and other specialists in service that thing can make nasty surprises. The thing is that the V-2 (A-4)and A-3 programs were the creepy visions that the geniuses can make if they are serving the evil. The open data is making many surprises for the environment in both civil and military sectors.
Image I:
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