Monday, October 18, 2021

The FAST telescope in China detected series of FRB:s

Image above: FAST-(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) 

Thousands of mysterious FRB:s (Fast Radio Bursts) were detected by FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope). The FRB:s are the result of the high energetic reactions in the universe. The series of FRB:s means that there is huge series of cosmic explosions somewhere in the galaxy. 

Or actually, those FRBs might come from outside our galaxy. The thing that makes this kind of phenomenon interesting is that the FRB:s do not seem to connect with any other phenomena. FRBs are the result of the impacting white dwarfs. But there should be other evidence of those impacts. 

The FRB:s, XRB:s, and GRB:s are quite similar phenomena. Their origin is expected to be in the impacts of the massive objects in the universe. The FRB:s is the weakest of those powerful energy bursts. The XRB:s and GRB:s are the more high-energetic. 

And their origin is expected to be in the impacts of neutron stars and black holes. The origin of those high-energetic energy bursts is partially unknown. 

Things like FRB:s are normally connect with cosmic explosions. And there is also another kind of energy bursts like XRB and GRB (X- and gamma-ray-bursts). The thing that some object sends only pulses in the radio frequency is interesting. The neutron stars are sending X-rays only when they are impacting. 

And the gamma-ray sources are normally the supermassive black holes. The normal black holes send gamma-rays only when they are impacting together. When the neutron stars are colliding they are turning into the black hole. When they melt together. Singularity forms in that process. The same way that process forms the event horizon. 

And the size of the event horizon is smaller than both of the neutron stars. So the X-ray burst is the result of the process when the event horizon is forming it pulls the material inside it. And in that process, the material is sending the X-rays. The impacts of the neutron stars are similar to black holes. But in the last case, the energy level is higher. 

A similar reaction causes the gamma-ray burst while the size of the event horizon is changing. When two back holes are impacting they are melting together they are forming the structure that is like two balls connected. The existence of that structure is extremely short. 

The XRB:s and the GRB:s are the result of the escaping event horizon. So the negative movement of the event horizon causes those extremely high-energetic reactions. That is the reason why the XRB:s and GRB:s are forming. 

The melting process is not symmetrical because the form of the singularity is like "8". The movement of the singularity at the end of "8" is larger than in the middle of the structure.  And that means most of the radiation comes from the ends of the "8".  So the movement of the ends of that form is larger than in the middle of it. And that causes that the GRB:s are like rays that are traveling through the universe. 

The stellar-mass black holes are normally sending the X-rays. And the GRB:s. Or otherwise said, unique gamma-ray bursts are proof that there are also other stellar-mass black holes in the universe than a Cygnus X-1 type of black hole in the universe. Sometimes supermassive black holes are sending gamma-ray bursts or their gamma-ray level is rising. That means the supermassive black holes are eating smaller black holes.,million%20trillion%20times%20as%20bright%20as%20the%20Sun.


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