Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Did the micro-black hole make the curving of the Muon in the Muon G-2 experiment?

Image I: "The first result from the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab confirms the result from the experiment performed at Brookhaven National Lab two decades ago. Together, the two results show strong evidence that muons diverge from the Standard Model prediction. Image: Ryan Postel, Fermilab/Muon g-2 collaboration" (

The Muon G-2 experiment can be the beginning of new physics. But it can also begin for the new material structures. The Muon G-2 experiment can also show that the quantum-size black holes existed. 

Is the thing that caused strange curving in the trajectory of Muon in the Muon G-2 experiment the quantum-size black hole or fifth natural force? Or is it the radiation that comes out from the quantum-size black hole? The quantum-size black holes are sending Hawking radiation the same way with the other black holes. So does the Muon G-2 experiment show the existence of the quantum-size black holes? 

The quantum-size black holes are like all other black holes.  Their size is smaller than atoms or even quarks and those extremely small black holes are also pushing objects away from them. The radiation that is sending from the poles of those quantum black holes can push other objects away. The fact is that nobody has seen those quantum-size black holes yet. But if they can be created that thing can make the most fundamental advantages in communication or another type of technology. 

Image II: Atomic structure of diamond

The most exotic of theoretical materials is the black hole crystals. The crystal-shaped structure is formed of black holes. So if that diagram of the atomic structure of diamond is used as the base. In this theoretical material, the places of carbon atoms would be the quantum-size black holes. (Image II)

If black holes can stabilize at certain distances from each other. There is a theoretical possibility that the black holes can form the most utopistic material in the world called black hole crystals. The black hole crystal is possible if the quantum black holes can stabilize in a certain form by putting them to direction and distance where the pushing and pulling forces of black holes and their radiation are effecting with the same power to the other black holes. 

That can make the most fundamental material in the world possible. But there is a big possibility that making the black hole crystals will be impossible. And still, today that thing is part of so-called theoretical materials.  

Image III

Can the superpositioned and entangled particle pair turn the photon or electron into a micro-size black hole? 

The creation of that material is impossible. Or it requires an extremely powerful energy load. But it is theoretically possible to stop electrons or photons between the superpositioned and entangled particles. In that case, the energy would pump to that particle that is just in the middle of the "8"-shaped power field. That is seen in image III, which is the artist's impression of the superpositioned and entangled particle pair. (Image III) 

There is the possibility that the quantum-size black holes could form similar crystal structures with regular atoms. The idea is that those extremely small black holes con put to exactly the right distance from each other. In that structure, the radiation and the gravitational effect of the quantum black holes have similar forces. 

When pulling and pushing forces are stabilizing those black holes. In this theoretical black hole-based crystals can hover over certain distances of each other. And they are forming the most utopistic material black hole crystals. But there is the possibility that this kind of black-hole crystal cannot form in practice. 

The strange curving of the Muon G-2 experiment seems like there is some kind of pillar-type structure in the particle accelerator. The particle seems to avoid that "pillar" or series of pillars. So is it possible that the quantum size black holes or some kind of quantum-size wormholes can make this phenomenon true? 

The curving trajectory of the muon in that test tells that the unknown force doesn't affect the particle all the time. Or the effect is not coming from all directions. That curving can cause the point-shaped object that is in the particle accelerator or affect the trajectory somehow only at certain points. The thing that seems to cause curving is the force that acts to muon like shower acts to the ball. So is that thing the fifth natural force, some unseen radiation, or the extremely small-size black hole? 





Image I()

Image: II()


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