Sunday, October 3, 2021

Brighter than radiation cooler than a neutron bomb

When Werner Heisenberg realized that the while photon or electron is traveling through the atmosphere sending radiation while they are slowing. That man created an idea of quantum annealing. The thing quantum annealing means that the energy load of the particles has risen to a certain level. All atomic and subatomic particles have an attempt to reach the base level. 

And the base level of energy is the same as the energy of the environment around it. So if we think very carefully about the need for nuclear material what is needed to make the bomb depends on the temperature where the bomb detonated. If the temperature of the fissile material is high enough that means the needed mass of the fissile material is lower than if the temperature of the bomb is low. 

But the attempting the stabilization of the energy level means. That energy is always traveling to the lower energetic space and during that process, the material is delivering radiation. So if the temperature of the radioactive particles will be decreased very fast that can cause the radiation effect. 

There are two types of neutron radiation. The neutron particles are traveling across space. And the electromagnetic radiation that comes out from those neutrons. Electromagnetic radiation is the thing that kicks neutrons out of the neutron bomb. Or officially saying ERW (Enhanced Radiation Weapon)

The electromagnetic version of neutron radiation is the origin of the idea of quantum annealing. The term neutron radiation means that the energy is impacting neutron and then that thing releases the extra energy in the form of quantum. The neutron radiation is the dominating effect of the neutron bomb. 

When a neutron bomb that is a small-size thermonuclear weapon detonates its fusion stage releases energy in the neutrons of the plutonium and that energy causes the feared effect of the neutron bomb. The high-energy neutrons are releasing their extra energy as light or quantum. And that quantum pushes other neutrons on the move. The interaction between neutrons is the thing that causes the deadly effect of neutron bombs. 

Neutron radiation kills living organisms because it destroys the DNA of living organisms. And that is the reason why so-called "micro-nukes" are so feared. The neutron radiation is released also from large-scale nukes. But in neutron bombs that effect is dominating. The origin of the neutron bomb is the idea that neutron radiation can detonate incoming missiles before they are reaching targets. But that weapon is most well-known in the effect that the material is left untouchable but living organisms are dying. 

Could neutron radiation-based laser be possible? Sometimes this kind of system is criticized as an attempt to create ERW without a fission bomb. 

The neutron radiation would be suitable for some laser solutions. But how to make that radiation without neutron bombs? In some ideas, the plutonium plates will simply cool by using Bose-Einstein condensate when the energy from those bites will start to transfer to the lower energetic space. And while that thing happens the oscillation of the radioactive material could send the neutron radiation. 

The term "warm bites" can mean the vaporized plutonium which temperature is extremely high. So that thing doesn't mean that the effect can get from the room-temperature plutonuíum. 

But is neutron laser possible in real life? When the energy transfers to the extremely low-temperature area, that reaction is similar to the neutron bomb. The same effect is where the particle releases energy in the case of the neutron bomb detonation. Affects also the case where a warm bit of the plutonium is suddenly drop in the Bose-Einstein condensate. 


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