Saturday, October 23, 2021

What are the real capabilities of Dyson Sphere?

When we are thinking about a megastructure. Called Dyson Sphere, we might ask is it sometimes possible. The fact is that if that megastructure will be made in real life. That requires an enormous mass of material. There is needed more than one planet's material for making that hypothetical megastructure. '''' The idea is that the megastructure rotates and that thing helps to make artificial gravitation. 

The energy supply for Dyson Sphere can solve by using the natural or artificial star in the middle of it. There could be possible that in the cores of the structures is installed nanotechnical dynamos. Between opposite moving floors of the Dyson Sphere. And those generators can be used to make an electric supply for that Dyson Sphere. 

If we are thinking about the Death Star from Star Wars movies as the form of Dyson Sphere we can think that it can use the black hole as the energy source. That means the Death Star is giving an extremely powerful energy load to the target. But then we can continue to think about a megastructure that can close the entire solar system in it that system gives very large-scale capacities for the structure. 

The Dyson Sphere can collect and position ions in the middle of it. And then that system can press those ions together by using a very powerful magnetic field. And that thing makes it possible to create artificial stars inside that giant megastructure. But is there still what people don't tell about the capacities of the ball-shaped gigantic space station?

There is the possibility that the quantum field inside that ball-shaped structure will pull out. That stretch of quantum field means that the time dilation inside the ball-shaped structure is turning weaker. And the time will travel faster than outside Dyson Sphere. 

So if the quantum fields are removed the time starts to travel faster. If the time is traveling fast enough that thing causes that outside observer to see things like trees are growing in the moment. There is one fascinating thing that is connected with human cloning. In the area where the time is started to move faster can make humans and educate them normally. The observer who is at the area where time is moving slower sees that the people are growing in seconds. But that thing requires that the quantum fields are weak enough. 

Theoretically is possible to pull the quantum field larger by using outside systems that pull that quantum field bigger. And if the energy flow to that area is denied. This thing makes it possible to create humans in that area. If we would stand outside the stretched quantum field we would see people growing in front of our eyes. But if we would be in the middle of that "bubble of nothingness".We would see that speed of time is the same as it would be in a normal universe.


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