The image I: The nuclear test at Pacific
The structure of the meteorite that caused the Tunguska detonation is a mystery. There is the possibility that the asteroid was the bite of methane ice under the dust. And that thing makes it possible that the explosion happened in the air. The fact is that nobody can prove that they saw an object flying in the air. Many people saw that explosion. But nobody has proven to see that object when it was flying. I use the term "object" for meaning the meteorite that caused the explosion.
The fact is that the shape or form of the meteorite is a mystery. The Soviet science academy started the research of that case in 1927. And there were almost 20 years of that case. So the memories of people were not clear. And maybe some of the "witnesses" played mad because they were afraid Soviet secret police. Between the explosion and the start of research was a long time.
Leonid Alekseyevich Kulik (1882-1942)
Image II
The first research of the Tunguska case began in 1921. And the notes of the first, 1921 exploration lost. The problem was the Russian civil war. So the conditions in the Soviet Union stabilized in 1923 when the civil war was over. And that's why I will claim that the first real investigations were possible in 1927. Russian mineralogist Leonid Kulik (1882-1942) was the leader of all explorations in that area. In the years 1921, 1927, and 1937.
There was the First World War, the Russian revolution, and the civil war. That means the research team had a very small chance to solve that mystery. When the story of the changing trajectory of the object is told the researchers might just forget to ask did the self seen that thing or was it some cousin?
And another thing is that they probably didn't ask what kind of trajectories that person saw? Did the object come to the ground at 90 degrees angle? Or was it gently and what was the position of the observer? Was that person under the trajectory? Or did that person standing at the side of the trajectory? Did that object leave smoke trails or was it like some kind of laser ray? And what color was that trail? Was it black that might be the sign of carbon meteorite that vaporizing in the atmosphere?
Image III: The ground zero of Tunguska
If the antimatter arrived in the atmosphere that should cause the detonation in the upper atmosphere. So if the reason for the explosion was antimatter it should be inside some kind of magnetic bite. The magnetic core could cover the antimatter bite so long that it would be near the ground or at least in a deep atmosphere before the explosion happens.
Or was there the meteorite at all? Could some kind of radiation like XRB or GRB (X- or gamma-ray burst) that the spin of electrons will turn opposite in the atmosphere. In that theory, the antimatter was formed spontaneously by the radiation impact deep in the atmosphere. So that would also explain why there is no mark of meteorite left.
Image IV: Famous image of fallen trees in Tunguska
There are strange stories about that case. One of them was that the object that flew in the air turned its direction. But there is no evidence that the persons who told that story didn't even be there. The person who told that story didn't describe the size of the detonated object.
The mystery is why there is no impact crater? The meteorite that exploded in the air is the answer. But the thing that caused the worries is that nobody saw anything special before that explosion happened. That means that the object that caused the detonation was quite small. So could the reason for the Tunguska detonation be the antimatter?
Image V: The marks of the explosion are still visible
The mystery of Tunguska is why the meteorite or object that dropped from the space detonated on air? The detonation didn't leave any kind of craters behind it. But the "ground zero" of that impact is still visible. Also, the fallen trees are seen on the ground. And the reason why no trees are growing on ground zero and trees are remaining so well is that the particle that detonated on air caused intense heat.
The pressure wave caused the vacuum in that area. And that thing caused that fire itself to end. Because trees didn't start to burn. That explains why there is no carbonized wood or marks of fire.
Also, powerful wind denied that the fire had not started to burn in the area near the explosion. The vacuum, along with rising air, pulled radon up from the ground caused a small rising of the radioactivity in that area.
How antimatter could pass the atmosphere? If the ionized antimatter particles are in the bubble of magnesite meteorite. That thing makes the situation possible that the antimatter can travel deep inside the atmosphere. When the meteorite falls through the atmosphere it will melt, and then the antimatter particles touching the air. The result is an explosion.
There is the possibility that if the extremely thin gold layer is in the bubble of the small asteroid. The cosmic radiation can cause that antimatter is forming inside those asteroids. And even a small-size asteroid can cause large destruction.
Sometimes is introduced that the Tunguska explosion was the UFO. The thing is that there is no evidence about that thing because the meteorite vaporized in the explosion. So officially, the reason for the Tunguska explosion was the object that came from space and detonated in the atmosphere.
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Could the Tunguska explosion cause because by human activity? Did someone accidentally make the antimatter bomb?
I hope that I'm wrong. But in some creepy visions, the Tunguska explosion was the result of human activity. There is the possibility to make the antimatter by using lightning. The system would be the capacitor like the Leyden jar that is on the tall mast.
Then the electricity will conduct to the extremely thin gold layer. The electricity will collect to the Leyden jar and then sooner or later it will strike to the gold.
If the power of the electricity is high enough that thing causes that the electrons turn to antimatter. The system can be the lightning collector and the small gold bite. The Leyden jar stores the electricity in electrolytic liquid. Then the antenna must target the gold plate. And the detonation would be impressive.
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