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Who found America part II?

The image I: Leif Erickson's statue in Boston

The founder of America is a mystery. But we know that Cristopher Columbus (1451-1506) was not the first European in America.  Neanderthal people traveled to the North America by following the isthmus that connected North America to Asia. When we are talking about the pre-Columbian journeys to America, we must realize two things. 

1) The journey to America is not the same as the regular journeys. Maybe some pirates visited New World a long time before Columbus. And that could explain why those pre-Columbian explorations are not told to people. That means those pirates or outlaws might rest in that land. And that means they wanted to keep it secret. 

In some other versions, the noblemen hide gold or pieces of jewelry that they stole from the crown to the New World. Out from the eyes of the king. It could mean very big trouble if somebody is caught stealing the king's gold. So the beaches of America could be good places to hide the gold taken without permission. 

2) The new lands were explored and marked to the maps when they were allowed to mark. And permission came from the ruler of the nation. 

So there is the possibility that the explorers put the explorations in storage that they would not cause disappointment for their financial supporters. And maybe those explorers sold the instructions where to find new islands to their friends. So that means that this thing was a very lucrative business. 

 And the main thing is that the maps were not so good during the time of Columbus as they are today. There was a possibility that the ships sailed out from maps. And maybe the skippers were not told that thing to the crew. And if that thing happened in the Atlantic Ocean the ship must only take the course back to east. That maneuver took the ship back to the mapped area very easily. 

Images II and III: Djoser and Yucatan pyramids

Europeans were active in America 1000 years ago claims new studies. The fact is that I presume myself that the Carthaginian admiral Hanno the Navigator (5th century BC) was probably one of the first sailors who might find America. That man lived in the fifth century BC. But the pyramid of Djoser that built during the rule of the pharaoh Djoser (c. 2670–2650 BC).

And its similarity with the Mayan Pyramids in the Yucatan peninsula is giving a tip.  Europeans or Egyptians knew America about 3000-2000 BC. So we cannot say that Columbus found America. The thing is that there is evidence that Leif Erikson (c. 970 – c. 1020) the son of Erik the Red (c. 950 – c. 1003) lived in Newfoundland in c. year 1000. But the thing is that there was suspicion that Leif Erikson was not the first European in America. 

Image IV: The Columbus Voyages to America 

The thing is that the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Phoenicians might travel to America over the Pacific ocean. During those trips, those explorers could benefit the Micronesian archipelago. Or they might travel through the land to Angor Watt and then over the Bering Strait to the new world. So we know that Columbus was not the first man, who saw the New World. 

And in fact, that man ever visited on dry land when he traveled through the Atlantic ocean. There is the theory that Columbus bought the instructions on how to find the new world. And maybe that man once visited the new world before he offered the great exploration for his funders.,on%20the%20top%29%20and%20stairs%20ascending%20their%20faces.

Image I:

Image II:

Image III: Pinterest

Image IV:


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