Saturday, October 2, 2021

How to slow down the olding process?

In the image above the nanomachine is fixing the DNA. Maybe that kind of situation is possible in the future. 

Forever continuing youth is the dream of mankind. And there have made many theoretical and more or less possible pieces of research. About the thing how to deny olding? Archeologists have searched the cradle of youth. 

And the robot specialists are introduced to use nanotechnology. For chancing the DNA inside the cells. But the last case seeming a complicated thing because that operation is required billions of nanorobots. 

But it is possible to change the DNA in the nucleus of the cell. The system pulls out the old DNA. And then another stylus will inject the replacing DNA into the nucleus of the cell. 

The thing that can keep cells young is the next in the bioscience. Denying olding is the thing that gives great opportunities for the people. The thing that causes olding is that the DNA inside our cells is damaging. And that thing means that there will be loss in the genetic material. The genetic material is acting like computer code. It transmits genetic and heritable information over the generations. When enough information is lost that in the chain of generations. 

That means that the cells are losing their form. And they cannot fill their mission. Making the DNA resist the radiation and chemical effect is theoretically very easy. The denying oscillation of the DNA is the only thing that is needed. But how to make that thing in practice? Making practical solutions is more difficult than we ever imagined. 

One of the versions of how to deny olding is just close every cell in the pressure chamber. And in that case, the pressure will deny the olding because it stabilizes the DNA. This thing can use for storing individual cells but it's not suitable for use in the human body. 

There is also made test by removing the damaged DNA. And then replacing it by using the stored DNA. The process itself is quite easy. The nanomachines will remove old DNA. And the other will inject the new DNA into those cells. 

But for making that process for humans is more difficult to make than for the individual cells. In some plans, the stored DNA of the person will use to make an artificial virus. That will make the person young by replacing the damaged DNA by using the fresh DNA taken from the storage. That stable storage could be some kind of cryogenics plant. 

Or in some plans, the DNA would launch to the Kuiper Belt or dwarf planet Pluto. In those places, the DNA would remain almost forever. If the system can protect storage against cosmic radiation. But the problem with the virus is that the DNA of the cells must remove before the replacing DNA will inject into those cells. 

In that case when the human is born the DNA of that person will store in stable places. And when the cells are getting older that stored DNA will copy by using the PCR. Then nanomachines just replace the old DNA by using the new and fresh DNA. The problem is that the number of needed nanomachines is so large that the system would not work. But the idea is good. 

The nano-size scaffolding can slow down the oscillation of the DNA. But the problem is that the DNA must split when the cells are creating the descendants. So if the cell cannot create descendants. That thing can make more damage than good. 

When the proteins are reading the chemical code of the DNA that molecule must have space to crack. The nanostructure can deny that movement. Sometimes in introduced to make proteins or some kind of nanostructures that can support the DNA. 

The protein makes the outer supporting structure for the DNA. And the purpose of this molecule is to stabilize and make the structure of the DNA stronger. The protein-based nanostructure is acting like scaffolding. And if the system can deny the vibration of the DNA that thing can increase the person's lifetime. 



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