Sunday, October 31, 2021

Are we alone in the universe?

The scientific studies about intelligent alien civilizations are a little bit unknown for the great audience. From the OZMA message from the 1960s, the study has become more scientific and the tools are better. The problem with the research of the ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is sometimes attitudes. Jokes about "Little Green Men" are the thing that is sometimes making the life of people who are working in SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) difficult. Also, there is the possibility that somebody doesn't tell everything. 

Also explanations for those signals like they are comets or questions "do you believe in "little green men" or "have you eaten some mushroom before you came here?" are things that are making the life of those researchers difficult. 

When we are telling jokes about the "little green men". We forget that there are many green reptilians on earth. Green mamba as an example is green.  The fact is that there is the possibility to make hybrid cells like skin cells that involve chlorophyll molecules. 

The genetic engineers must just connect the DNA sequence that makes the vegetable cells to make the chlorophyll molecules. So genome technology makes it possible to make hybrid organisms that skin can use photosynthesis. The photosynthetic skin would be green because chlorophyll molecules are green. 

When we are talking about "alien signals" that term means "signal which source is unknown". Or it means the "signal which has unknown component". like unusual frequency or some other unknown forms. The term UFO means the "Unidentified Flying Object". That thing involves many things like aircraft with a strange shape. 

Image II: Green mamba

There is no confirmed contact with alien civilizations. There is a couple of strange radio signals what are promising. But the problem with those signals is that they are unique. And some of them are recorded by using old fashion systems. 

And then we must describe what alien means? There is the possibility that the alien has an extraterrestrial origin. But it might have a terrestrial origin. The genetic experiments and powerful computers which are running complicated artificial intelligence might create a creature. That is filling the definition of "alien". Term alien technology means the technical advance that is unknown and surprising. 

When we are making things like genetic engineering we can create intelligent creatures that are far away from us.  We can cross the species by connecting the DNA. The creators of Artificial Intelligence can also create a creature that can be "alien".  If a robot starts to fight does it know what it does? Fights are only a series of movements and actions for robots. 

The AI can be a threat

There are many fictional stories about the criminal AI that makes crimes and dangers the life of people. The AI doesn't itself make crimes like burglaries. The AI makes the things that its programmers and controllers want.

If we want to say that alien is the creature that can make controlled actions that have a purpose we can say that the things like Artificial Intelligence are aliens. But if artificial intelligence does something does it know what it is doing? If we are thinking about the case that the abandoned alien spacecraft arrives in our solar system that kind of thing can be very dangerous. 

In most of the visions, the extraterrestrials are sending the unmanned probe to research our solar system. There are also visions that the programmers of the crafts that are using the AI for controlling just forget to program the approaching and slowing method of the interstellar probe. And that probe with a mass of about 100000 tonnes. Will smash to our planet at a speed of about 30% of the speed of light. 

In some visions, those kinds of crafts are equipped with AI-controlled robots. Which have the mission to protect their crew. The purpose of those robots might make the base suitable planets. And they might be programmed to defend their area. Or in some other visions, the hypothetical aliens would make mistakes. 

So the crew abandoned their craft because for some reason like a malfunction in hyperdrive. And then they forgot to activate the self-destruction or maybe they just programmed craft to fly to the base. 

The journey would take a couple of thousands of years. And then the craft arrives in our solar system between the threaded branches of the Milky Way. The crew might just forget to turn off the defense and in that case, the robots might believe that they are protecting the living crew. So that thing can cause dangerous situations.

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The gravitational interaction between objects.

Is gravitation an independent force? Or is it "only" some "special" version of electromagnetism?

Have you ever thought about why gravitation has a long-distance effect? Why do the weakest of the fundamental interactions have long-range interaction? Why do other natural forces like strong-nuclear force have only a short-distance effect? 

And why the distance of the fundamental interaction increases when the scale of the effecting particles increases? The strong nuclear force affects only on the scale that is smaller than proton or neutron. But the electromagnetism effects also between the atomic groups. The difference between electromagnetism and gravitation is neutral. 

Gravitation is the non-polar force that effect is not depending on the poles of the particles. The electromagnetism pushes and pulls the objects depending are the same poles opposite together. The thing that causes the pulling is the electron flow and electromagnetic fields around the magnets. 

And then if gravitation is similar to electromagnetism. There is the possibility that its origin is in the quantum fields around the atom. The quantum field around the atom is like a series of flashes of lightning. So the quantum field can turn against other quantum fields and start to pull the particles to each other. 

If the origin of the gravitation is in quantum fields around that would explain why that force is so weak. And maybe gravitation is "only" the similar interaction with electromagnetism but its origin is in the electromagnetic bubble around the atom. Or maybe, it's the sum of all quantum fields of the atom. 

Is gravitation pulling or pushing force? 

The origin of the gravitation might be in the gluon interaction inside protons and neutrons. Those particles called gluons are moving between quarks. they are sending wave movement that makes the quantum fields around the atom oscillate. When the electromagnetic field jumps ahead. It pushes the EM or energy wave forward. And maybe that wave movement is the gravitation wave. 

When the quantum field around the atom pushes other quantum fields they are getting energy from that movement. And when the energy level of atoms increases their weight is also increasing. That causes interaction where the energy jumps from one quantum field to another. 

When the quantum field of the atom moves backward that causes the low energetic area near the atom. And that means energy will start to flow in that lower energetic area. 

That means the hypothetical graviton could be a virtual particle like an extremely small electromagnetic whirl like an extremely small skyrmion. In that theory, this virtual particle will just open the electromagnetic (or gravitational) channel between the particles or atoms. So is there some kind of weaker energy area between particles and that makes them come closer? 

When we are thinking about the distance of the effect of the gravitation. We might think that the size of the interaction causes that the gravitation will affect so long distances. The electromagnetic or quantum fields of atoms are much bigger than the size of electrons or quarks is. 

So if the origin of the gravitation is in the quantum fields of the atom. The surface area of the interactive area is very large if we want to compare that thing with the size of the interactive area of the strong nuclear force. And maybe the size of the interactive area of the force is larger the interaction will happen in long distances.


The small addition to the qutrit teleportation text

This is a small addition to the qutrit teleportation text. The idea of this test agreement is that the annealing of the first chamber is transported to another chamber. And the easiest way to make that thing is just making the quantum annealing of the quantum fog in chamber 1. Resonate the particles of quantum fog in chamber 2. 

Researchers can create that quantum superposition by using two similar particle groups. When the first particle group will get the energy that thing will resonate with the particles in the second chamber. The term superposition or quantum teleportation means. The oscillation of those particles is transferred to other particles.

In the cases of electromagnetic fields, superposition means that two electromagnetic fields are oscillating with the same frequency. When two electromagnetic fields are facing and their wavelength is the same but the other is stronger. The stronger electromagnetic field would synchronize the lower energetic field with it. And they are starting to oscillate with the same frequency.

The difference between binary and ternary computing is very simple to explain. 

The quantum computer or qubit is the tower where each of the layers is like a binary computer. But what if the binary system in that kind of replaced by using the ternary system. That will increase its power. 

Driving the code in a binary system looks like this: 

Program code 1(HALT)Program code 2(HALT)Program code 2(HALT)...

The "HALT" is the separator that tells the computer to stop because the code line of the program ended. And the processor must be stopped to take the next code line. And after that, the processor will tell to the sender that is ready for driving the next program or code line. 

In the binary system, the computer has only two positions. The number 1 (one) means that the electricity is traveling in the wire. And number 0 (zero) means that electricity is off. This thing makes that system slow. The reason for that is that the system needs to separate different bit lines from each other. 

So the program must have a sub-program (HALT) that stops the computer before it gets a new code line for handling. The problem with computers are they quantum or binary computers is that the layer that receives the new code line or program must stop before it can receive the next code line. 

The sender must confirm that the layer is ready for transmission. When the code line is ending there is involved the HALT code that tells the program ends. Then the layer sends the mark that it's ready for the next program and that thing takes time. 

In the ternary system, the number 2 will tell that the program is ended. In the ternary system in the place of number two is 10. The thing that the program itself tells the sender that its code line ended makes the system more powerful. There is the possibility that the data line will route that way that there are no conflicts. And that thing makes the BizTalk unnecessary. This thing will turn quantum computers and binary computers more powerful.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

When the full moon shines, the werewolves are traveling.

Image: Pinterest

When we are developing anything. We must realize that all advances have positive and negative effects. And biotechnology is one of those things. Biotechnology and genetic engineering give many opportunities for humans. But same that technology opens the road to some of the most terrifying visions in human history. 

Werewolves are the most terrifying characters in the gallery of horror stories. During the moonshine, that organism turns into a beast. Theoretically, werewolves are organisms that can use two DNA sequences. When the organism gets the stress, that thing activates the other DNA sequence. So could that kind of organism be possible? There is the possibility that the immune system of the organism uses the virus. 

That can transform the organism into another one. There might be two cell lines that are producing the virus that transforms organisms into the "hunter mode". And then the cell-line that produces virus that transforms organism to the "peaceful mode. 

The immune cells can produce viruses that can transform an organism into another mode.

The activator of that transformation could be stress. When an organism feels it is under threat or it has no food, that thing will activate the immune defense that produces the viruses that are turning the organism into beast mode. And when that mode is not needed. Another cell group will turn the organism back to the "peaceful mode." 

The cells of that organism could have the destruction mechanism that makes them produce the enzymes that are destroying the DNA. That will clean the nucleus of the cell. And then the immune cells produce the virus that transforms the shape of the organism. The activator of that kind of system could be the brain chemicals. And the full moon can activate the light-sensing cells that are connected to brain areas that are sending certain chemical marks in the blood. 

The cells that are transforming their purpose are next-generation biotechnology.

Making a hybrid cell that has the abilities of two cells is not very difficult. There is needed only to connect two DNA bites from two different cells. 

And that thing makes the hybrid cell that has the abilities of the two cells. The thing is there is l possibility to make a cell that changes its type when controllers want. The xenomorph cell is the organism that has two DNA sequences what the cell is reading in different situations. 

The simplest version of that cell is the cell that has two connected DNA bites. When the first DNA bite is read the cell is starting to read the second DNA. This technology allows creating "werewolf"-bacteria. The genetically engineered bacteria will position in the bacteria population. 

And then they would turn to macrophages that are destroying the bacteria population. This kind of thing is not a very good example but in that case, the bacteria will not alarm the defense of the targeted organism. And then it turns to different bacteria. 

In the wrong hands' biotechnology is one of the deadliest things in the history of mankind.

In the horrifying visions, the friendly cells are transforming to produce viruses. That are turning humans into a werewolf. Or they can produce filoviruses like ebola. In those scenarios, the friendly bacteria will have transformation genomes that make them produce deadly viruses or chemicals.

 On the wrong hand's biotechnology is the most dangerous thing in the world. And in the most horrifying scenes, genetic engineering creates the weaponized coronavirus. That kind of organism could be the coronavirus that produces filoviruses. That thing is the part of the series "the most horrifying weapons ever". 

But there is the possibility to make the xenomorph cells that are changing their form can make that thing when they are getting a command. The idea of that thing is that that there is nanomachine in the cell. When the order to change its purpose is coming the nanomachine removes the DNA from the cell and replaces it with new DNA. The system will just collect the DNA from the nucleus to the chamber. And then that nanosystem transfers the new DNA to the nucleus of the cell.

And when the purpose of the cell wanted to return the original. That nanomachine replaces the DNA with the original DNA. This thing is xenomorphic at the cell level.

Could a hypothetical quark star be invisible?

There is the possibility that there are so-called "stealth stars" in the universe

The hypothetical quark star is one of the "should be" objects. But there is no single observation of that type of star. Theoretically, quark stars are the medium between neutron stars and black holes. But why we cannot see that thing? 

Could the reflection that comes from free quarks have a wavelength that we cannot observe? The free quarks will send the radiation that has so short wavelength that we cannot observe that radiation because we have no object that resonates with that thing.

What if radiation comes straight from the surface of quarks? Normally the radiation comes from the quantum fields of atoms or protons and neutrons. But if there are free quarks somewhere in the universe, those quarks would send radiation that has so short wavelength that we cannot see that thing. So does that thing explain, why we have no observations about the hypothetical quark stars? Are those objects sending wavelength that is invisible to us?

Could dark energy mean the radiation that comes straight from the surface of quarks? If naked quarks are sending the radiation. That radiation has a wavelength that is shorter than any other radiation. Normally quarks are in the protons and neutrons. And those objects are sending radiation from their quantum fields. 

But there is the case where the quarks might be free. That case is the quark star. There is the possibility that the quark stars are invisible to us because in those cases the quarks are sending radiation in the wavelength that is the size of quarks. 

The thing that might cause the forming of a stealth star is the case, where the reflection is coming back in the form of a wavelength that is impossible to see. So maybe so-called quark stars have small bubbles of quarks on their surface that make them invisible to the eye.

In that case, the reflection happens with a wavelength that is coming from the frequency of quarks. When radiation hits the quarks they are sending echo as the wavelength that is the same. As the size of those subatomic particles. In normal cases, quarks are in the protons and neutrons. And we can see things like neutron stars. 

The reflection from the neutron stars is coming as the wavelength that is the same as the size of neutrons. But in quark star the quarks are naked. They are without the quantum field and give the reflection as the pure quarks. In a neutron star, the radiation reflection comes from quantum fields that surround neutrons. So if naked quarks are giving reflection or sending radiation that means the wavelength of that radiation would be far shorter than radiation that comes from neutrons. 

The question of planet 9 is causing an interesting theorem. Could that mysterious object that causes the strange gravitational effect to the trajectory of planet Neptune be the fermion or rather saying quark star. 

There is the possibility that the quark stars are invisible because the quarks are sending radiation reflection in a wavelength that is impossible to notice. There is the possibility that quark stars are not smooth. In some theories, the quarks are making the small hills or small bubbles in the surface of the quark stars. And that thing means that the reflection from that surface is coming from an extremely short wavelength. 

There is the possibility that there are so-called "stealth stars" in the universe. In some ideas, extremely heavy objects can surround by the whirl of electrons. Which are pushing photons away from the surface. In some other visions, the halo that is caused by reflecting radiation around quark stars can eliminate the reflection. In that case, the star reflects 100% of radiation in the same direction where that incoming wave movement is coming. 

And in this case, the counter radiation of the object will delete the incoming radiation. So in this idea, the object acts like an active jammer system that denies the echo of the radiation. When the incoming and reflecting radiation with the same wavelengths hit together they are neutralizing each other.


Quantum physicists are teleported "qutrits" for the first time.

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Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system.

Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system. In the most conventional case, the data is transported in the form of qutrit. But if the computer or quantum computer starts to use a ternary system that makes them even faster than they are. The ternary system allows making the virtual layers inside every state of the qubit.

Qutrit or quantum trit is the cubit equivalent of a triangular number system, the ternary system. A trit is the bit equivalent in a ternary system. And that means if the quantum computer uses qutrits their power will increase. 


The qutrit(1) can give extreme power to quantum computers. 

The qutrit means that the quantum computer uses the ternary numeric system in each layer(2). That will give the quantum computer extreme power in data handling. 

Normal quantum computers use qubits where the data is packed in many layers. The idea is that the system transmits data by using many layers at the same time. But each layer is using a binary system. 

This means that a qubit-based quantum computer is only the group of binary computers that are cutting their mission in the pieces. And share it with many machines. 

But if the system uses qutrits each layer of the quantum system uses the qutrits the system uses a ternary system. And the ternary system allows making the system that uses virtual qubits. 

A binary system means that a number comes after one. So in the natural binary system used numbers are 1 and 10.  Natural ternary system the system uses numbers 1,2, and 10. In numeric systems, the number ten is the changer.

In a computer, binary numeric system markings are 0 and 1. 

Zero means the gate is closed. 

Number 1 means that electricity or data is traveling in the system. That means the system has two states: on and off. 

In computers, ternary system markings are (0,1,2). The ternary system will make computing faster. The third number allows using so-called stop-bit. In that version, the ternary system uses number 2 as the separator between data lines. 

But there is a more powerful method in the ternary computing system. And that is that the system will send the data to the upper layer or share it with internal qubits in the layer. In that kind of system, the qutrit is acting as the virtual qubit in each layer of the quantum computer. 

In the computer ternary numeric system, the system uses three numbers (0,1,2). That thing makes it possible to use the third determinator in programming. In a binary system, the gate is open or it is closed.  

Or the router can be in two positions and select route one or route two. The ternary system allows that the router can route data by using three routes. Or the gate can also transfer data to the upper level. 

That means when the state of the ternary system gets 0 or 1. The system acts like a normal computer. But if the value is three the system sends the data to the upper level. 


Diagrams of the ternary system: (

The idea is that there are qubits or qutrits in two chambers. Then the oscillation of those qubits would synchronize by using those bottles or chambers. The idea is that those qutrits or qubits are made in quantum fog inside those chambers. 

Long-term data transmission through the air between two quantum systems is needed radio transmitter. As an example, the five-layer qubit requires five radio frequencies. The system will send data for each layer of a qubit by using those frequencies at the same time. And each qubit layer has its own radiofrequency.

There is the possibility to transmit data through the air in long distances between quantum computers by using radio waves quite easily. In that system every, layer of the qubit has its radiofrequency. So in the five-layer qubit, the system uses five radio frequencies for transmitting the data between qubits. 

The data will send through the air by using radio transmitters. And then the receiving part will drive that data to the qubit. The skyrmions might be suitable for driving the data in the qubit. 

Then that annealing will transfer to the chamber and send to another chamber. If those chambers are identical the oscillation will transfer to the quantum fog. In another version, the qubits will superposition through the air from the first chamber to another. 

The difference between the second and the first case is in the direction where the oscillation comes. In the first case, the energy for annealing the particles will mean that the reaction in chamber 1. Which is transmitting chamber will get the oscillation frequency from inside out. 

And the second chamber that is receiving chamber will send the oscillation wave movement from the outside to inside. And in the second version, the superposition will create straight between the quantum fog inside chambers. That chamber is needed for driving data to the radio transmitters.



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Why computing is a unique thing in business and the environment?

The "open source" is the new thing in the R&D process.

The term "open source" means the use the open data where everybody has access to the development process. The data is collected from the Internet. In the next step, the developer will modify it to the product. The developer can be a single person, or it can be a group of people. 

We might say that the Internet is the great gold mine of information. It offers big data that is not sorted but freely accessible. The developer must only need the right search words for sorting the data that the developer person wants and need to get the needed data for the project. 

There is a lot of data on machinery, sciences, and especially programming. So the internet allows getting all data that people need for their programming. 

Software development benefits the "open source" of all free access information. 

The thing is that programming doesn't need anything more than skills. That means everybody can learn programming languages. And start to make programs and algorithms. That means almost everybody can turn to the developer. And if they are working in the home by using own computers outside their working time. 

Nobody even knows that they are developers. And the other thing in business architecture that makes computing unique is that it is like a "necessary but unseen" thing. So for other business architecture, the development of computing has the same position as a stepson. That means the bosses are giving orders and then the development team makes the thing that is needed. 

So the thing in computing is that it's against the standard business models. 

The standard business model is that everything is controlled from upstairs. The model is that the head of the company is giving orders and resources. And then the henchmen are making the things real. But the thing in computing is that the work that those people are making is mostly virtual. The programmer might make the code by using even Notepad, and then the programmer copy-pastes the code to the programming editor. And then that person must make the normal debugging process and remove errors. 

The thing in the R&D process of software is nobody controls that thing. The R&D in the things like artificial intelligence is self-controlled. That means the people who are ruling the business environment cannot do anything for those processes. They might kick those developers out, but they cannot make anything for the developing process itself. 

Everybody can buy their PC and make code what they want. And that means the people who are not using the computers owned by some third party. Nobody can affect to processes that are made by those computers.  The editors can be found on the internet.  

The "open source" software development is one of the most interesting things in the world. 

At the beginning of this text, I wrote that "open source" is more than some programming. The real term for "open source" development could be "open engineering". 

Many people think that "open source development" is only some kind of Linux development. The fact is that Linux development is only one part of the large sector called "open source" development. 

We should describe the "open source development" as the development where is used open literature and open Internet sources. There is lots of data on the internet that is waiting for its finders. But getting access to that data requires that we know the right words for searching those things.

Friday, October 29, 2021

China's new quantum computer has a million times the power of Google's.

China's new quantum computer is the most powerful calculation unit in the world some researchers say. And that thing makes quantum computers very interesting. The Chinese quantum system is programmable and that makes it flexible. The thing in quantum computers is that they are turning more common. And they are the most powerful tools for driving artificial intelligence. 

The new quantum systems mean that the data security of the internet is dangered. And there is the possibility that the main part of the protection based on RSA cryptography will break soon. Or are already broken. The AI is a powerful tool. And even the researchers of that thing are not know all its capacities. 

The AI can observe areas if it is connected with a sensing neural network. That means the AI can search for things like common clothes. It can find out the favorite color of skirts of certain ethnic groups. But it can also search is there some common clothes like a certain type of slips. That people wear in demonstrations. 

And another thing that AI can use is to search genetic data. The genetic information is telling that is there some ethnic groups that are involving the demonstrations more often than some other groups. The AI can find out, what kind of person will win the beauty contests. It can search the typical details of the faces and other parts of the body of people who win those contests. 

The AI and genetics

Artificial intelligence can make many things that were impossible in the past possible. Artificial intelligence can control drone swarms. But it can also search the details of the DNA. So the quantum computer-driven AI can also operate as the assistant for searching similarities in the human DNA. And maybe that ability is making it possible to search the history of mankind in the point of way of genetics. 

The interesting thing might be who first ruled ancient people? And when the proto-society start to separate into different ethnic groups? That kind of thing can also find out by using AI which has powerful platforms.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Who were the Etruscans?

Etruscan mother and child, 500–450 BC (Wikipedia, Etruscan Civilization)

The most mystic thing in the Etruscans is their language. 

The DNA tests are proof that the DNA of that mysterious ethnic group that ruled the Italian peninsula before Romans is ordinary in that area. That means the origin of the Etruscans was in Asia Minor. The question is where do those people start to use that language?  Was it happening in Asia Minor? Or did those people start to use Etruscan in the Italian Peninsula? The thing that makes Etruscans interesting is their language? There are no known language relatives for that unique language. So who were Etruscans?

The thing is that the Etruscans who lived in the Italian Peninsula before Romans were a group of native people who absorbed their unique language and other behaviors like social codes from some ethnic group. Behaves of those people were common in Greece women were also allowed to participate in parties. 

"Extent of Etruscan civilization and the twelve Etruscan League cities". (Wikipedia, Etruscan Civilization)

And the position of women was better than in Ancient Greece. But otherwise, the behavior of those people was quite similar. So there is an "idol theory" that is introduced to explain the position of Etruscans. The "idol theory" is simple that the Etruscans were "fans" of some idol. The idea for that theory is coming from a human need to imitate their idols. 

So were the Etruscans some kind of servant for some other ethnic group? 

So maybe the original Etruscans were some people whose behavior and language transferred to local people. And that means the original Etruscans might be very respected people who might be some kind of nomads.  And the people who used that name of their community wanted to adapt the language that their idols used. 

There is the possibility that the first Etruscans were some warrior group that came from Asia Minor. And then people who contacted them started to use their language. But there might be a long journey between the source language. And the language what those people used in the Italian peninsula. The thing is that we don't know. Where the people who used Etruscans language started to use it. Did that thing happen in Asia Minor or was it happen in the Italian Peninsula?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Could the signal that received from Proxima Centauri last December be the alien radio transmission? The fact is: nobody knows.

Confirmation of the source or the reason for that signal is difficult. The situation is that the case is very similar to the Wow! signal that was captured by the University of Ohio on 15 July 1977. 

The signal was unique and that means there is nothing where researchers can compile that signal. The Proxima Centauri signal from December 2020 was a unique case and there is no absolute sure that it came from the Proxima system. And that thing means nothing will close out the alien hypothesis. 

But the problem is that nothing is sure about that thing. So the origin of the BLC1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1) signal remains a mystery. It came from the direction of Proxima Centauri but it can be near us. And that means its origin could be manmade. 

But there is also nothing that makes sure that aliens sent that signal. So the signal has an unknown origin. The thing that makes those signals weird is they happened only one time. If the source of them is a neutron star those kinds of signals should be more common. Or the origin of at least the Wow!-signal could be in other galaxies or outside the galaxy. If the Wow! the signal is extraordinary strong FRB what is its origin?

There is strange activity on the radio frequency.

There is a funny question about the origin of 1652 FRB:s in the last 47 days. That thing means that there is some kind of weird actions in the universe. The FRB (Fast Radio Burst) is not a very common thing. What causes that extraordinary FRB:s?

And the extraordinarily high number of those very high energetic bursts are making me think that could those FRB-bursts and the signal of December some kind of connection? But what that connection would be?!_signal

This is the end of the scientific part of this text. 

This is speculation... And you might think that I chanced to folio hat. But this is the thing, what I always wanted to write. 

The thing is. That if we think that the origin of the December signal was some kind of alien spacecraft. We must ask why those signals are not repeating? The answer could be that aliens use the radio to transmit only for some emergencies. And the hypothetical aliens use superpositioned and entangled particles as communication. That would explain why we cannot hear their transmission. 

So if some of their craft sends the emergency call for some reason the aliens would notice. That third party could detect that transmission.

If hypothetical aliens know about the human race. There is the possibility that they expect that their crafts will capture. And they might send the warning signals. The idea is that the alien craft can use an artificial black hole as the power source. And if that thing is vaporized they must ask the base to make them the new black hole. And maybe their base calls the other craft that has similar problems. 

The man behind quantum physics: Max Planck

Max Planck (1858-1947)

German scientist and the father of quantum mechanics Max Planck (1858-1947). In Finnish Wikipedia is claiming that he was baptized as  "Marx".  (2)But he used the name "Max" all his life. But history knows that man as Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. 

It is suspicious that the name "Marx" was the trick. Which mission was to deny the Nazis to make contact with that man. And the thing is that this man lived an unhappy life because all his children died before him. So the life of that man was not very happy. 

His first son and the only child saw adulthood executed by Gestapo in 1945. Because he was involved in the  July 20 conspiracy against Adolph Hitler. Another interesting detail in this man's life was that his home was destroyed by an allied air raid in 1944. 

The notes of that remarkable man were also destroyed in that incident.  Max Planck died at the age of 89 in the year 1947. And there is no physical merchandise that proved to belong to that man. So there is hard to get DNA analysis of the cells of Max Planck and by using that data could be possible to track the descendants of that family. In Germany, there is a "Max Planck institute that carries the name of that man who invented quantum theory. 



Planck and the theorem of the black ball

The idea of a black hole has the origin of the black ball theorem. What if the object absorbs all energy and wave movement that impacts it? The energy level of the black ball rises until the energy will break out from the ball. The idea is that when the energy level of objects is increasing. The oscillation in particles that are forming the ball is increasing. The power of the quantum fields around them is rising higher and higher. 

Until the expanding quantum field of those particles pushes particles. And they will fly out of the structure. If that thing will not happen the weight of the particles is rising and then sooner or later the particle will turn into a black hole. When the weight of the particles is rising high enough it drops out from the universe forming the black hole. 

The Planck's mirror ball

If there is a ball whose inner layer will have 100% reflection and researchers conduct light. That thing increases the energy level in the ball. If the ball cannot conduct energy somewhere. That thing causes destruction. 

If the layer would not absorb energy or photons the level of the energy rises in the ball. The rising energy will push the layers of the ball outside. And then that thing causes the explosion. The fact is that the level of energy cannot rise forever. Or the structure of the ball will be destroyed or there is forming the black hole inside the ball.

New artificial intelligence learns by using the "cause and effect" methodology.

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The cause and effect methodology means the AI tests simultaneously the models that are stored in its memory. And when some model fits a case that the AI must solve, the AI stores that model to other similar cases. And in that case, the AI finds a suitable solution for things that it must solve. It selects the way to act that is most suitable for it. The most beneficial case means that the system uses minimum force for reaching the goal. 

The "cause and effect method" in the case that the AI-controlled robot will open the door might be that the first robot is searching marks about things that help to determine which way the door is opening. Then the robot first just pulls the door and turns the handle. Then the robot tries the same thing but it pushes the door. Then the robot can note that the door is locked and find another way to get in. 

But if a robot must get in it might have a circular programming architecture. If the robot cannot open the door by using the methods that are found in the first circle. It will step to the next level and use more force. And then the robot will try to kick the door in or some other way to break it. The idea is that robot always uses minimum force. But the problem is how to determine the case. The robot is allowed to do in cases that it faces the door. 

There are cases where the cause and effect methodology is not suitable. If the alone operating robot would be on ice it cannot test the strength of the ice. But if the robot group is operating under the control of the same AI which operates them as an entirety the system might use the cause and effect methodology. 

There is the possibility that artificial intelligence is located in the computer center. And it can operate radio-controlled cars by using the remote control. So the moving robots are dummies and work under the control of the central computer. There is the possibility that this kind of robot system is someday sent to another planet. 

Image II: 

The model of the large robot groups is taken from ants. The ants are moving robots. And anthills are the central computer of the entirety. 

The cause and effect methodology would be suitable for the groups of simple robots that are operating under the same AI. Those cheap and simple moving robots are easy to replace if they are damaged. And the AI that operates those sub-robots can be at the computer center and control those robots by using regular data remote-control systems. 

The supercomputer that drives AI would be at different capsule or orbiting trajectories. And the simple robot cars are operating on the ground. The system might have two stages. At the first stage. The main computer that orbits the planet will send the instructions to the ground-based computers. Those are in the landing capsules. And then those capsules are controlling the robot cars and quadcopters. Keeping the moving robots as simple as possible. Is making it possible to replace destroyed individuals from the group easily. 

The AI sends the robot simultaneously to the route over the icy terrain. And the robot tells all the time its condition. If the ice breaks under it can send the data to its mates about the strength of the ice. Robots are sending information about their location all the time. 

The system knows the last position of the robot. And the strength of the ice can measure by using the last images of that robot. The system knows to avoid the place where ice collapses. And the next robot knows to avoid that place. That thing means that the cause and effect methodology is suitable for large groups of robots where individual robots are not very complicated. 

Artificial intelligence can operate remote-controlled robots. And that means the robots that are forming the group are simple. They might be more remote-control cars than complicated robots. The central computer that is operating the entirety is intelligent. The reason why those robots have only necessary sensors is that they are easy to replace. And maybe robot factories can make those robots in the operational area. 


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Skyrmions are an interesting phenomenon. (Skyrmion part II)

The question is: what makes that electromagnetic whirl called skyrmion? Could skyrmion form around some kind of quantum wire or quantum string?

Skyrmions are virtual particles. They are short-living electromagnetic fields rather than particles. They can form complicated but short-living structures. 

The form of skyrmions is interesting. Those things are like some kind of electromagnetic whirls. And there is a theory that skyrmions are the medium between particles and wave movement. The thing that makes skyrmion the virtual particle is that it seems like some kind of quantum hurricane. The skyrmions are made in the stable quantum fog called Bose-Einstein condensate. The quantum fog is frozen at the temperature of zero kelvin. 

There is the possibility that skyrmion is like serpentine which turns to ball-shaped wave movement when it travels in the middle of the frozen quantum gas. The particles of the gas are turning the wave movement to the form of the ball. And that thing can explain the phenomenon called ball lightning. Theoretically, ball lightning is an electric phenomenon that acts like the snake which hunts its tail in the ball-shaped power field.

Is there some kind of object that forms skyrmion around it?

But then we might think that all skyrmions are not similar. Maybe 2D skyrmions are not had the same origin as 3D skyrmions. Even if the 2D skyrmions might look like 3D skyrmions they might be different phenomena. There is the possibility that skyrmions are forming around some kind of string. In that model, the electromagnetic whirl is forming around the electromagnetic stick or quantum wire. 

That string acts as an axle for the power field that remains extremely short time. The reason why some people believe. That there is some kind of quantum axel. That forms skyrmion around it is that the electromagnetic whirl could not form without a nucleus. 

But what is that hypothetical string or quantum axle? There is the possibility that the thing that forms skyrmion around it could be an extremely thin gamma-ray burst (GRB). Or could that thing be the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge? The thing that supports this kind of idea is that skyrmion is an extremely short-living phenomenon. In the same way, the GRB is a short-living phenomenon. 

Maybe the future will bring new visions for that phenomenon. The fact is that we can use skyrmions for many purposes like a communication tool. It can use as a short-term hard disk or mass memory in computers. If system stores highly secured data in RAM disk. That is made by using skyrmions. That thing means that when energy pumping ends skyrmion and data vanishes immediately. 

Or it can use as a quantum cutter that can cut molecules precisely in the wanted positions. As I wrote recently we don't even know where we can use those short-living phenomena. Skyrmions can be used in fusion reactors and they can offer a solution for extremely high-accurate radiological therapy. But the origin of that phenomenon is partially a mystery.


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thoughts about time dilation

Is time energy?

When the speed of the particle increases the time on it slows. And when the particle reaches the speed of light time stops in it. But slowing the time in particles can be made by simply pumping energy to them. 

Time dilation means that the existence of particles is extended. Sooner or later all particles in the universe are turning to wave movement. The reason for that is they are losing the energy that keeps them in the form of particles. But is wave movement practice. Yeas and no the wave-particle duality means that the material can turn to wave movement. And wave movement can turn to the material form. 

But the wave-particle duality is possible only in the world of elementary particles. The wave movement can crepe to particles like quarks and electrons. But protons and neutrons cannot turn back to the particles because they are groups of particles. 

So existence or lifetime of a particle means the time that protons and neutrons exist in their form. And for quarks and electrons that means the time what they are existing in particle form. Sooner or later they are turning to wave movement. 

Why does kinetic energy slow time in particles? The particle is sometimes sending photons and that thing decreases its mass. When a particle sends a photon it loses its mass and energy. When the speed of the particle is increasing. It will get replacing energy from the quantum fields around it. And that energy is called kinetic energy. When the speed of the particle is decreasing the level of replacing energy decreases. And that increases the loss of mass of that particle in the form of photon or wave movement. 

Time dilation is the energy interaction between the particle and its environment

Time dilation means that time on the particle is slowing. But what does that term mean? It means that the lifetime of the particle is getting longer if it's in a high energetic area. And the reason why fast-moving particles exist longer time is that the kinetic energy is increasing its energy level. And when the speed of the particle is getting lower. That thing decreases the energy that particle gets from its environment. 

So then the amount of energy released by the particle in the form of a wave motion increases. In proportion to the energy that the particle receives from its environment.  Kinetic energy is energy what moving particle gets from the quantum fields of the material of the universe. So in that case the energy transforms to the particle from the environment. And the level of that energy depends on how many quantum fields it can pierce in the time unit. 

The lifetime of the particle can theoretically extend forever by replacing the energy that it delivers while the particle is oscillating by stressing it with the same size radiation dose. So when the particle is delivering a photon the system would put another photon in it. 

When somebody says that time is energy, we might first think that the speaker is someway wrong. But then we might think of the phenomenon called "Time dilation".  When the speed of the particle is rising that thing extends its lifetime. Otherwise, the same thing can be done by pumping the wave movement to the particle. 

That thing is proven in the tests where highly radioactive and short-living radioactive ions are driven in the particle accelerators. And when the speed of particles is decreasing their life is getting shorter. So the thing that extends the lifetime of the particle is the kinetic energy. 

So how we would describe time dilation? That thing is extending the lifetime of particles when they are traveling at high speed. Or their energy level is rising high enough. And when the particle is slowing time on it will start to travel faster or otherwise saying. The lifetime of the particle is getting shorter. 

This thing is called time dilation. As I wrote earlier. That term means that high-energy particles are existing a longer time. Then low energetic particles. Time dilation means that the time is moving slower in fast-moving particles.

 But the thing is that the high-power energy pump to the particles will also cause time dilation. Theoretically, we can make particles live forever by pumping them radiation that replaces the radiation or energy that those particles are delivering in their environment. 

And if we are thinking like that. What causes time dilation. All-time when the particle is higher energetic than its environment. The energy that is stored in the particle is traveling to a lower energetic area. And whenever a particle sends energy. Its mass is getting lower. 

When the speed of the particle is decreasing the energy that it gets in the form of kinetic energy decreases. And the particle loses energy all the time. The lack of renewing energy causes that the mass of the particle will decrease faster in stable particles than moving particles. 

All the time material is losing its mass. That thing happens in the form of radiation which transports energy out from particles. And all time when a particle sends radiation it loses its mass. When the speed of the particle is increasing it gets new energy from movement. When the speed of the particle is decreasing the level of renewing energy is also decreasing. And the particle is starting to lose its mass faster.

Emulating the human way to think is very difficult. But maybe someday, quantum computers will become more intelligent than humans.

When we think what is the thought about the human way to think. We must remember that making the spontaneously learning computer. It can be made by using a quantum computer. The learning process of the living organism is just connecting the action with the observation. And that thing makes spontaneously learning artificial intelligence harder to make as it should be. In real life, all that we see and feel are causing experience. 

So theoretically, the learning machine must only record everything that it sees. But the problem is how to select things that are important for the individual? If the system records everything that means the databases are growing to enormous size. And that thing makes it hard to control data masses that are stored in the system.

 Even the largest databases have limits. And in the case of artificial intelligence, the databases should be as small as possible. The system makes the network of those databases. So sometimes people are asking why there are so many neurons in our brains. The reason for that is that a large number of neurons are making sure that if one neuron is damaged that minimizes the damage. 

So if we want to simplify that thing. We can make a copy of human brains by using 300 billion databases. And then we must realize that there are no binary computers that can handle that kind of number of databases. But for the quantum computer and especially quantum annealing computers that are forming of the cloud of quantum particles. The capacity of those quantum computers that are using quantum fog as the group of qubits has no limits. 

In those hypothetical computers, the quantum particles like Bose-Einstein condensate, extremely cold fullerene, or neutrons are acting as the neurons in human brains. And the extremely precisely calculated and controlled laser rays are acting as the axons. 

By using the quantum brains there is the possibility to handle that kind of extreme entirety. In quantum brains, the quantum fog is used as the role of the neurons. The extremely cold Bose-Einstein condensate can be used in this kind of role. And the high-accurate laser rays can be used as axons. 

The vibration of the quantum fields around the condensate would play the role of a membrane of the neurons. One of the most interesting versions of quantum fog is the neutron cloud. The neutrons can anchor in stable positions and the extremely small laser rays can make the quantum brains possible. The fullerene molecules can also be used for that purpose. And if that thing is also equipped with the small superconducting mass memories that system can form the most powerful data-handling unit in the universe. 

The size of that kind of system is no limit. And some futurologists are thinking that there could be giant Dyson's spheres somewhere in the universe that can handle the quantum clouds computers that are the size of planetary systems. That kind of system might have the capacity that we cannot ever even imagine.

Even researchers don't know the entire capacity of skyrmions.


The skyrmions can fly. And they can be the solution for the data transmitting problem between quantum and binary computers. So it's the virtual particle. Because skyrmions can fly. Skyrmion can use to give extremely high accurate energy impacts to the targets. That ability can make it possible to make the high-accurate version of radiation therapy. 

The skyrmion is like a whirling magnetic field that acts like a particle. The form of a skyrmion is the wave movement that is looking like a miniature hurricane. And that thing can be the key to the ball lightning. It is suspicious that ball lightning is a wave movement that is jumping inside the quantum field. In laboratories, skyrmions are made inside the Bose-Einstein condensate. The extremely quantum gas will turn the electromagnetic field to acting like a whirl. 

The skyrmion can use to send data in a safe package over the air. But the problem is that the form of a skyrmion is not stanging for a very long time. The skyrmion can be used to transmit data between quantum and binary computers. The idea is that the skyrmion is acting as the virtual hard disk where data is stored. And then skyrmion will be shot to a voltage meter that determines the state of the qubit. Because skyrmions are destroyed soon after they are created. That thing makes it possible to make an absolute safe data channel between quantum computers and binary computers. 

Normally the data transmitting between quantum and the binary system is made by using electricity (electrons) or radio waves. And that thing makes it possible to put the radio receiver in the border of quantum and binary computers. That thing what can using nanotechnological sensors can risk the data security in quantum computers. If the data travels in the nanotubes. In the form of skyrmions that makes it almost impossible to eavesdrop on those computers. 

Eavesdropping the quantum computer is not possible by using conventional methods. But there is the possibility that biorobots like microchipped ants are putting extremely small-size microchips in binary computers. That is transmitting data between keyboard and quantum computers and the screens and other output devices.


There is theoretically possible to steal data from qubit without a quantum computer that will not detect what happens.

The "mirror-quantum eraser" (opposite operating quantum eraser) would make it possible to break the quantum computer. The system would be almost like a quantum eraser. But it recycles the data through the sensor and then reloads the lost energy back to the qubit. But making that thing is very difficult. 

If somebody would try to download data from qubit the system recognizes that the energy level in the qubit is changed. But if there is some kind of system which can replace the energy. That decreases the download process. That would make it possible to steal data from the qubits without the system recognizing that thing. 

The thing is that there is the possibility to eavesdrop on the quantum computer by putting the sensor that is sniffing the changes of electromagnetic fields. Like the brightness of the laser rays in the channels that are transmitting data in the quantum system. Breaking the qubit is extremely difficult. That thing requires that the receiving system knows the energy levels that are used for making qubits. 

And then the system must just return those states after the information is stored. But there is the possibility that a system like a quantum eraser can just "borrow" the qubit when it copies the data. The system would be like the quantum wire there is pumped exactly right energy level. In that case, the quantum computer would not recognize that the energy level of the qubit is not decreasing while the copying process.

Monday, October 25, 2021

There is the possibility to make the silently hovering craft without any SciFi technology.

Cooling the exhaust gas and closing the sound in the whirl makes it possible to create silent rockets and jet planes. 

When we are thinking of the possibility to make the craft that is hovering silently over the ground. We can simply make the rocket- or jet engine system where the jet is closed in the sonic whirl or the LRAD system will close the exhaust gas inside the pressure wall. In that case, the sound of the exhaust gas cannot get out from that sound wall. And that thing makes it possible that people cannot just hear any sound when they are outside that sound wall. 

The thing that explains why there is no burning effect in the grass. Would be that the exhaust gas will be cooled by using super cold water or gas like liquid nitrogen for cooling that gas. The thing is that by using this kind of system the craft can hover silently over the ground. This kind of virtual antigravitation system can be already in use. 

Closing sound in the sonic whirl or some kind of sound barrier that is made by using the LRAD-system would open a new era of rocketry and aviation. That thing would deny people hearing the noise of the aircraft or rockets. And if the exhaust gas of the rocket engines will be cooled by using liquid gas or Bose-Einstein condensate that thing allows that rockets or aircraft can operate even from the football field. Cooling the exhaust gas of the rocket would make the operations safer. 

And that thing denies things like fire around the rocket base. This kind of simple system what are basing the cooling element can allow. That the VTOL-aircraft can operate from all platforms. This kind of system might be already in use by the special rescue crews which mission is to return the dropped recon planes from the enemy territory.

Precisely controlled light makes it possible to create layers that are only three atoms thick.

Making layers that are only three atoms thick can use to make the new extremely small-size microchips. But if those light tweezers can use on a large scale. That means this technology can use to create the new type of quantum materials. To the layers of some other material can put a couple of atom-thick layers. 

That is making them harder. But the ability to move single atoms can make it possible to create new and more complicated nanostructures than ever before. If that system is combined with things like fullerene or nanotubes. That means the system can install the iron or some other atoms to the carbon molecules. 

And in that case, the Van Der Waals forces between those atoms can use as the glue for making the new and more complicated nanostructures. The ability to move single atoms or only a couple of atoms at the same time makes it possible to create new molecules. Which angles are precisely positioned and that would make a revolution in nanotechnology. 

What if we could someday create the fullerene- or graphene-type material that is formed of neutrons?

If we could someday create the laser light that allows moving subatomic particles like neutrons we could make the material. That is harder than any other material. 

That material is called "neutron graphene". The "neutron graphene" is one of the most interesting hypothetical materials. If we could make the ball-shaped neutron structure where neutrons are connected with the polar connection that allows us to make the artificial neutron star on earth. If we would put that neutron structure to rotate in the magnetic field. That thing makes it possible to create a new type of generator. 

The idea of this material is that the neutrons are making the network like carbon atoms. In that structure, neutrons are connected by using their polarity as the glue. The difference between "neutron graphene" and carbon-based graphene is that the last one is forming of the subatomic particles. The neutron fullerene and neutron graphene are similar materials that is forming neutron stars.


There is a possible planet outside the Milky Way

The founding of the exoplanet candidate from the other galaxy is not very surprising. The thing is that other galaxies are similar to Milky Way. And that means there must be solar systems and planets like in our galaxy. 

That means the universe is "full of planets" and we are just waiting to find a planet that can have lifeforms. The most feared moment is when we are first making contact with other civilizations. That time will be someday in the future. Even we would be alone in our galaxy, there is the possibility that there are other intelligent species in other galaxies. 

The visions of the future of the human race

And now I will explain why I believe that someday the human race will meat aliens. Even there is no other intelligent species other than humans in our Galaxy there is the possibility. That someday in the future we are moving to space and other planets. 

In the future, the human race will travel to our solar system. And during that project, the goal would be the case that some colonists are born and die in the colonies. The thing is that those colonists are sooner or later stopped to keep in contact with their families. Maybe the persons who are moving to the colonies from the Earth will keep in contact. But for people who were born in colonies would never see Earth. 

In some visions, the evolution would form the creature called "Homo Sapiens Spaces". In that vision. Some people would spend their entire life in zero-gravity conditions. In that case, the muscles and bones of those people are turning weak. And if that thing happens. Those people who were born in space stations that have no artificial gravitation would crush in gravitation fields. 

"Solar Warden" is the hypothetical station in which zero-gravitation conditions make crew unable to return. 

That idea is an origin for the conspiracy theory that the genetically engineered engineers would put to live in the space station. That environment makes it easy to control those people. That crew could communicate with computers by using a brain control interface. 

And those crews could connect to the entirety with each other and central computer. So that a hypothetical space station can use as the data handling center. In that system, the brains of the crew and central computers will be acting as an entirety. 

So those people cannot ever land on planets. The same thing happens if the crew of the space station stays too long in that place. So that's why artificial gravitation is necessary for space stations and long-term space journeys if we want to get crew back to Earth. 

During those journeys, our descendants need very advanced bio- and genetic engineering. For making the colonists fit their new home planets. That kind of thing makes the colonists aliens to other colonists. That means that the colonists who are genetically engineered for their environment might not even look like being members of the same species that have conquered the entire galaxy. 

But if that kind of thing is the future of mankind we must say that we are a little bit too lucky. In that kind of situation, we would be the luckiest civilization in the entire universe.

There are lots of data stored in superconducting material in the universe.


Scientists have long time predicted that there is a connection between the physical universe and information. All material in the universe can turn to energy and backward. So energy is wave movement. And wave movement is information. 

When we are thinking about information like wave movement and especially radio waves there is lots of data stored in superconducting material all around the universe. The problem is how to make that information come out from material? 

But if that thing is someday possible to make. That thing would bring new data about the beginning of the universe and even aliens. The thing is that the metal bites are storing data if they are superconducting. And that data can download to the computers. The process is similar to the qubit and the system must know precisely the frequencies and power of the radio transmission. 

The data is downloaded to the radio by using an antenna or the object will stress from the opposite side by using radio waves. And in that case, the radio signal is used as a carrier. The receiver will observe the changes in the carrier wave. And that thing will make it possible to return the data that is stored in the particles. Of course, the process is not so easy as I described. 


The black hole laser can have quantum computer and communication applications.

How it works: diagram showing how a soliton (top) plays the role of a mirrored laser cavity (bottom). (Courtesy: Haruna Katayama/Hiroshima University)(

The X- or gamma-rays can use for non-radio communication through walls. 

In some visions, robots of tomorrow would communicate by using X-ray systems. The robots are using cathode rays and X-ray cameras for communicating through walls. The X- or gamma-ray-based communication system can make it possible to make a communication system that is impossible to track. 

That kind of theoretical communication system is always immune against the radiosonde.  In the future robots can use X-ray systems for communicating in areas where is lots of radio turbulence. And if some systems like eavesdropping equipment are using X-ray LED for communication that makes them impossible to detect. And the same systems can use to make the X- or gamma-ray images of the targets. So those systems will be multipurpose tools. 

Hawking radiation could be an interesting tool for communication. 

The principle of the black hole laser is simple. The laser ray will target to soliton which increases the power of the wave movement. And when the power of the wave movement is high enough that thing should transmit Hawking radiation to outside the soliton. Term soliton means the wave packet that strengths itself. Hawking radiation is one of the most interesting things that can use to transmit data. 

Only black holes are creating this type of radiation. And that means the Hawking radiation can use to data transporter. There is the possibility to make a laser system that can transmit data by using Hawking radiation. If there is some kind of sensor that can receive Hawking radiation. 

And transfer it to the electric signal that things can use to communicate through walls by using some other electromagnetic radiation than radio waves. The Hawking radiation along with Gamma- and X-ray frequencies could open new routes to communication technology. Those frequencies of radiation offer a new way to communicate through walls.


Expansion of the universe and gravitational waves are interesting things.

Gravitational waves are one of the biggest things that are discovered in the history of science. But the question is what gravitational waves exactly are. The gravitational waves are the things that are traveling through the universe. So is gravitation some kind of wave movement? Or is the gravitational wave the change of the mass of dark matter?

Scientists are not sure what gravitational waves are. They can be the graviton bursts around the universe. But the problem is that there are no observations about gravitons. 

There is only the wave where the weight of the material is somehow increasing. So there is the possibility that the gravitons are causing the gravitational waves. But another possibility is that the gravitational wave is the result of the radiation or wave movement between dark matter particles. The wave movement has a strange ability. 

When it affects the particles their mass is rising. So the easiest explanation for the gravitational wave is that it's the wave movement that is an interaction between dark matter particles. That thing could be the explanation for the question. Why do the gravitational waves seem to have no connection with another wave movement? 

If the wave movement is an interaction between dark matter particles. That means that the gravitation might not an independent force at all. But that thing is not sure. When we are thinking that model closer we are facing one interesting thing. 

When wave movement or particles are traveling outside the universe it will decrease the mass of the universe. When a particle crosses the gravitational limit of the universe that thing never returns. 

And universe ever gets that lost mass back. That thing will decrease the mass of the universe and increase the speed of its expansion.

Dark matter forms 85% of the material of the universe. But most of the universe is forming of the dark wave movement called "dark energy". Dark energy is wave movement that we cannot see because it doesn't cause notable interaction between particles of the visible material. 

There is one idea of what dark energy can be. The idea is that it's similar wave movement with neutron radiation. When the dark energy hits the quantum field of the dark matter it sends radiation that is invisible to us. 

But that radiation pushes the dark matter particles away from each other. And the dark matter wave movement would be a similar reaction that happens in the neutron bomb. But the scale of that reaction is much much larger than reactions in neutron bombs. 

Distance of dark matter particles increases when they are sending wave movement.  The wave movement is pushing those particles away from each other. When the mass of particles is decreasing the wave movement is pushing them away from each other harder. And that increases the speed of expansion of the universe. 

And another thing is that when the particles are sending wave movement that thing makes the particles lighter. So when the most dominating group of particles is sending radiation, that thing causes the effect, where the large mass of the universe vanishes to space in the form of wave movement.

The reason for the expansion of the universe. Is that it loses its mass in the form of wave movement. That travels outside the universe. Then we are thinking universe as the form of the bubble where the entire confirmed material exists. 

That bubble locates in the middle of the emptiness. Outside the universe is no energy that can interact either with dark or visible material. And the energy is transferring from the universe which is the higher energetic area to the lower energetic area. 

Material and energy are the same things. All the time when the universe sends radiation its mass decreases. The reason that thing is happening. Is that there is no replacing radiation when the radiation travels outside the universe.

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