One thing that we must realize is that combat drones are meant for operating with manned systems. That means the combat aircraft can drop quadcopters to the operational area. Or they can operate as mixed swarms where is manned and unmanned aircraft. Some people are saying that combat drones are non-humanitarian systems. But the fact is that they are effective. The combat drone and hybrid army where the man operates along with robots. Is one of the most terrifying things that we can imagine.
The evolution of military systems is at crossroads. The next-generation systems might be a combination of extremely expensive multi-role combat aircraft. But those multi-role combat aircraft can drop the killer drones to the battlefield. And things like loyal wingman drones can operate along with manned systems.
But the problem is that the purpose of the combat systems is to be terrifying. The mission of combat systems is to be afraid. Their purpose is to confess to other nations that are not acting against the state. And this is why the most of weapons are somehow nonhumanitarian. The purpose of military force is to be terrifying. Its purpose is to destroy and kill enemies. And that is the reason why the weapons are so frightening.
And frightening weapons are effective weapons. Nuclear weapons are the most destructive things in the world. We all know what those weapons cause to people. But many nations are taking those weapons in their arsenal because they guarantee authority and respect for those countries and this is the reason why nuclear weapons are so wanted thing. And this is why other nations are criticizing those weapons.
People are criticizing killer drones that they are non-humanitarian weapons. Same way cruise missiles, ICBM missiles machine guns, cannons, and other things like rocket launchers and mortars are not humanitarian weapons. Or are you ever heard of humanitarian weapons?
In the novel "The Naked Sun" novelist Isaac Asimov described one most terrifying things in the world. The mass-army of the robots. The man-shaped robots can easily handle all missions on the battlefield. The problem is the limit of their computing system. But times are changing and compact quantum computers can fix this problem. The power of quantum computers is making those systems unpredictable. And unpredictable robots are always dangerous.
The robot armies are a terrifying thing. Commanders of robot armies must not care about losses. And robots are not excused orders. But there is one aspect that we must realize. There is one thing that is also causing criticism against robot soldiers. The robot armies can offer also small countries the conventional attack capacity that has been "reserved" for the largest militaries in the world.
So if the country has a large-scale robot army. That system means. Even if a big arm attacks against that country. The result remains unknown. When we are thinking about traditional warfare the result of the war was easy to predict. A bigger nation always won the war. And other countries were easy to choose their side. The winner of the war was easy to predict. And that's why traditional armies were based the large groups of men and equipment. But then WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) took their place on the battlefield.
The gas weapon was not effective against military groups who used gas masks and protective suits. Things like Chemical weapons were prohibited because they were not effective against combatants who use protective gear. But things like nuclear weapons are still in service. Nuclear weapons are easier to justify than some poison gasses.
Sometimes, somebody is said that the reason why aerosol or FAE explosives wanted to prohibit is not that the creators of those weapons are afraid that enemy snipers shoot at those bombs. The aerosol bomb is the propane tank where is detonator. If some sniper shoots at those tanks that can cause an explosion.
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