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Synthetic AI-controlled evolution and remote-controlled robots predicted in Stanislaw Lem's novel "Peace on Earth"

New artificial intelligence can develop itself by using Darwinian style evolution. When we think about autonomous synthetic AI-controlled evolution we must remember that modern computing systems are much more powerful than ever before. 

The new complicated AI-based algorithms can search things from the Internet. That allows them to develop themselves. And that thing can make those systems more powerful and more unpredictable than ever before. 

The model of AI-controlled evolution is not quite new. Stanislaw Lem's Novel "Peace on Earth" is one of the darkest predictions about robotics. The theme of that book is that the data networks that are out of control will start to develop new types of systems that are not under nobody's control. 

The novel is telling about a world where is peace. And the weapons are transported to the Moon. But there the systems that have artificial intelligence that can create the intelligent AI-controlled evolution that can create the systems that people cannot predict. And there is another thing that makes this novel very interesting. The thing is called "mixed reality". The "mixed reality" means the robots that are controlled through virtual reality or BCI (Brain-computer Interface). In that novel, those robots are part of everyday life. 

Those robots can use for remote sex. Or the controllers can use those robots as remote bank robbers. The new remote-controlling systems make it possible to use remote-controlled robots for surgical operations. They are planned to use as rescue operators or remote-controlled commando squads. But when robots are coming more common. They might get in the hands of outlaws. 

The AI-controlled machine evolution is possible to make by using existing technology. The combat systems are the easiest to use as an example for the products that are developed by using AI. 

There are three parts to this system. The names for those systems are taken from the novel "Peace on Earth". But before we are going to think about the model of that system. We must understand that the artificial intelligence-based development system can create two things separately or together. 

The AI can develop the physical system itself. Or it can develop the operations of the physical system. In that case, the system selects the most successful actions. In the case of combat drones, that thing can mean the longest operational time against the manned aircraft. Or it can develop them together. But the development system can consist of three different parts. 

1) The super simulator. The system creates virtual aircraft. Or some other system for making the simulated combat against the virtual enemy. 

2) The selective simulator. That simulator goes combat against that virtual system. If the super simulator loses the selective simulator will send the report to the super simulator that knows why its system loses. And then super simulator can make repairments for the product. 

3) The "judge". The system would search which system handles the situation best. Then the "judge" will send the winning model to the selective simulator. Then the super simulator will start to develop a system that can win the last model. So the systems are playing ball with the products. 

This system emulates human brains. And that thing makes it very effective especially if it uses quantum computers. 

That makes this kind of system very effective. Quantum computers can run complicated and heavy artificial intelligence tools. 

The super- and selective simulators are big brains. And the "judge" is the cerebellum. That system's purpose is to select the best of the products. 

The system can collect data from systems. And see what is best in the business. And use that data for making an even better system. 

The researchers are creating new and effective ways to control robots. And some of those methods are basing the cortex simulation. That means the user of the robots cannot make the difference of the robot's senses. Or the senses of the own body. Those systems can be the salvation. Or they can be the worst nightmare that mankind ever created.


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